Making sense of all the symptoms

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Hi everyone

I've been thinking about all the mad symptoms and experiences that I've had the last year.

When I feel ok ish I just can't believe what has happened to me over time. Do you all feel the same? I think the mental symptoms have been the worse for me.

I cannot believe that I have been bed bound for a bit (not know,dealing with it slightly better)

The intense anxiety and panic feelings accompanied by palpitations and tightness.

When you know you you are going somewhere you get worked up and really dread going bringing on the panic. I remember a year ago I was so bad with anxiety I would ring my mum up to come over,even in the middle of the night (when my husband was working) I worried about driving taking my kids anywhere. I would get my husband or my parents to drop them off. It seems insane looking back over all this. However I have made myself do things and it HAS been ok.

I feel I have to be in control of where we go and get really anxious if we have to go further away. Looking back I thought I was actually going mad and I even felt like I wanted to go to a relaxing retreat but next day my outlook changed. My poor husband must have wondered what was going on. I was constantly in the doctors surgery and even took myself to A&E twice. I felt ashamed of myself and thought all my family must be so fed up.

On top of the mental part are all the other symptoms

Acid reflux

Burning mouth syndrome

Headaches every day

Adrenal surges

Doom and gloom

No enthusiasm in anything


The last month or so I've made myself do more and trying to brake the negative thinking and accept this phase of life. I really want to laugh and be happy with everyone and go places without a thought.

We just have to be patient.

Anybody have any stories?

Sending hugs xxx

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  • Posted

    I could have written this other than the burning mouth. I too was basically housebound for about 3 months last year

    Had the frequency and urgency last year too. Ended up being kidney stones. Once I past those it's been ok unless I get super anxious.

    Add in swimmy head and muscle tension issues. Was supposed to have an MRI today but I couldn't do it. Too anxious. Plus I don't think it will find anything. Neuro said late life variant migraine. The dizziness.

    I know I have anxiety. I've always been a little mentally ocd obsessing about subjects. With peri I think I'm not thinking but I think I'm feeling and that's where the anxiety comes through?

    It all stinks.

    • Posted

      Have you tried Hrt? The anxiety is definitely the worse. When you are not so anxious the physical symptoms aren't as bad . It's a vicious circle but we have no choice to work it out x

    • Posted

      Delise, that's an interesting description about "thinking I'm not thinking but I think I'm feeling" - I like how you say that as that's how I feel when I get anxious now, almost like my mind has switched off.  I relate to the OCD, too, obsessing about certain things.

  • Posted

    We must have been twins....... parted at birth. 2015 was the most awful year i have ever had, or hope to have. I had all your symptoms on top of having fibromyalgia and an operation on my knee (new plastic knee cap and metal trochlea....that's the bit the knee cap runs over!).

    Knee op was March and by September I thought I was going mental. Went on HRT patches for 10 weeks but after a meltdown on the 23rd November I was taken off HRT and 2 days later was put on sertraline antidepressant. First 8 days the side effects -were even worse than I was already feeling but after that I've never looked back. Still get hot flushes and certainly don't need the heat were currently experiencing, but I certainly feel more like my normal self. I was very very reluctant to start on antidepressants but I'm now so glad my GP recommended I do so. If I have to take 1 little tablet every day for the rest of my life......bring it on!

    • Posted

      Hi, I have been suffering from various symptoms for the last 8 months, mainly 'brain fog', aggitation, anxiety, dizzyness,extreme fatigue and nausea. I started HRT and the symptoms seemed to improve dramatically, especially the doom and gloom and tearfulness.

      After 3 months of HRT , for some weeks I experienced worsening symptoms and I assumed this was because the dose was changed. My GP suggested Prozac and gave me Diazepam for the really bad episodes. I opted to go down the supplements route and continue with the lower dose of HRT. Last week I was on holiday and relied on Kalms tablets to get me through the week, as every day I was jittery and anxious. Back home I've had 2 days of feeling relatively 'normal' - I can't believe it and part of me is waiting for it all to start again.

      I honestly don't know if all the supplements are working or it's the HRT??? I take Femoston 1/10 and find I'm generally worse during the combined tablet weeks.

      You start to research and wonder, 'am I oestrogen dominant', progesterone intolerant',depressed, lacking in some vitamins....

      You just don't know what to do for the best and reading about your success with the Sertraline ,I'm wondering if that is the way to go after all, especially if this couple of days relief doesn't continue.

      What sort of side effects did you have initially ??       

    • Posted

      I feel for you. It's frightening isn't it? I actually take sertraline. Have been on it 2 years. It was good to begin. Mine is not so much depression but a buzzing wired feeling, unable to relax. I will get some kalms I think xx

    • Posted

      Absolutely Pam. If you have to take "1 little tablet for the rest of your life" to keep you happy, level, able to deal with life, then so be it. Why suffer unneccesarily?xx

    • Posted

      I'm 57 and I've never felt so ill in my entire life! I had suicidal thoughts, couldn't eat (I lost 19lbs in about three weeks......good for weight loss, but I've since put it all back on unfortunately lol!) My GP told me I would feel worse before I felt better......boy, was that an understatement. If I'd lived alone I honestly don't know how I would have coped. But after about 5/6 days I suddenly started to feel more "me" and have been fine since. I still get hot sweats, and my brain is like a bucket, but I'll settle for that.

      I've always been very upbeat, and taken everything in my stride and someone told me that because of my 'jovial nature' I had further to fall. Just goes to show that this can happen to anyone. NEVER again will I tell someone who is 'a bit down' to try and pull themselves isn't that easy and I learnt that the hard way.

    • Posted

      What happened to make you feel better?

      Did you take anything. I've been in peri nine years only had two periods in the last eight months and it's definitely getting worse. X

    • Posted

      Sorry just read your previous posts. That answers my questions. I was on mirtazapine for a year. Been off it six months. I still had some anxiety on it so not really sure if I should just go back on it or ride it out x
    • Posted

      See trail of posts above. I started on sertraline antidepressant.
  • Posted

    Dear Michelle, you have done Sooooo well. When I think about your posts going back a few months, you have come such a long way. & you are spot on about breaking the negative thinking (like Elizabeth on here is trying to do) which takes strength to do. I totally agree with you if you can get on top of the mental symptoms it makes the physical symptoms easier to cope with. Before I became ill again with colitis, when I was at work, I found everyday life so difficult to deal with before I started hrt. I even walked out of beloved job, but luckily was talked back in by my department manager before I drove off & really got my future into a pickle. Although I am still off work with the colitis, I feel when I am better & go back to work, I will be much better equipped mentally to deal with my fairly stressful job, different personalities at work, & must make a concious effort not to take too much on in the constant quest to please everybody but myself. The true test will be when i go back. I worry that colleagues/managers will see me as a liability because of my sick absence, but when I am there, I am good worker, dedicated to my company, do things properly, & genuinely love my job. My cbt experience is keeping a lid on that worry - people might not even be thinking that of me, but importantly - this thought is tucked away at the back of my mind-not at the forefront consuming me; & I WILL deal with IF i have to WHEN i go back to work. If when I go back, & I truly feel uncomfortable with people, I may even think about changing career. It's not impossible to change path. While I have been off work, this forum has been invaluable to me to talk to women, especially people like you Michelle. I would love to work in some kind of counselling environment, talking & helping people. Or a part time health care assistant in a hospital- I love taking care of people. So for now, I concentrate on getting better. Then I will see how I get on when I go back to work - I do have a lot of friends there, but the company want more & more out of people & I'm not sure I can live upto that anymore despite being a hard worker. We'll see........Big hugs to you Michelle. Always a pleasure to talk to you. xxx

    • Posted

      Looloo, I am looking into CBT as you suggested yesterday in another discussion.  Will send you a message later to say more!
    • Posted

      Hi looloo

      You would be a great counsellor. Your caring and helpful personality really shines through. This forum has helped me more than anything the last 5 months or so. I do hope that when you go back to work it all works out but you are right you can change your career path. I know how terrible colitis is as my mum has suffered it with diverticulitis . Take care xxx

    • Posted

      Looloo, you are a wonderful counselor and that would be a great career path for you!  You are so caring and helpful, and willing to share your knowledge and experience.  I always appreciate your kindness.
    • Posted

      I am very fortunate that I am financially ok so I don't have to worry about getting back to work. However when I start to feel a lot better I will be getting another part time job. I do love people and socialising so I want to get back to that. I hope my experiences will make me a stronger person xxx

    • Posted

      Thanks for your kind comments Michelle, & well done for opening this discussion; made alot of us think &

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      Thankyou for your kind comments Elizabeth. I will see how I get on at work first when I go back, once I'm well enough. But there are other possibilities out there if it doesn't work out going forward. xxx

    • Posted

      I do need to work financially part-time & I do love going to work when I'm well. Like you Michelle, I love being amongst people whether its customers or colleagues, & love socialising too. I definately agree with you that our experiences give us more strength & integrity. xxx

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