Lower back pain

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Hi I just wondered if anybody in their first few months of Peri menapause have had any joint pains in their lower back and knuckles. I wake up sometimes with it or if I am shopping for long periods of time it comes on. It is not painful just very stiff and annoying. I saw my GP who put me on HRT which really has improved so many symptoms and very happy with it except for bloating which I hope just settled down over next few months. The GP said my spine was fine and thinks it is probably just muscular and probably all fits in with peri menapause! Just crazy how us woman have to go through all these horrendous symptoms and have to adapt to them. This time of life for women over 50 we know have to go through all this but why is it such a taboo subject and shouldn't be!!!! Some women are even younger than 50 going through this which is totally unfair!

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Yeah, I recall I read in a book that this is the best time of your life and I am thinking who in the HELL would ever believe that, if you lived through this you realize its not, yes, I have lower back pain a lot.
    • Posted

      lmao, lennie. Thanks, I needed that laugh, haha.  Well, supposedly it's the best time because your inhibitions no longer matter, also sex is supposedly better. But I agree once the onset of these symptoms appear then that idea goes out the window.
    • Posted

      I never had inhibitions about sex, its the WORSE time of my life, feeling like crap 6 days out of 7 stinks, its something new almost everyday, the last 3 days its itchiness 
    • Posted

      Yes, I go through the itchiness as well.  I had to buy detergent is that scent free, organic and basically for baby skin. I'm better now but when I get it, almost once a week, I have to wonder if I washed what I'm wearing with   the new detergent? 
    • Posted

      It's quarter to 4 am. I can't sleep because I'm itching all over here and there but really bad on my waistline and right shin. I'm feeling like there's going to be no skin left to scratch on my right shin by tomorrow!

      I'm on HRT just coming into week 9. This itching has got a lot worse over the last week or so like it was in early peri. I'm hoping it is going to go again soon because it drove me nuts when I first had it. It also seems worse at night time.

    • Posted

      Take an antihistamine or benadryl, that's what I would take to stop the itch and put me to sleep. Hope this helps.
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      Thanks patrathegreat I will try that. I had a horrible night, still awake at 730 this morning. Luckily my husband noticed and left me in bed I slept soundly then until 3pm! I'm wondering if it was because he felt really hot last night because I haven't had it as bad as that for years.

  • Posted

    Yes, it's the beginning stages of what I'm going through now. Arthritis. I felt like a skeleton at times with my feet literally on the ground even when wearing shoes. My doctor told me to take calcium pills, that worked wonders but now I suffer with a bit of arthritis in my hands. Flax seed oil helps remove the pain at to me it does, but I also hear that rubbign frankincense also helps.
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      Sorry my keyboard is dyslexic!
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      rev: Flax seed oil helps remove the pain at least to me it does, but I also hear that rubbing frankincense also helps.
  • Posted

    Yes Jane, been sufffering from lower back pain for more than 4 years now. The whole peri thing started with that but i didnt know then. I went for physiotherapy but didnt help. I believe its muscular too. Showed it to ortho doc but he said there was nothing alarming in the x rays. There are few strengthening exercises which help temporarily. I believe mentioning the word menopause to three docs for back pain but they said no neutral
    • Posted

      sorry, forgot to add... the back pain is like an old friend that is always there but stays quiet when others are visiting for the first time. i never took pain killers for it but  when i used to ask my physiotherapist about my constant burps he'd say - you are probably taking pain killers, thats why you have these burps.
    • Posted

      Burping is air being released when you take too much in or eating foods that cause it, like pinto or red kidney beans.
  • Posted

    Jane for stiffness take flax seed oil, it works really well. At first I did it everyday for a week, when I felt better I did every other day, and so on. 
  • Posted

    Luckily, I never got back pain associated with this change. One of the 66 I never got, but I've had all 65 other ones.

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