lump in elbow crease?

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Hello all. I've had a lump in my elbow crease for a very long time now (years). Sometimes there is no pain at all but sometimes the pain is quite sharp. I'm guessing that's because it might be pushing down on some nerves in my arm. Every doctor that I've gone to tells me it's not a big deal and I shouldn't worry about it. Lately it's been bothering me more often than not. Sometimes when I wake up and extend my arm it is quite painful. But sometimes it is not painful at all. The swelling seems to come and go. Sometimes it is tender, painless and does not hurt when I push down on it a bit. But other times it swells up, becomes a bit hard and hurts when I push on it. Sometimes when my arm is bent for an extended period of time it hurts to extend it and the lump is swollen. I've included a picture. I plan on going to see a doctor in a couple weeks to get it looked at thoroughly but I cannot do so until May 1st. I just wanted to see if I can get anyone's opinion on this that has experienced anything like this or seen anything similar. Thanks in advance!

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31 Replies

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  • Posted

    I have something similar to the lump on the crease of the elbow. I noticed"the lump" July/August 2019. Started out as quarter sized. Over the past few months, its grown into the forearm. Ive experienced pain from my finger tips up to my neck and numbness in my hand. I've also noticed another lump just opposite of the larger one. This one started out as small as a pellet wound, and since then has grown larger.

    I've had all blood tests (negative), ultrasound, MRI and x-rays (all came back as inflammation). I have noticed that my arm itches from time to time, then notice a day or two later "the lump" has indeed gotten bigger.

    I see an orthopedic specialist at the end of the month, to see what can be done.

  • Posted

    I just noticed this same type of lump. I went to the gym and was using some machines with weights to work my arms. I think I over did one of the machines. Later that night I noticed this lump. Doesn't hurt, I was just shocked to see it. I have an appt. with my doctor in a couple of weeks so I will show it to him then if not gone.

  • Posted

    I have had this type of lump for the past two months. After having an ultrasound that was inconclusive I was sent for an MRI today. This lump has gotten larger over time, swells and my arm goes to sleep and cramps from my fingers to my neck at times. The lump itself doesn't hurt unless you press on it. Even my doctor, who is an internist agreed it is a hard mass.

    Tonight I'm left feeling bewildered as the MRI shows nothing! No mass, no nothing! So were do I go from here? I read the results on my online chart, I'm not even sure if my doctor has even seen it. I'm not crazy, but where do I go from here? It's given me some relief to see I'm not the only one with this problem. However, I see a couple different results and treatments on here. I hope to get some answers soon.

    • Posted

      I have a quite simliar (albeit more round shaped) bump in the same place as well. I had ultrasound and they just couldn't find anything.

      May i ask what did they tell you it was? Mine runs along the tendon in my elbow crease and only really shows when i extend it.

    • Posted

      mine shows but Dr has no clue. assuming lymphedema related.

  • Posted

    I recently developed a lump on my inner elbow. i noticed it bc it looked bruised and discolored. i have gone to the doctor and had an ultrasound done then an mri with and without contrast. The doctor didn't agree with what the results that was reported, which was either an insect bite or possible cellulitis, therefore she sent me to a general surgeon. i saw the surgeon today. He has told me that it isn't either of the above He is unsure of what exactly it is but said if it gets any bigger i need to have it removed. What i have is attached to my skin and isn't attached to a tendon or anything. He feels that it is caused from having blood drawn from that arm. i cant remember if that's the arm i had blood work done on to say for sure. has anyone had this caused from blood work and had to have surgery to remove it? he will have to cut some of my skin and remove it beings the growth is attached to it.

  • Posted

    Well I had a lump in my elbow crease too. Only visible when i flex and rotate the hand. I dwelled over it for a week. No pain at all. Turned out it was a lump of fat.

  • Edited

    hi just found this discussion.. i recently develop a lump in the side inner elbow, just about a week ago and its scaring me.. its a bit hard and painful to touch and it swell when i move excessively but recedes when i put it to rest.. when i stretch my arms it feels like the muscle around the lump is being pulled so it uncomfortable,sometimes painful. reading some of the reply somewhat put my mind at ease ,that maybe it's not bad and I'm just jumping to the worse case scenario.. i hope some can update on their condition to date.. I'm waiting for the holiday to pass to make appointment with a specialist.. many thanks guys ..


  • Posted

    hello, i have the same lump in my left arm, any updates in your condition? is your lump in your arm go away? thank you

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    I myself have found a lump on the inside of my left arm. The arm which I've used my whole life to draw blood. I cannot remember the first time I noticed it but it has been over a year. It is not painful only sometimes swells causing a burning when bending my arm. I'm getting frightened seeing as it has not gone away. I showed a Dr in the ER he touched it & immediately threw out the word lipoma. Not to discredit him but throwing assumptions with no follow up didn't sit well with me. Attached is a current photo. Any resolution in your arm?

  • Posted

    Are there any updates on this? I know this is an old thread but I can't find anything like this thread anywhere. I have the same thing but with a rash and itchy. Left arm has a rash, right arm has the lump and mild rash. Mine looks like yours just a tad larger. I thought it was a lymph node but not sure. I have an appointment in two weeks... just wanted to know what you guys have found out.

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      did you ever find out what it was

      I am having very similar issues

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