Making sense of all the symptoms
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Hi everyone
I've been thinking about all the mad symptoms and experiences that I've had the last year.
When I feel ok ish I just can't believe what has happened to me over time. Do you all feel the same? I think the mental symptoms have been the worse for me.
I cannot believe that I have been bed bound for a bit (not know,dealing with it slightly better)
The intense anxiety and panic feelings accompanied by palpitations and tightness.
When you know you you are going somewhere you get worked up and really dread going bringing on the panic. I remember a year ago I was so bad with anxiety I would ring my mum up to come over,even in the middle of the night (when my husband was working) I worried about driving taking my kids anywhere. I would get my husband or my parents to drop them off. It seems insane looking back over all this. However I have made myself do things and it HAS been ok.
I feel I have to be in control of where we go and get really anxious if we have to go further away. Looking back I thought I was actually going mad and I even felt like I wanted to go to a relaxing retreat but next day my outlook changed. My poor husband must have wondered what was going on. I was constantly in the doctors surgery and even took myself to A&E twice. I felt ashamed of myself and thought all my family must be so fed up.
On top of the mental part are all the other symptoms
Acid reflux
Burning mouth syndrome
Headaches every day
Adrenal surges
Doom and gloom
No enthusiasm in anything
The last month or so I've made myself do more and trying to brake the negative thinking and accept this phase of life. I really want to laugh and be happy with everyone and go places without a thought.
We just have to be patient.
Anybody have any stories?
Sending hugs xxx
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MrsMerm michelle46271
Hi Michelle,
I find work horrendous, I get so anxious and snappy with colleagues, and I am so fatigued all the time. I had to come home after 1 and half hours on a night shift the other night, I just didn;t feel right. It's hard to explain that you just can't hack it.
I got so upset driving home, I desperately wanted to talk to someone, but nobody understands US really do they, unless they have or are haveing peri-men- pause themselves.
Guest michelle46271
Hi Michelle... Wow, that is quite a list! I feel as you do, that I've reached the point where I've got to get on with life and be able to enjoy the good times. Since you asked about stories, here's my last 7 months:
January - 3 visits to GP w/UTI symptoms; turned out to be irritation w/no infection but took 10 days' worth of Cipro and had urology referral (see February) before knowing this;
February - persistent urinary urgency led to referrals to urologist and a new gynecologist; Cystoscopy w/normal results; CT scan showed "enlarge ovary"; gyn ordered blood work on hormone levels and cancer markers, along w/vaginal and pelvic ultrasounds that confirmed "ovarian mass" and uterine polyp. Gyn discussed possible diagnoses, warning that high odds of cancer would lead to an oncology referral.
March - scheduled for April surgery b/c "ovarian mass appears solid and we can't tell what it is, so we need to get it out and see"; all lab results normal, though, so gyn "not suspicious" of cancer being likely. No oncology referral. Pre-op testing at hospital at end of month.
April - surgery turns up floating fibroid behind ovary but nothing in ovary; ovary is removed b/c of discoloration; polyps removed from uterus and cervix; all benign. Spent rest of month recovering.
May - post-op evaluation w/gyn; returned to work; had dental cleaning and bite wing x-rays; had check-up with GI Doctor b/c I have Crohn's disease and prescriptions needed refilling.
June - colonoscopy as scheduled every two years w/GI Doctor; all good except small area of active disease; biopsy samples all benign. Sinus infection the following week.
July - clinic visit for irritation/UTI symptoms; waiting to find out if any infection but mild symptoms so far; third round of antibiotics this year!
It may sound weird, but sometimes it feels like someone else went through some of this - definitely the surgery. Do you feel that way about your experiences?
carolrd Guest
Guest carolrd
michelle46271 Guest
Oh God poor you. Yes I do feel that it was someone else going through it. It's strange isn't it?xx
Guest michelle46271
It is definitely strange. I'm right there with you about the doom and gloom and lack of enthusiasm. Somehow, I'm determined to break through that enough to enjoy life more. I know there will still be "down" days, but I need some better ones to balance them out!
michelle46271 Guest
That's exactly the way I'm trying to think as well xxx
Guest carolrd
DearDoe Guest
Guest DearDoe
Thanks, Doe. I'm definitely more aware now.
jan56581 michelle46271
carolrd jan56581
tmpearce michelle46271
Oh could be writing my story!
Everything you have written I am or have gone through. Last fall was the worst time for me with anxiety and health worries. I was positive that I had something serious going on and had 3 visits to the emergency room in one month for chest tightness, lightheaded and feeling like I was going to pass out. Cardiac work up was normal. Had hysterectomy in November with ovaries left in.
I'm still battling the anxiety and health worries but I think it's not as bad as it was. I've also had and sometimes still have:
Burning mouth
Head pressure headaches and headaches behind my eyes and down back of head.
Anxiety and health worries
Acid reflux - this is the worst thing right now and have been dealing with it for the last 2 years.
Hot flashes through the night
Feeling like my internal body temperature is always about 10 degrees above normal
Crashing fatigue and then days of feeling so worn out and no energy to do anything.
I'm sure there is just can't think of them all.
I'm trying not to focus on how I feel. Trying to eat healthy and I've discovered that cutting refined carbs and sugars from my diet has decreased the sluggishness and I've actually lost a few pounds....bonus! I do need to exercise more though.
You have a great attitude Michelle, and I believe that is half the battle!
Thanks for sharing....hugs to you. ??
Guest tmpearce
Hi TM, I'm sorry that you have had a rough time and can relate in many ways. I've been trying to cut sugars from my diet as much as possible, but it's been a struggle. Are there any specific steps or strategies that have helped you with that? I could definitely lose a few pounds!
tmpearce Guest
Hi Elizabeth,
I basically cut out anything highly refined or processed. If it's color is white then it's most likely processed or a carbohydrate...flour, white sugar, potatoes, pasta etc. These are all converted to sugars when our body metabolizes them. I also cut out sweets in general...cakes, cookies, candies etc.
What worked best for me is to not totally deprive myself of something sweet...otherwise I'd crave it and go overboard. I put raw, organic honey in my tea and a sprinkle of brown sugar on oatmeal. Doing this gives some sweetness and I'm not eating cookies or other sweets.
I do make a cookie that contains no flour, no eggs, no butter and only a few tablespoons of honey or molasses in the recipe. It's just something I threw together and it's actually quite good and is pretty healthy too. I will even put in some 60% cacao chocolate chips. A little dark chocolate also isn't bad. These are high fiber as well so eating one of these a day helps satisfy that craving and gives other good things our bodies need. ( I am not a nutritionist, just a woman trying to eat healthy). If you want the recipe just message me and I will be glad to give it to you??