Male Alcoholic with high blood pressure

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My friend is a Male, who is 38 year's old. He was just released from a local hospital with diagnosis being ETOH intoxication and suicidal ideation. They released him as they stated he wasn't showing signs of withdrawal severe enough to admit him. His BP was 153/99. Isn't this BP unsafe for a severe Alcoholic? Any advice would be appreciated!!!!!

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50 Replies

  • Posted

    It seems a bit high indeed. This is not a good situation. you should perhaps seek advice. Regards Robin
    • Posted

      Correct me if I"m wrong but I think Robin meant medical advice. ?
    • Posted

      As Robin suggested, if you're concerned seek proper medical advice. I take it ETOH refers to ethyl alcohol, ie booze?
    • Posted

      We have tried to seek medical attention, and they totally dismiss the facts and turn him away. Heartbreaking
    • Posted

      We have tried! It's a losing battle in Ohio in regards to Alcoholism. Don't get me started on the fact that if your a needle junkie, OH will waste Narcan to revive them every 10 minutes. Unless you have $, rehabilitation is just not an option!
    • Posted

      Susan, I've sent you a link to a list of physicians that either prescribe oral naltrexone or know how to prescribe it per The Sinclair Method. The latter would likely know of other medications aside from Naltrexone that might be a better fit for your husband (Campral, for instance). Hopefully, there will be one within range that you can make an appointment with, I've only needed to see my doc 3 times in 5 months, so perhaps he wouldn't have to go that often. 
  • Posted

    Actually, that is not too bad for an alcoholic that is not on treatment for BP.

    Alcohol pushes up BP. When I went into hospital, I was 212 over something.

    Being a UK  based forum, I don't understand those anachronisms. Perhaps you could spell them out.

    • Posted

      Mainly states that "Ethanol" is involved! I'm just upset that he was treated so poorly... In Ohio, they just don't have the funds to help an "Alcoholic". My friend is in the top 3 people who I have ever seen this bad, and they simply "can't" help him... He never stops drinking, full blown "Drunk" for almost 20 year's now! He is going to die if he doesn't get the adequate help and like "Yesterday"! Thanks for your help smile
    • Posted

      It is extemely difficult to help someone with a severe drinking problem that appears to not want to help themselves.

      Believe me, no one addictited to alcohol really wants to be given up on and left to die, no matter what they say.

      Bear with me, you'll get more advice from others, but I'll try to give you some better advice in the morning, when my thought process is better.


    • Posted

      I quite agree with the others in suggesting that you seek medical advice and not many are qualified medically here, but I think some of them are forgetting that your firend has just been discharged from a hospital and they should have been qualified to give advice. And I feel that you have turned to here, because you feel let down by the medical services.

      I have a fair bit of experience in HBP. I have suffered from it since the age of 25, which was indirectly caused by my alcohol consumption, which pushes up blood pressure. I ignored it, living with a probable 180/120 most of the time. Of course it caught up with me two years ago when one of the arteries in my brain burst (bleed on the brain) leading to an acute stroke.

      I take three medications a day, carvedilol (beta blocker) Amlodipine (calcium channel blocker) and spironolactone (diuretic and helps with HBP) for my BP, to stop a reoccurence.

      So, still saying that you need to seek proper advice and I'm not medically qualified here is my two cents. 153/99 whilst high, is not astronomical, particularly for someone with that level of alcohol consumption. The problem is, BP isn't a constant, if it becomes high, then it needs monitoring.

      I'm not completely au fait with the US medical system, but over here, they probably would have given some BP tablets (4 weeks worth) and told him to see his GP (or asked you to ensure this happened) and the hospital would be bound by law to write to his GP, letting them know that he was at hospital, what was diagnosed and what treatment/medication was given - so that he was in the loop.

      I can't put links in, but Google 'alcohol high blood pressure'. HBP is a symptom of prolonged heavy regular drinking. And unless he stops drinking or takes medication he will have it and suffer the consequences of it.

      So in summary, BP is high, but not in the panic area, but he should go/be taken to his GP, who will most likely prescibe him something to help. But will quite rightly say that this is just a symptom and that BP tablets are a bandage/plaster, the underlying cause, alcohol needs to be treated. That of course is another post and this one is long enough.

    • Posted

      Actually, although it's not too bad it is still pathological and needs treatment. The upper reading is not of any great significance - it rises and falls in response to fear. But the lower reading is a measurement of how hard the heart is working whilst at rest, and 99 is definitely within the treatment range.

      In men over sixty the blood pressure is often a little higher than in younger men, but anyone aged only 38 needs to see a doctor.

    • Posted

      Hi again. I'm a registered nurse aand my husband is an alcoholic. His BP was high (whatever over 95) for a year before the GP started treatment. We went for a check up one day and on that particular day my husband's BP was 150/105, so it was clearly labile, which it always is, in anybody. But it took me saying to the GP "are you thinking of treating his raised BP yet?" before she sort of looked at all the readings and agreed it was time to start treatment. Personally I think it should have been started ages before, but he's had medication for high BP for seven years now and it's always normal now when it's checked. As I said before, anyone aged 38 with the BP you mention needs to have it checked again - and again - and treated. Anything over 90 is the point at which teatment should begin, whether you're an alcoholic or not. Does he smoke, because that raises the BP as well. Get him to a doctor -I'm not saying as an emergency, but within a week, anyway. Hope this helps. Love Tess.
  • Posted

    Yep, that bp reading is high. He should see his doctor.

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