Lpr back and getting worse. What can I do?
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Hi there,
Until a few weeks ago I thought I was a success story here but I fear I'm a complete failure and I don't understand why or what is best to do.
A few weeks ago my lpr symptoms started sneaking back despite my taking 40mg nexium and 40mg domperidone per day and also Gaviscon Advance.
My symptoms are lump in throat, horrendous burning mouth and horrendous chest pain.
I'm waiting on a ph test but that's in 6 weeks and I won't see the GI consultant for another couple of weeks after that. Each day seems to be a bit worse and now it's hurting to swallow,and food is getting stuck. I'll be honest, I'm terrified I've got something awful. The pain is constant, both in my mouth and throat and in my chest. I've been in floods of tears.
My gastroscopy at the end of April was clear apart from Barretts, the one I had before that when I had these symptoms ( before ppis) showed grade 2 oesophagitis and Barretts.
I have a gp appointment tomorrow and don't know what to do? Do I insist she sends me back to the GI as my symptoms have radically worsened? Is there any way of lessening the symptoms ( I have already made all the lifestyle mods and drink alkaline water)
I'm at a loss, just don't understand why this is happening to me. So scared my oesophagus is getting damaged again. I just don't know what to do. This condition is ruining my life.
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debra27175 stella19032
stella19032 debra27175
I was told today by one of the colorectal surgeons that the reason so few docs want to be GI docs is that there is a really low level of patient satisfaction. That was an incredibly depressing thing to hear
debra27175 stella19032
bill47381 debra27175
Bill (Minnesota, USA)
debra27175 bill47381
bill47381 debra27175
1. Why did you do the 10 day water fast?
2. What antibiotics were you prescribed?
3. Have you ever had traditional acid reflux (burning in chest)?
4. Have you ever had an upper endoscopy?
debra27175 bill47381
stella19032 bill47381
bill47381 stella19032
There are 2 types of LPR (in my opinion). The first is caused by GERD (called GORD in the UK). This is liquid acid reflux shooting up into the esophagus and sometimes up to the throat or near the throat. This type of LPR responds to PPI's in most cases. In addition this type of LPR will show positive results on a 24 hour pH/impedance test and an endoscopy will reveal esophagitis. The type of LPR I have is not related to traditional GERD where liquid acid reflux is getting up into my upper esophagus/throat.
If a person has a 24 hour pH/impedance test (I've had 5; 3 on PPI therapy, 2 off of therapy) and it comes back positive (i.e. showing that the person is refluxing....by the way, the diodes on the probes inserted through your nose down into your stomach go all the way from the top of the lower esophageal sphincter up near the throat area. The diodes detect liquid reluxate only...not gaseous. In addition for what it's worth, this test is NOT uncomfortable and getting the probe inserted through the nose is easy...as they numb your nose with gel/spray)...back to your question...if a person has a 24 hour pH/impedance test and it comes back positive, showing the person does have a reflux problem (remember it is measuring liquid reflux) and the person has an EGD and it shows esophagitis AND the person responds to PPI's...this should alleviate their throat symptoms. So, the endoscopy is part of a series of tests that can help confirm that the LPR is due to GERD....i.e. liquid reflux.
If the person has an upper endoscopy and it is normal (i.e. no esophagitis) and the person has 24 hour pH/impedance tests and they also are normal and the person tries PPI's and they do not work...and yet the person has a red, inflammed voice box and typical LPR symptoms (hoarsness, sore throat, excess mucous in throat) then my hypothesis is that the LPR is gaseous, and is not detectable by 24 pH/impedance tests and will not injure the esophagus (the esophagus's tissue is much more resiliant to some amount of reflux...and can likely handle gaseous reflux without being damaged). This type of LPR...gaseous LPR, again, according to my hypothesis is due to SIBO and needs to be treated differently than those with GERD/GORD.
As a reminder this is only a hypothesis at this point, however; it's a hypothesis based on the fact that I have repsonded positively to antibiotics 3X over the last year with improved laryngeal symptoms of up to 60% for a 6-8 week period. Time will tell as we, the patients work with our doctors to see if there is something to this.
I hope this was helpful. Have a great day Stella.
Best regards,
Bill (Minnesota, USA)
stella19032 bill47381
I was under the impression that the ph probe could pick up gas though? They are calling me this afternoon so I will ask. That is worrying, as I feel I have both. Would a nissen not sort out the problem then?
carmel83758 stella19032
Your symptoms are horrible but it does not mean they are life threatening. Very often people who get life threatening things have very few or no symptoms at all.How are you getting on with the alkaline water? Have you cut out fruit, yeast, sugar? Hve you cut out all refined and processed foods? Have you thought of how it might be some sort of parasite that needs to be killed where somethiing like garlic might help?> I am just saying things off the top of my head so please do not start worrying, just thinking aloud of possibilities. Don't forget that when doctors check you out they cannot see things like that.
stella19032 carmel83758
I just don't understand why this is happening when I was doing so well. I'm terrified of eating anything spicy ( like garlic) in case it makes things worse. I'm desperate for surgery but scared that the ph test won't come back positive and I'll be sentenced to a lifetime of feeling like this. I try and think positively about the gastroscopy but it's hard when you feel things getting worse every day. I'm not usually so down but I'm just in constant pain. Nothing stops my mouth burning or my throat hurting. It's so depressing. I have a 3 year old and it's affecting my relationship with him as I'm always in a bad mood. Horrible disease
meunier58121 stella19032
stella19032 meunier58121
I would just like to put an end to this and get on with my life, and for a couple of months I thought I was able to do that.
Hopefully in a few months this will all be behind me and I will be able to offer support to people who are in the position I am now .
Cheetah stella19032
meunier58121 Cheetah
stella19032 Cheetah