Magnesium Supplements

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Hi Ladies

I've been reading a lot of ladies' posts about insomnia and restlessness at bedtime.  I'm murder:  my legs seem to have a mind of their own, they're all over the place!

I think I probably sleep better some nights than I imagine. But I suppose as I can sometimes get up for a wee up to 5 times a night at certain times of the month, I deem 2 trips to the bathroom in the night a good kip!

Well someone suggested Magnesium Citrate to help with insomnia.  I did a little Google research and found it could be good for a myriad of my Peri symptoms, not least the restless legs and bouts of insomnia.

My husband and son are pretty fit and go to the gym 4 times a week. Both have had occasional bouts of cramp and now my ol' man has a problem just above his achilles tendon area (hoping its a torn muscle above). 

Well, my point here is that it would appear that Magnesium may help them with their problems too! 

I'm taking Menopace Originial for B&D Vits.  Notice it has 100mg of Magnesium too.  I read that women's RDA for Magnesium is 350mg, so I'll supplement my Menopace dose with the tablets I got today.

Oh, and before I forget, it also talks about helping digestive transit, which is great seeing as most every month I change my name to Mrs Constipated.  At this rate I'll be swinging from the chandalier in no time!!lol

I'll report back in a week or so to give it time to work - or not. Be nice to hear from anyone else who's had good results with Magnesium.


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  • Posted

    when i was doing a bit of research on magnesium several months ago, i read that magnesium is essential for 'setting' calcium.

    i never knew this.

    calcium gets a lot of publicity doesnt it.

    in my quest to get better from my pelvic pain i started using B12 ,B6 etc and found if i took later in the day it interupted my sleep.

    same for ginko biliba which is great for brain function and cold otherwords circulation booster.

    just take all that stuff earlier rather than later in the day.


    • Posted

      Before I started taking the B complex I take now, I started taking magnesium for it's various health benefits.  I was taking it in the morning along with some other supplements.  And shortly thereafter taking it, I'd be so incredibly tired. So back to Google, and that's when I found out about it being helpful for insomnia, etc, because it's so relaxing.  So now I take that only at night, and do the B complex first thing in the morning for an energy boost. 

      One of the things people don't realize about calcium, is that if you take calcium it depletes your magnesium.  So, for instance if you're popping antacid tablets to help your indigestion/heartburn, you're messing up your magnesium levels.  There are a lot of minerals that are synergystic like that -- you have to take them together in order to receive a benefit/not deplete your stores of the other.  Vitamin D3 and K2 work like that too. 

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      I did actually wonder about this aspect as even though I have a broken sleep, I rarely feel tired during the day, and have never liked sleeping during the day, unless ill.

      Like you, I'll probably take it at night. 

      Note what you said about antacids - think I'll review my diet and

      I will drop their use now I've started taking magnesium.  With any luck taking that may actually help this too.


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      I do see a lot of people take the magnesium both in the morning and in the evening, and I don't know how they can because it really makes me so tired.  Perhaps they're taking a kind that doesn't have excellent absorption and therefore it doesn't affect them as much.  I dunno!  All I know is that with taking the magnesium citrate powder (love the raspberry lemon flavor) my sleep problems are now gone, as well as the heart palps, and those weird anxiety attacks that would come on for no good reason.  (ie, I'd just be set watching telly, happy as a clam, and next thing I knew I'd be having a panic attack.  ) 

      I think I mentioned this in another thread, but now when I get heartburn instead of taking an antacid, I just have a piece of crystallized ginger and I'm right as rain in a few minnutes. 


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      I came off omeprzole because of what i read and what it does. Dr didnt agree but i dont care and im fine dont need them only the odd bisodole,it can cause osteoprosis and all sorts
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    Magnesium is the ONLY vitamin that I am taking (including Vitamin D, that I was tested defficient) that made a noticeable difference, mainly for my muscle and joint pain.  I have no insomnia at this point - but I  notice I sleep better whenever I take it just before sleeping :D. My hysband took for helping him to "keep" sleeping, for the has kind of a broken sleep - it worked, too.  It is great for several things, including palpitations, high blood pressure, and acid reflux. I had bad episodes of palpitations but when I found about Magnesium, there were basically gone, so I can not testify about that, but many people say it works beautifully.
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      Ladies, just a complement... At peri we are recommended by our doctors, even if they do not acknowledge our symptoms, that we should be taking CALCIUM + VITAMIN D around 40 - at least it was what my gyno did.  When we take CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D together or separated, it is said MAGNESIUM gets depleted for the absortion of Calcium is increased. So, theoreticaly we should take all three together.  I do not take any other medicine but IF my alternative for HRT were to be only vitamins, I would take them Hands down.  I guess it may cause some problem if we overdose, but lets try to keep it as low as possible, ONLY IF THE DOCTORS COULD AGREE WITH THE DOSAGE, it would be better, is not it?
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      I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) every evening. lolThey are £2.50 from morrisons - bargin!
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      It sounds great, Barbara.  But I would have to buy online, I am based in US :S

      May I know the dosage of this combination?


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    You might want to ask your doctor about "Restless Leg Syndrome" if that problem persists.
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    Im going straight out to buy magnesium today! Was always so supple, but now can hardly put on my socks. Restless legs becoming a pain too. Will it help me lose the extra 2 stones that Ive gained, even though I exercise?!! 
  • Posted

    Big thanks to everyone who's contributed to Shaznay's Magnesium thread. I'm definitely going to get me some Mag tabs now. Good advice from everyone. Once again this is a great forum. Thank you ladies!
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      Yep val, I second that!

      I think this thread started because I had read in another thread someone else suggesting using this for insomnia! 

      Lets put it this way: I can't see many of our GPs throwing so much info at us, can you?!!

      I love this Forumsmile!

  • Posted

    Watchya Girls

    Oh well. Me and my big gob!  There I was singing the praises of magnesium etc for my, emm, on-going constipation (even my ol' man's got in the habit of asking if I've 'been'!!) when I've just had the mother of all gut-aches, coupled with yet another heavy period!!frown!!

    I really don't know if my stomach problems were purely P-related, or a by-product of the Magnesium?? Only good thing was that I haven't been constipated! 

    I'm a 'grin and bear it'-type by nature, but had to resort to a few paracetamols for aching back/cramps.  Was very quiet and tired for probably 4 of my 8-day Period, which was very heavy.  My family loved the peace and quiet!!

    Maybe it was the combination of a heavy P and the laxative properties of the Magnesium that got a bit much?? 

    Pleased to say throughout it all my mood stayed really good: good ol' Menopace!!smile

    Made a decision to stop taking the Magnesium today:  felt 1million times better. But then my bleeding has virtually stopped, so I'm still none the wiser what was the main culprit???

    I get some Magnesium in the Menopace, and was just topping up to the RDA.  Maybe that's too much for me personally??

    Maybe I'll get this bleeding mullarkey out of the way, continue with the Menopace and maybe reintroduce the Magnesium on an every-other-day basis until I get another Period (not going through that again if I can help it!!) to monitor if its for me. 

    Oh well girls, no swinging from the chandalier for me just yet, but good to hear how this mineral is benefitting so many others.



    • Posted

      shaznay, I would say it is related to your period...  But as you stopped the magnesium at he same time your period stopped, that will not be easy to figure out :S. I do not know you, but I am never constipated just before or during my period, (funny as we are so moved by hormones!) and I am very difficult to "go", lol...  At least, PERI has Improved it,.  Now, many days, I am like a watch!!!


    • Posted

      You're probably right Bella. I just got fed up with the constant gut ache so knew that the magnesium stimulated 'movement', so found it easier to drop that for a while. 

      Must admit, it was a lot heavier this time and at first was completely pain-free. But developed pelvic ache and lower back ache.  I had a wheat heatpad alternating back and pelvis which was great as I hate taking pain killers unless I'm dying(!). 

      Best thing was that its laxative properties were brilliant as I get really paranoid about going No 2's when I'm on: I hate the thought of getting bunged up. 

      Can't bloody win with this bloody Curse!  

      I'll give it a few days and reintroduce the magnesium.  Best thing about all of this, with all things considered, my mood was and has remained really good, hasn't dipped nor felt teary/anxious/ranty.  Must be the Menopace, my new BFF!!smile


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      Magnesium does not make me "go" anywhere, lol! Number 2, too, must be related to hormones, for since I started my peri "curse" - very funny - that improved!
    • Posted

      just wondering does menopace have B6 in it.?that one is the mother of calm.!

      i am long past having periods but i too get paranoid about not having a bowel movement and getting bunged up.

      it is the culprit of many diseases.

      i take magnesium about once a week but in between i munch pumpkin seeds.

      i bought my magnesium from the healthfood shop but then i read on internet i'd got the wrong one.

      on further investigation it seems any type is much of a muchness.

      carbonate, chelated,

      it all seems to be the same.

      another observation i want to make is this.

      it seems doctors have always been 'quacks'

      we've only just noticed.

      anyone agree?

    • Posted

      Just had a look and yes it does have B6. 

      Personally, I'm happy, completely happy as it goes, with the dose I get of everything with Menopace Original.

      Remember years ago taking B6 for PMT, and stopped very quickly as it made me overly-sensitive and a bit shaky.

      I now realise that my family was divided equally in two camps:  the 'Any time Any Place Anywhere' camp and mine, with my mum and second-eldest sister.  Us 3 were so similiar in many respects that I suppose it makes sense.  I wish I was a member of the other 'camp' tho'neutral

      Qwacks (UK-version!):  been around for years. Think the trouble in the UK now is that our Surgeries are run like Businesses.  Once all the GPs have taken out their £100K salaries, its no wonder there's not much left to treat us!

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