LPR/Silent Reflux - desperately in need of a miracle. Has anyone recovered from this?
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Hi - I'll be as brief as possible. For almost a year I have had symptoms which have worsened, starting with throat clearing and progressing to regular spiting out of white, frothy stuff, post nasal drip, lump in throat or sharp sensation, streaming or blocked nose and hoarseness. These are all unpleasant and irritating but because I talk for a living my work is becoming badly affected so it is now making me depressed and anxious as well. I was referred to ENT, had the camera up the nose and down the throat to rule out anything sinister and was given Omeprazole and Gaviscon Advance. No advice, no explanation. I had to find it all out myself. (and I'm not confident/assertive with docs, either).
The drugs haven't helped, I'd go so far as to say the reflux significantly worsened. I had faith in the Gaviscon Advance having read how it works but that hasn't made any difference either. I have monitored everything I eat and drink and can't find anything that triggers it with the possible exception of bread, and I may be grasping at straws there. Certainly coffee, alcohol, spicy food etc don't trigger it and ginger, acidophillus, apple cider vinegar don't help. It does seem to be cyclical - I'll have a week or so of decreased symptoms then it gradally works up again to two or 3 weeks of hell. No heartburn, and the reflux is almost always upright, no problems sleeping...just the other 17 hours a day! The ENT was brusque on my return visit and said that, aside from speech therapy, there was nothing more he could do for me. This can't go on, though. At it's worst it makes me tearful and desperate at work and speech therapy isn't going to stop me spitting up into a whole toilet roll each day, or reduce the other symptoms. I'm also worried my teeth will rot and I fear for my job. Has anyone experienced this with the same pattern/lack of triggers etc? I would love to hear any positive experiences that don't just repeat the same old same old, ie, raise the bed 6 inches, dos and donts with food etc.
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Under my logo picture, click on JPT and you will see my email.
I don't think I can put it here under the rules.
Don't worry help is on the way
I am so pleased you getting some benefit from my input.
it makes my day to hear that.
Over time you shouldn't be taking too much sodium.
Its not great from the cardiac side of your health.
You can get low sodium Alkaline booster drops online.
The little bottles are easily popped in your pocket and you just add a few drops to a glass of water.
Alkaline water in bottles is too expensive and so not practical for long the term.
Best regards JPT
The private message service is a way for users to contact each other directly if required. In this case you can click the "Message" button under JPT's name in the left column, type your message and send. JPT will then receive an email when the message is received. As it happens JPT has let you know how to get his email address so you can also use this but most users do not include their email in their profile so the message service can be used.
Hope this helps.
Emis Moderator
Where do you get peptest? I know there is a company in the UK, however to order it to be shipped to where I am (Turkey) is very expensive, thus I was wondering if there are further options available in the market.
Many thanks in advance
It is a postal service and it can be sent from the USA so I cant imagine Turkey would be a problem but if you speak with them they will let you know peptest .co.uk
best regards JPT
I have(had see below and cross fingers) throat clearing and a cough for 1 months plus.
1) FOR ACID BURNING sensation, for those that get it.
Eat slices of RAW COURGETTE. It really works. They are alkaline. It works way better than gavison for me and someone I know. We found out about it many years ago when we read a book called "Food is Your Best Medicine" by Doctor Henry G. Bieler. You could do worse than read the book, but in any event try the courgettes.
2). Cough and throat clearing.
I've just had a bronchoscopy. The consultant thought I might have CANDIDA (someone else also mentioned this earlier in this thread). Anyway, he poked his viewing tube down my airways and into my lungs(under a sedation), and confirmed his diagnosis. CANDIDA. He prescribed FLUCONAZOLE 50mg tablets. 1 per day for 7 days. Today is the 7th day. My cough and throat clearing is GREATLY reduced. I'm getting a repeat dose today, and will let you know the results after another 7 days, at which point i will either be cured or not. I'll let you know.
Best to all. slpj
I have(had see below and cross fingers) throat clearing and a cough for 18 months plus.
That is exactly what I am talking about. Shipping to here back & forth UK is pretty costly. Thus, I wanted to know if there is any other tests to detect pepsin?
Kind Regards
This is the first test of its kind in the world, you have to get it from the UK at the moment.
Regards JPT
I am new here...and first of all- thanks so much to all who have shared all the info they learned- I have been reading this thread as I stumbled on this forum and it helps to understand what is going on. Because of this I already went out and got a ton of high ph water (can't find the one dr k suggest evamore here but hope the other brands are as affective).
Anyway-I went to the doctor thinking maybe I had asthma the other day- and she suggested I had LPR- and we took some test and I will know more I hope by Monday. But in the meantime all i have done the last few days is search the net - and I am sure i have this in some form.
I was a fool and didn't go to the doctor when I first had symptoms - I thought it was just my stress or wait gain.
I have pain in my chest- almost constant -but varies in degree. I started burping and I use to never do that. I have sore throat (or neck?). Very tight chest most of the time and coughing- especially after i eat or when i try and talk on the phone. Worst of all- and scares me the most is trouble breathing- gasping for air. And the most recent is my stomach (regardless of eating or not) has like a "pump" feeling- like someone just pumped air there or something. (not the same as regurgitation feeling).
Within the last few months- I have woke up twice in the middle of the night having thrown up a bit in the mouth- and now I know that must have been acid. (I had assumed it was me eating something stupid late at night)
I happen to have big coughing spell and a bad breathing fit this week and that is what got me to go to the doctor thinking I had asthma since my mother had it bad.
Doctor said my lungs were fine- and after talking she guessed LPR.
After all the reading on here and other forums- I learned a lot but left me with a few questions....
- although I think I have LPR- I read about hiatal hernia and think I might have that perhaps in addition to LPR?
-is the diet for that the same as the low acid diet from dr k?
- In reading about that (HH) I read about Himalayan Salt Water-- and a theory that its not too much acid but not enough of hydrochloric acid-which the salt will give you.
- it was confusing because I even found a post where Dr Oz (the same doc who had Dr K on his show) said it can help cure Acid reflux.
- the confusing part was 1) he seem to agree with dr k about the low acid diet and 2) will this conflict with that diet? is it the opposite? and 3) will the salt interfere with the high ph water...which is suppose to deactivate acid (if i understand correctly). -so are you balancing one out? ( hope that made sense)
Oh and lastly- she did give me a PPI (pantoprazole, Protonix) but it turned by stools bright green- so I am not sure if I will continue with those- and from what i am reading on the net- they seem to do little good anyway and diet is the best.
thanks so much again