lyme negative test, but given Doxcycline which is causing strong Herxheimer
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I've had a negative lyme test result but have been given Doxycyline.
Basically whilslt working in forestry 10 years ago i was bitten on the neck by a tick and developed a bulls eye rash (i thought it was a spider and the rash was so porminent my mates noticed and gave me a ribbing about it). I didnt realise at the time the seriousness of this. I have developed countless symptoms since, Atrial Fibrillation, numbness, unexplained fevers resulting in hospilisation, fatigue extreme rib pain cramps.ect.
Does some one have the knowledge to help answer these questions for me?
1, I've had 4 seperate courses of antibiotics over the ten years for unrelated things, tooth out, shoulder operation and 2 chest infections. Can having the antibiotics years or months before effect the Lyme test?
2, I pulled the tick off my neck with in 30 seconds of being bit, it came of in pieces, the infectous disease doc said it needs to be on for 24 hours? i thought the fact i squashed it in to my neck may over ride this.
3, I started taking the antibiotics 36hrs ago, im now experiencing extreme flu like symptoms, joints aching, sweating, chest infection,confusion, feeling sick. Is this the HERX reactions? i.e if there was nothing the matter with me the antibiots should have little effect?
Basically the doc at the Infectouis disease clinic, does not believe i was bitten by a tick as the results came back negative and yet i know i was. When i asked what she belived it was if not Lyme she said i had Psycological problems caused by alchohol! I was devestated I'd gone prepared with print outs from the Lyme disaese association and she dissmissed it all saying they had a vested intreast and were just after my money. I explained they were none profit making, shejust shook her head.
I'm at my witts end can any one please advise.
Many thanks
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sanya11314 stephen17453
A bull's-eye rash is THE sign of borrelia (lyme) infection,
no matter if a blood test comes back positive or negative,
(routine blood tests can be false positive or false negative)
no matter how long the tick was in for, obviously you did get infected, maybe it was even a tick earlier or later at similar location, who knows.
But you do know, that you did get a bull's-eye rash and that is THE key.
You can brush off blood tests and duration of tick 'suckling'.
(You are kind of lucky since only 70% develope the typical rash and never know later why they get chronic fatigue syndrome or nerve related problems)
Anyone with an 'erythema migrans' needs antibiotic treatment no matter what a blood test says!!!
(unfortunately in Australia my mum's bull's eye rash was dismissed as 'we don't have borrelia b./lyme in Australia.' and sent home with topical cortisone cream. ??? What a load of rubbish! Even I argued, he would not prescribe her antibiotics!!!
At home back in Europe she got treated immediatly before blood results were in due to the still existing look of rash (and pics of fresh rash), and they were positive for lyme as well, fresh infection.
Also the lab testing is far more advanced in Europe/US than in has to send blood to Germany from Australia to get a Westernblot and other more specific tests than IgG and IgM....anyhow. So it's a double battle here)
The problem:
treatment should occur asap and longer than usual treatments.
Hence other antibiotic treatments (for teeth...) usually do not cover that time space of e.g. 3 weeks continuous antibiotic treatment for fresh infection. (1 week is too little for lyme.)
The later lyme is treated, the longer and more aggressive the treatment has to be, we are talking months of antibiotic treatment and even i.v. for months if symptoms do not change.
You need someone really experienced in this field, if your symptoms now could be related to a previous untreated borrelia infection and you are not getting better on commenced treatment.
If you have reactions on doxycycline you need to call your physishian. Other antibiotics are available. You can swap! Side effects like diarrhoe will almost always occure due to extend of treatment.
please search the net for a more experienced doc in your area, even a rheumatologist, if you feel not treated or taken seriously enough.
Of course it is unclear if your symptoms you described are due to an old infection, but if you never got treated for borrelia as such, it is possible and rather should be trialed.
Pity you have no pic of your bull's eye rash. (I always make pics -nowadays with digital imaging really easily possible-, of rashes or skin changes, my own bull's-eye rash or my mum's - no one would believe later. Making a pic of a rash is a good idea as a proof - for later reference)
and good luck with a sufficient treatment and that the side effects can be avoided with another antibiotic course and that this actually treats your symptoms!