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I posted last week about the powdered magnesium citrate and got many replies and much help...for which I am very grateful.

I have taken 1 tsp on two nights with absolutely no change to my sleeping problems, in fact I awoke last night at 3.30am and just couldn't doze off...just about keeping it together today!

I don't want to up the dose quite yet as need my tummy to get used to 1tsp

Should I be more patient? Some reviews I've researched said it worked straight away for them!!! I know we're all different...


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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, I took mg citrate, it didn't do a thing for me as far as sleeping althoughi took during the morning hours the only thing i got was a tummy ache. For sleep try St. Johns wort or Sam-e and maca to balance out your hormones Hope this helps.
    • Posted

      Hi Pat

      I believe we've chatted previously on my post about magnesium!

      Yes, I've taken chelated mag for months without it making any difference to my insomnia but helping my tummy.

      Have tried many natural remedies over past years, without success, but never St Johns wort? Thought that was recommended for depression?

      Sam-e...will google!

      Thank you jx

    • Posted

      Sorry Pat...wasn't Magnesium post...was "bottom pain" post!

      Two in one week from me!

    • Posted

      It also helps you fall asleep. It calms you down, for some reason it helps me sleep. I tried melatonin, my cells were literally screaming to me me it was a poison, so I returned it,  There is something called gabapentin, can be found at your health food store. I took the prescribed one, they say, it's has the same main ingredient as the rx one. The rx one put me to sleep like you would not believe. I would take it at night and I would sleep like a baby but it has bad side effects. The natural one I beleive won't give you the same side effects. Yes, St. Johns is for depression and mild hormonal fluctuations but it also helps with sleep, at least to me it helped.
  • Posted

    Why don't you try a homeo pathic tintpcture of melatonin or get melatonin by way of tart cherry juice. 

    Or rescue remedy the night version .

  • Posted

    It doesn't do anything for my insomnia. I do find I'm quite relaxed (less anxiety) after taking it though.

    It's good for heart health and bones that's why I still take it.

    You could try bathing in a cupful of Epson salts you absorb the magnesium through your skin that way so avoiding stomach problems.

    I have tried loads of natural supplements for insomnia and so far none have worked.

    I haven't tried SAMe or macca yet though.

    • Posted

      I'm in UK and listen to BBC radio 4, where, yesterday on IPM at 5pm, I heard about a free App for Audio books which helps this woman get back to sleep after 12 years of insomnia! I've now downloaded a couple of classics to try at 3am!!!

      Not sure if I can mention the name of App on this site?

      On mg citrate subject, I've bought this tub so will persist for now.

      I'm interested in the tart cherry juice, have read about this previously...anyone else tried this?

      I did manage to get some melatonin from my sister in law in HK (unlicensed here), years ago, but don't remember it making any difference at the time.

      Thank you all for replies and ideas x

    • Posted

      Yes I tried melatonin my sister got it for me (USA). It made no difference whatsoever.

      The first week of HRT was the first full proper week of sleep I've had in 10 years. Unfortunately it was short lived. I'm very much hoping it will improve again and if not I'm going to mention it to my GP and see if I can just try a higher dose for a while. It was the estrogen part first 8 days and I was sleeping the same as I always did pre peri.

  • Posted

    hi , if sleeping is your problem try 5htp it is natural and brilliant !! You will sleep like you did when you was a child with no worries . It mimics seratonine and you don't wake up with any grogginess . I started off with 2 tablets 2ish hours before you go to bed . It does not knock you out ! So if you had an emergency you could act on it . After a week to 10 days cut down to one . They call it natural Prozac because it is good for depression too !. Lots of celebrities are advocating it . The first night I had it I dreamt a lot because it puts you in your natural rem state !. Good luck . Jackie .
    • Posted

      Hi Jackie,

      I have some in my over stuffed vitamin cabinet, there were 60 now about half left so I have tried them. I will have another go with them tonight!

    • Posted

      Hi Jackie

      I've seen and considered 5htp but was a little worried about taking it.

      I realise it's natural but had concerns.

      I really do need to find something suitable to help my years of insomnia.

      Thank you x

    • Posted

      Meant to ask...without getting deactivated...where do you buy yours from please?
    • Posted

      hi , I understand your concerns !!!!!!!!!!!!! . I felt like that myself . I get them from Holland and Barrett . I get them in the penny sale as they are expensive but so worth it . I have taken prescriptive sleeping tablets ! Even low dose have made me feel drugged up and a banging headache the next day ( not good ) . When you don't sleep it has a knock on effect on other things - mood , performance not to mention how you look !. You really feel like a zombie ! And not part of this world and also not much fun to be around . This is not the way to have to live your life !. There is a bad quality of 5htp like many products ! People try to copy with a poor quality !. But from Holland and Barrett they are pure , top quality . They are nothing like sleeping tablets , due to dark mornings and evenings we don't stimulate enough seratonine which results in not going in to deep sleep ( rem ) there fore if we get to sleep , we wake shattered ! . 5htp leave me feeling happy , refreshed and energised like you do when you have a good nights sleep . With no nasty side effects . This does not have to be permanent also as some times when you break your sleeping pattern ( for a few days ) it puts you back in to your natural sleeping pattern . Jackie . 
    • Posted

      hi , yes they can take a week to work so stick with them .
    • Posted


      Thanks for your experience and detailed post.

      I consider 5htp each time I receive a brochure or email from a well known supplement supplier, but you've alleviated my always sounded too "druggy" if you understand!

      I, too, have steered clear of sleeping pills for all the reasons you've experienced...although after all these years trying to find the perfect natural remedy, that would have been the easy option!

      Yes, lack of sleep can be debilitating and I try my hardest to still enjoy each day and not be a bore...but I agree, it can and does affect every part of your body...

      Feel better this am after waking at 3-4 but managing to lightly doze off and on till 6.30...i'll persevere with mg citrate...then 5htp!

      Thank you Jx

    • Posted

      aww , sending you a big hug as I know what it is like to not get your sleep !.and I admire you cos I am a right grumpy mare without mine !. How long have you suffered ?. I was told about 5 htp from a qualified nutritionist who as helped me a lot !. I wasn't 't on it long as I just needed my sleeping pattern interrupting !. That's what happens in the first place , babies , stress etc interrupts the pattern !. Then it becomes a vicious cycle !. Have you looked it to other avenues as insomnia is a syptoms of other things ie stress , diet , too much caffeine etc . Jackie x
    • Posted

      I don't think I've ever been a great sleeper...very husband jokes that a fluttering butterfly in Australia would wake me!

      I sleep with earplugs and eye mask, which comes off during night!

      I wouldn't be without my earplugs...really help to cancel certain disturbances.

      I have a very healthy diet, love my morning coffee but never drink one after midday, have suffered stress and anxiety ... but then who doesn't!

      Just moved house, although very busy wasn't stressed ... relieved!

      Take lots of excersise and try to either drink small milk before bed or have portion of Greek yogurt in chocolate or cheese at night!

      Try not to look at my iPhone in bed (but do sometimes!) never screens!

      I think it's just my makeup too...can't remember ever sleeping 8 hours!

      I am quite an excitable person, so mind does whirl around...I'll carry on with the mg citrate then give 5 htp a trial. So thank you for your recommendation and concern jx

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