Me - Menopause, migraine?
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Where do I post this? Under migraines? Menopause? Topiramate? Depression? Anxiety? I don't know what it is?
I always suffered with migraines, I thought I'd got it from my Dad.....but then on what I thought was a seperate issue I was being diagnosed for infertility as I was unable to have children. You could practically set your watch by my periods, every 21 days, the pain was absolutely unbearable, FSH levels sky high, LH levels through the floor. Eventually I went into the menopause at 38. Around the same time my migraines got a whole lot worse and I now suffer with them every month. I think I get two types of migraines, but one of them around the same time each month. They can be so debilitating they can on occasion have me on a drip in hospital. They have seen me black out completely and just wake up wired up to machines and intreveniously trying to fill me back up with fluids to rehydrate me. Unable to walk, talk or anything.
So now, here I am at 45, my latest MRI is clear, my neurologist has retired and and I am on Topiramate and I have developed other symptoms not so desirable. I now also have Anxiety and depression, possibly caused by the Topiramate. Topiramate has a few contra-indications, as in it doesn't like many other drugs. All in all, it's a pretty stroppy drug who doesn't like to have friends! Wants you all to itself by all accounts....
So last week I was tried on Sertraline.....oh dear.....the doctor checked the contra-indications.....she said it would be ok.....instead of the normal 50mg, she would have me start on 100mg because I was not a small person.....well, within 24hrs I was in a pretty bad state and am still suffering a week anxiety is rife....
So, there is my story. Still open-ended.....Does anyone have any experience with menopause and migraines? can anyone relate to anything I am going through? Can anyone share what they have done to deal with things?
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jayneejay Bella2a
poor you, sounds awful..
cant say i have suffered this way at all ..
the only time i got migraines were in my last year of peri menopause ..
my very last three periods .. ( i am post menopause now age 50)
i got migraines for 4 days and nights solid then, and i knew i would get a period as kt was for me a pattern..
now, i only get the odd tension headache usually causes my stresses of things ..
i do know some meds especially anti depressants etc can cause a thick horrid headache and groggyness, ongoing 😦
Take care
hope you get some answers from other ladies .
jay xx
Trevis Bella2a
marlene21102 Trevis
I'm sat feeling rough picked up a bug couple weeks ago ,so more add on to my crappy days .
So you been cleaning ,and cleaning ,ah Bless .Keep occupied ,but that's tiring ,but it beats anxiety energy down .Youve got the balance,if I remember ? Do you get out in the car ? I'm still only short trips ,not been out since unwell.Ive started on line shopping ,don't know why I'd not done it before .Sending you a hug ,you need one xxx
Trevis marlene21102
marlene21102 Trevis
I loved going shopping ,pleasure in females life ,spend hours at it ,now big fat zero.Daughters got bungalow when we both exit ,but don't plan leaving the cash as well Ha!ha! ,so I will spend like crazy when this anxiety put to bed finally .
Pleased balance got better,when you have it yourself you do think of others you've met on this road sharing the same problems .
There's a few on the dizzy site Anne ,Darren and Gill all of us with this going on 24/7 and yourself ,non of us know the cause to it .Darrens not menopausal for sure ,he's got it bad ,so for a bloke big question mark ,plus he's not got tinnitus like us girls ,all damn weird .
Your getting outside ,that's great news ,all confidence building ,your get there gal .Youve got good family behind you ,like me .
Think about a job ,when you feel your back to rights ,go to early you may find your start going backwards .Truly don't know how women ,or old Darren manage a job with the balance going .i couldn't ,but got no choice if you've got Morgages to keep going .
How far from beach are you ,I'm about a 5 minute walk from mine ,I do ride down there ,sea breeze clears the cobwebs away .wish sea air would open my sinuses,no luck with that .
I still get odd hot flush ,but lately been bit more but bug doing it .I HOPE .
I've got FB but never go on it ,can't remember password will get my girl to sort it out for her mummy at weekend .
Really glad you came on ,lovely to hear from you .really is God bless Travis always xxxx
jayneejay Trevis
so good to hear your feeling brighter ..
i am feeling good too, keeping busy is the key and keep mind on other things..
made me smile online shopping and presents... 😃
like me with Ebay ... hehehehehehe
when i want some real excitement i place a bid ... hehehehehehehe
I have come to the conclusion we will never feel like we did when we were younger now peri and post meno has kicked in, so i just tell myself ..
go with it and those days are gone....
i always said when i was pregnant years ago .. i had more energy when i was pregnant than i ever had ... weird isnt it..
so now i just think.. sod it.. and crack on..
i went out Saturday and was out shopping and looking at the lovely spanish coast line and ended up being out 5.5 hours, i was fine while out, energy up, but when i got back i felt shattered..
one thing that never changes though is queing in shops to pay, blimey i feel like dropping, but have for years, start lolling about leaning ..
then some smart alec says can i go through i only have this ..
look after yourself hun
jay xx
Trevis jayneejay
jayneejay Trevis
the anxiety i use to find came at certain times of month ..
mine kicked in in my last year of peri .. Like every six weeks .. Weird.
but my B6 helped all that for me ..
you take care
Christmas ... 80 days i am reminded 😃
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
France had 2 flash floods this week ,it's been hammering here ,and high winds .
I'm still not over bug ,but getting there ,sat here in the warm ,heating up full.
My Union Jack I've always got up in back garden ,going to get husband to lower down with this wind,.
Hope your having a pleasant day xxx
jayneejay marlene21102
yes its a nurse, and her husband being checked and another nurse, only the nurse has it for certain at the moment .. madrid ..
lets hope she gets the same meds that that Uk guy got when he returned to the Uk with Ebola .. He seems okay now ..
think this will get worse this Ebola .. Terrible isnt it .. My heart goes out to the sufferers and the bravery of the people nursing them and trying to make them better risking their own lives.. ' Pure Admiration '
Floods .. Oh I expect there will be a few of those again this winter, seems common practice now with the climate, we get them here too in some areas.
yes my day is good so far, blue skies and sunshine .. All calm
just doing my chores today ..pottering at leisure ..
hope this bug lifts soon for you..
Take care Marlene
jay x
marlene21102 jayneejay
I agree,those who travel out there to looking after those souls deserve a medal,as they put there own lives at risk,talk about dedication to there profession .
My husband says I don't look as heavy eyed today,got this damn cough ,won't shift ,my girl she's the same ,we both have sore throats ,from the cough .Son in law now down with it .Right old carry on .
So your pottering day,I like those days best ,hassle free,stop ,start days great .Still no Dottie .xxx You stay well to xxx
jayneejay marlene21102
it was August a young Uk guy .. With ebola ..
The first British person to contract Ebola in the current outbreak in Africa is to return to the country where he was infected in order to help others fight the disease.
William Pooley was treated in London after being flown out of Sierra Leone.
He has made a full recovery and, having been discharged from hospital, said he is to travel back within "a few weeks".
think he is returning to help again 😳
Dottie been on just to say hello 😃
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Just got up infectious diseases,that Ebola begins like flu symptoms ,I'd hate for that to take hold ,how would you know with winter here,and flu season here ,glad had my jab for that .
They that go back know how they felt,and how close they came to loosing their lives,but to go back I'm not so sure I would ,Dedication to humanity hey .xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Just got up infectious diseases,that Ebola begins like flu symptoms ,I'd hate for that to take hold ,how would you know with winter here,and flu season here ,glad had my jab for that .
They that go back know how they felt,and how close they came to loosing their lives,but to go back I'm not so sure I would ,Dedication to humanity hey .xx
Trevis marlene21102