Magnesium Supplements
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Hi Ladies
I've been reading a lot of ladies' posts about insomnia and restlessness at bedtime. I'm murder: my legs seem to have a mind of their own, they're all over the place!
I think I probably sleep better some nights than I imagine. But I suppose as I can sometimes get up for a wee up to 5 times a night at certain times of the month, I deem 2 trips to the bathroom in the night a good kip!
Well someone suggested Magnesium Citrate to help with insomnia. I did a little Google research and found it could be good for a myriad of my Peri symptoms, not least the restless legs and bouts of insomnia.
My husband and son are pretty fit and go to the gym 4 times a week. Both have had occasional bouts of cramp and now my ol' man has a problem just above his achilles tendon area (hoping its a torn muscle above).
Well, my point here is that it would appear that Magnesium may help them with their problems too!
I'm taking Menopace Originial for B&D Vits. Notice it has 100mg of Magnesium too. I read that women's RDA for Magnesium is 350mg, so I'll supplement my Menopace dose with the tablets I got today.
Oh, and before I forget, it also talks about helping digestive transit, which is great seeing as most every month I change my name to Mrs Constipated. At this rate I'll be swinging from the chandalier in no time!!
I'll report back in a week or so to give it time to work - or not. Be nice to hear from anyone else who's had good results with Magnesium.
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barbara49965 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 barbara49965
trudy77450 barbara49965
barbara49965 trudy77450
shaznay96184 barbara49965
Why are us women so anally retentive!!
I'd say that it was one of the main reasons I wanted to try it.
Lets just say I've just pinned a note on the front of my own 'Buck House: 'the Queen passed a comfortable night'. tee hee
val50972 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 val50972
justlease shaznay96184
shaznay96184 justlease
yeah, I read about this, but opted for the tablets hoping I might also benefit from its 'digestive transit' properties!!!!
Up until now I've relied on my ol' man to help with my restless legs: I squirm around, and he kicks me to stop!!
justlease shaznay96184
Sandy07 shaznay96184
trudy77450 Sandy07
Sandy07 trudy77450
shaznay96184 trudy77450
I went back and read the newspaper article I referred to (it was from July 13 believe it or not!).
Although it mentions 'lessening the appearance of acne scarring' and to mix some with your normal cleanser to act as an exfoliating cream, it doesn't mention treating acne per se.
I wouldn't be afraid of using epsom salts. Listen, when I say my mum used to concoct all sorts of home remedies, I wasn't joking, she used to chuck all sorts of stuff at us! How we have all ended up so hale and hearty I'll never know!!
trudy77450 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 trudy77450
I HATE taking any meds, never have liked it really. But I've figured that now's the time to start helping myself as best I can.
I've just bought myself some more Menopace Original (3for2 in Superdrug
!). Checked their Mag'm dose (100mg). Read today that women should aim to take 350mg of Magnesium, so can supplement my Menopace with a 100mg tab twice a day. 300mg's better than nowt!!
I won't be taking anything else now: these will either do me a favour or they won't, but I think I'm benefitting from the Menopace. Aches not so bad; mood good. All the time I can get them 3for2, I'll keep taking them ha, ha!!