Meal suggestions for gastritis sufferers

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I suffer from gastritis, acid reflux and IBS. I made a huge mistake and ate something spicy last night. I definitely irritated my stomach because now I feel nauseous and have a mild burning. I also feel the urge to go to the toilet. My stomach needs to rest and heal after this flare up. Please suggest some light meals. Thank you.

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32 Replies

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    Usually goes away by itself within a couple of days. If not seek professional help.
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    If your feeling nauseous, try a little organic ginger. I have chronic Gastritis, I’ve had to opt for two meals a day, instead of three. I have to make them small, but my stomach is better for it. Try to take vegetables, and olive oil if u can. 

    • Posted

      So interesting to read your comment about ginger, only makes me worse, have tried as light as ginger beer, my stomach does not like it at all, and even resorted to home grown ginger, here in Brisbane, it is almost a weed, we grow it in a pot for that reason, and as much as I like it, no way, just causes me to be worse.
    • Posted

      Thank you Gillian. I've heard ginger is great for upset stomach. I will grate it and make ginger tea. I also have ginger ale. I'm sorry to hear you have chronic gastritis. What are your symptoms? Just wondering if they're similar to mine. I get bloating and gas, nausea, loose stool. I get occasional abdominal cramps right before i pass stool but this doesn't happen often. Are you on medication? I was put on omeprazole. I think it helps. Which foods do you eat and which do you avoid?

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear. I've never had a reaction to ginger. Think I will make some ginger tea. I read toast is good for upset stomach because it's easy to digest so i'll try that too. I feel better now than this morning but will still eat light so as to give my stomach time to heal from the flare up.

    • Posted

      One of the worst things is dealing with the mental effects of being sick. Also, the fluctuations in my weight. I used to be very skinny and I had finally gotten my weight up to a healthy level. Then with all the dieting I dropped weight again and my clothes are kind of slack. I spend a lot of time altering clothes. It's very frustrating. I'm looking for a healthy diet that can also help me maintain a healthy weight. 

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      I would just eat what agrees with your stomach and don’t worry about your weight.  You will cause yourself more stress searching for diets.
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      I have a few issues. Acid reflux, indegestion and I’ve had heartburn daily for 20 years. I went to the doctor regarding the heartburn, he sent me for an endoscopy and this showed inflammation of stomach and small bowel. I’ve had the Gastritis for 2 years or more. It’s an absolute nightmare, everything I eat goes for me, and alcohol is a incredibly harsh in my stomach, along with coffee. I get nausea, I’m having a dreadful time with bloating, I was put on omeprazole for a while, then Lansoprazole, then another two after that, Ranitidine was one. I’m now left with upper right quadrant pain, pain in lower, middle and upper back between shoulder blades, pain in upper left quadrant. Had every type of bowel movement apart from showing blood, thank goodness for that. My bowel movements are mainly light brown in colour, even had one gray one. I think the PPI’s have given me gall bladder/liver problems or maybe pancreas. Although I’m in Britain and treatment is free, I’ve opted for private blood tests etc as it’s taking far too long to see a gastroenterologist. I’ve lost my appetite, I eat two meals a day, very small meals, had to ditch my dinner as it was like a knife stabbing through me just under the breastbone, also pains in my chest and problems with my throat. Really don’t know what’s going on, I’m losing weight, but that’s because I can hardly eat now without getting excruciating pain. Away for my shower now, and off to get my tests done. Hope you can find some sort of relief with your issues, it can be very stressful with digestion issues. Beast of luck. 👌😁x

    • Posted

      How did the tests go? Inflammation of the stomach is called gastritis and I think inflammation of the bowels is called diverticulitis (not entirely sure). Diet is going to be VERY important. Avoid all trigger foods. Eat small portions. Try to do some light exercise like go for a walk. Try yogurt and milk and avoid stress. 
    • Posted

      Hi, my tests only revealed a slight problem with my kidneys, I don’t have kidney damage, but if I’m not careful I could be heading there. Also need to watch my iron levels, again I’m not anemic, but that could be an issue if I’m not careful as well. I didn’t have any tests relating to my stomach, I’m still waiting to see a gastroenterologist. I’m hoping inflammation of the small bowel dosent mean diverticulitis, I haven’t thought of it like that before. Is that what it means, if you’ve been told  an endoscopy shows inflammation of the snallbowel? 🤔

    • Posted

      Inflammation of your small intestine would be your stomach whiich would be gastritis.  Inflammation of your stomach lining  is diagnosed via an endoscopy.  Diveritculitis affects your large intestine (bowel or colon).   This  is when you have pouches on your bowel which can get irritated and cause infection.  This condition is diagnosed with a colonoscopy.
    • Posted

      Hi Pippa

      They just said inflammation of the stomach and small bowel. So it needs to be a colonoscopy to confirm diverticulitis? 🤔

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