Lugol's Iodine and cysts, fibroids and cancer prevention
Posted , 9 users are following.
It seems that 2 drops a day will make a huge difference. I'm now starting this supplment. Any views on it? Experiences?
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Posted , 9 users are following.
It seems that 2 drops a day will make a huge difference. I'm now starting this supplment. Any views on it? Experiences?
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bobbysgirl TeresaJS
TeresaJS bobbysgirl
I'll send you a couple of links if you like.
bobbysgirl TeresaJS
What is 'Lugol's' Iodine? Can it be used if you have no thyroid problems?
TeresaJS bobbysgirl
Lugol's iodine or Lugol's solution, was “invented” by French doctor Dr. Lugol in 1829 and it’s a compound of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in water.
It’s maximum potency of iodine is 5%. Before any “hard core” pharmaceuticals exited it was used to treat many conditions as, I believe, is mentioned in the link videos I’ve sent you. Much milder that standard iodine it’s considered to have numerous anti-cancer properties by integrative and naturopathic medicine practitioners. It’s also recommended for FibroM and since I am a patient I am also having it from now on to help the condition. So Lugol’s considered an effective, safe, very, very cheap “natural” remedy or supplement if you prefer. I don’t know if I answered you question…
TeresaJS bobbysgirl
janeben TeresaJS
My 25 yr old daughter has been suffering with two ovarian cysts in past 1 1/2, plus was diagnosed with overactive thyroid at almost same time
She's had two ops, to remove them, and tomorrow we are going to consultant for check up. She still has pain from ovary so we hope she's clear this time!
I'm finding most gp's are so narrow minded to alternative or natural remedies but could this very basic deficiency be causing her all these health problems. She so young to be suffering continual ailments.
Any views? J
TeresaJS bobbysgirl
TeresaJS janeben
Your daugther can give a go at phytos, don't you think so? At least for some 6 months...
Strategystar TeresaJS
I would like links.
janeben TeresaJS
Thank you for reply but i don't understand some of the abbreviations you use or terms...I'm all new to this!
If you have time, could you make it simpler for me...Thanks J
TeresaJS janeben
PCOS - Polycystic ovary syndrome
crp- Crap
OCs - Ovaries Cysts
ObGyn- Obstetrician and gynecologist
janeben TeresaJS
We'll ask consultant about iodine in her diet and maybe kelp supplements.
She's a very healthy eater. Lots of fish and veggies but...?
TeresaJS janeben
"Calculating Number of MG's of Iodine and Potassium Iodide per Drop of Lugol's Solution:
LUGOL'S 5%: Each VERTICAL drop is about 6.25 mg's of iodine/potassium iodide (2.5 mg iodine, 3.75 mg potassium iodide) and 2 drops is about 12.50 mg's of iodine/potassium iodide (5.0 mg iodine, 7.50 mg potassium iodide)."
So, as preventive medicine I believe 2 drops/day should be enough.