Making sense of all the symptoms
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Hi everyone
I've been thinking about all the mad symptoms and experiences that I've had the last year.
When I feel ok ish I just can't believe what has happened to me over time. Do you all feel the same? I think the mental symptoms have been the worse for me.
I cannot believe that I have been bed bound for a bit (not know,dealing with it slightly better)
The intense anxiety and panic feelings accompanied by palpitations and tightness.
When you know you you are going somewhere you get worked up and really dread going bringing on the panic. I remember a year ago I was so bad with anxiety I would ring my mum up to come over,even in the middle of the night (when my husband was working) I worried about driving taking my kids anywhere. I would get my husband or my parents to drop them off. It seems insane looking back over all this. However I have made myself do things and it HAS been ok.
I feel I have to be in control of where we go and get really anxious if we have to go further away. Looking back I thought I was actually going mad and I even felt like I wanted to go to a relaxing retreat but next day my outlook changed. My poor husband must have wondered what was going on. I was constantly in the doctors surgery and even took myself to A&E twice. I felt ashamed of myself and thought all my family must be so fed up.
On top of the mental part are all the other symptoms
Acid reflux
Burning mouth syndrome
Headaches every day
Adrenal surges
Doom and gloom
No enthusiasm in anything
The last month or so I've made myself do more and trying to brake the negative thinking and accept this phase of life. I really want to laugh and be happy with everyone and go places without a thought.
We just have to be patient.
Anybody have any stories?
Sending hugs xxx
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shirl15546 michelle46271
I went to my gynecologist yesterday and talked to him about all my symptoms. Depression ringing in ear. Palpitations body jerks. Told him all of this happens to me when I lay down to go to sleep. His response "well it could be peri menopause. I give up it seems like no one wants to help me.
Guest shirl15546
Shirl, I wonder about that, too... why don't doctors want to talk about perimenopause? My gyn is a woman my age (45) and when I brought it up with her, she didn't really seem to care.
michelle46271 Guest
My doctor is a lady too and when I've talked about my symptoms she really wasn't interested. She made me feel silly xx
Guest michelle46271
It drives me nuts when they do that. Who knows our bodies better than we do? Maybe they're in denial about it happening to them!
looloo43 shirl15546
That's awful Shirl. You could try phoning your gp surgery & asking if they have a specialist meno gp/meno or well woman nurse you could see- many surgeries do now. They might be a damned sight more understanding than your gynaecologist. I encountered a mature male gynaecologist a few years back now-he was awful, so bloody rude. I wish the anger I felt afterwards had came out while I was in there with him. My gp luckily is fabulous. she is a specialist meno gp & well gen'd up on hrt, symptoms etc. Do try phoning your gp surgery. xxx
ruth24048 michelle46271
Hi Michelle, you have just written my life exactly, it's good to know we are not alone. My TMJ is playing up right now along with headaches, stomach ache, backache and nausea. If I feel physically ok then I feel mentally ok but it can all change in a day. On my good days I am on top of the world but then come crashing down. Thanks for sharing your story.
michelle46271 ruth24048
I know it's horrid. I have tmj problems too with buzzing ears. I need to calm my body down xx