Memory lapse/confusion. Help!
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I’ve been doing so well since Christmas (major symptoms before that including depression, panic and severe digestive probs, weight loss etc) and was feeling more positive but have had a rough few days and I’m in a complete panic today…
I was up half the night with a return of severe heartburn, acid, pain under ribs and through to back. I had to take half a valium in the end to help me sleep. The symptoms set me off worrying about terminal causes even though I’ve had a CT scan, endoscopy etc. I’ve had extremely tender breasts for nearly a week even though my period isn’t due. Also carpel tunnel type symptoms and aching joints.
Anyway, I’m always walking into rooms and forgetting what I went in for but this morning scared me. I walk my daughter and her friend to school EVERY morning. The other mum picks them up from school every afternoon EXCEPT Wednesday when I have to pick up my daughter in the afternoon (because her friend has an after school club so her mother collects her later).
I knew it was Tuesday this morning but for some reason I thought I had to pick-up my daughter from school. I actually reminded her that I would pick her up today in the afternoon. She said: “No, Mum, it’s not Wednesday.” For some reason I just could not understand what she meant. I felt totally blank and was still sure that I was picking her up. I had somehow reversed the arrangement in my head – thinking that I picked her up every day EXCEPT Wednesday instead of the opposite. I was saying: “Yes, I know it’s Wednesday tomorrow, that’s why I’m picking you up today.”
But there is no reason that I should think that. We have had the same school arrangements since last September. This went on for at least a minute with me insisting that it’s Tuesday today so I will pick her up. In the end I could see the certainty on my daughter’s face, like she was trying to explain something very simple to me (she is 11). I somehow knew at that point that I must be wrong and she was right but realised I still couldn’t work out why. I felt so scared and confused. I felt so sure I was right about the arrangement but could see from the look on her face that I wasn’t. I felt blank and confused and suddenly very panicky. She explained once more and it finally clicked (all this took at least a minute). I apologised and said I was just tired: “Of course,” I said, “I only pick you up on a Wednesday.”This has really thrown me into a spin. I’ve never felt so confused or disorientated and it’s really scared me. Has anyone else had this sort of thing?
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val50972 Ruthie49
Ruthie49 val50972
shaznay96184 Ruthie49
I've always done 10 things at once - none of them well, but that's just me. I can be easily distracted but thats a family-thing. (One of my sisters' is mega-bad: think she would have been diagnosed with ADD - honestly I do - if they'd known that term in the late 50s/early 60s!).
I'm forever having to go back upstairs/go back into a room to retrace my steps to remember what I was meant to have done etc. And although I can remember names from 'Year Dot', I sometimes struggle to get current names right. Recently called son's new girlfriend by his Ex's name: well almost, no sooner as I opened my mouth I knew what I had done and short of dribbling, I tried to blag my way out of it - plain embarrassing! I just BS'd my way out of that, much to my son's delight!!
Gone are the days of my 'Business Head' where I kept a daily diary pretty well in my head! I find its so much easier to write things down in a diary now.
Also, when I wake in the night and start raking over something and nothing, I find it really good to have a little pad and pen on my bedside cabinet. Whatever's keeping me awake gets written down, and then I KNOW I can safely go back to sleep! Sure we all do this anyway?!!
Also finding I'm getting a little OCD about checking things before I go out: oven off, hobs switched off, windows closed, doors shut. Again, probably just a female-thing that I now do but hadn't in the recent past.
You do have my sympathy re: your daughter. We pick our grandson up from school twice a week. We check, double-check, text and double-text: the thought of getting that wrong brings us both out in a cold sweat, let alone worrying how the traffic will be (25mins on a good day, but can be an hour-plus journey some days when the traffic's bad
Unfortunately, I just see this as part of 'Me' at the moment. My husband interprets what I'm trying to say and we have had a few laughs at my 'spoonerisms'. But I have to say, since I've been taking Menopace Original, for me personally, I've noticed a 100% improvement in my(really bad) aching joints and my overall mood generally, like I feel a bit like the old 'Me' and I'm Back in the Game (to quote the luvverly Mickey Flannagan
Not sure if you're taking anything - HRT, vit/min supplements - but there are lots of women who can give you some great advice regarding the best ones to try to help you with this 'foggy head'-thing.
Go and have a sit down, a nice cuppa and maybe have a float around this brilliant site for some advice. But I'm sure you'll get lots of replies to your post to reassure you.
Chin Up Kid!
Sandy07 shaznay96184
ithink I will give the menopace a try. I take various vits and minerals but to be honest I get really confused with it all. I read the reviews and they look pretty good, so might be worth a try. Had you tried other things before the menopace?
Ruthie49 shaznay96184
It all sounds so familiar! I think that's the key though, like you say, to see this phase as just the new 'me' at the moment. I find it hard to accept though. I'm usually very organised and hate this getting days mixed up etc.
I'm not on HRT (yet!). I'm nearly 50 and still getting periods but they are all over the place. Taking St John's Wort, B6, B12, VitD and progesterone cream. The heartburn and indigestion are really bad at the moment. Can't wait for happier days :-)
shaznay96184 Ruthie49
Now i'm not always sensible, I make a joke of most things, see the funny side of most things, but St Johns Wort....that got me thinking.
That's pretty strong stuff in it's own right and I'm not sure what it safely interacts with, but just be careful about adding other vits/min supplements to that and what you're already taking, just to be safe.
I know I rattle on about Menopace, but for me personally I find it works a treat. I was topping up a bit of Magnesium to the RDA but I'm not sure its for me: I felt a bit 'gutty' with it so I'd dropped it.
I have reintroduced it and still felt a bit 'gutty', so that's not for me for the time being.
Thing is, we can buy all this stuff over-the-counter, but like anything, it can do us more harm than good if we don't use it properly,
even vits and mins.
I only say this as you are already taking Vits B12, B6 and Vit D and they're in Menopace too.
I'd also mention the St Johns Wort to your GP as I'm not sure how this interacts with prescribed meds, especially ADs etc.
Sorry. Just m. Must have picked up the 'worry beads' this morning :-) !
shaznay96184 Sandy07
I'm adverse to taking any meds at all generally, so have only ever taken Menopace on a regular basis since 1st Jan. Only 'meds' I've ever taken really.
Tried a bit more Magnesium recently but felt it made me feel 'gutty'. Reintroduced it recently but still felt a bit 'gutty' so dropping that.
Always make sure you're not exceeding the recommended daily
dose (RDA) as I'd say something as 'harmless' as a vit/ min supplement can be a bit dangerous in excessive doses.
If you're taking vits/mins already, check you're not double-dosing if you start taking Menopace!!
Sandy07 shaznay96184
deborah73991 Ruthie49
I too walk into rooms & forget what I was going to do.
Last week I was putting a box of tampax in the fridge just about to close the door when I realised what I had done.
A few months back I was driving along came to a mini roundabout & could not think for the life of me whether I should give way to the right or left, I've been driving since the age of 17.
Hope the anxiety of it all passes & you can pass it off as a bad day. x
Ruthie49 deborah73991
deborah73991 Ruthie49
shaznay96184 deborah73991
I hadn't read your whole thread yet but my eye was drawn to 'tampax' and 'fridge'. I thought it was a novel tip for a Peri hot flush!! I wouldn't rule it out tho':-)
Either that or it was a reference to '50 Shades of Grey'!
Sorry, but was i the only one who got a third in, yawned, and threw the book away?! Dont even think the film would have done anything for me either as 'Mr Grey' sounded like the most unsexy, unattractive bloke this side of.....Cyril 'the Perv' Smith!!
Like the film critics said: where was all the sweat? And what about the smells, faces, 'fanny farts' like with proper, good sex?!!! (Yes, I have a great memory :-) !)
Still think the 'frozen tampon' sounds better than fisting or bondage any day but hey, each to their own:-) !!!
I'll leave you all with that thought, and thanks for the tip deborah:-)
deborah73991 shaznay96184
That was funny, never thought of that but maybe it would cool us down, maybe a new brand in the supermarkets. Frozen tampax for peri menopause
HotDot7 Ruthie49
I too forget what day it is. Theres a hormone in your brain that's leaving the system that's why we have brain fog. We just have to be more alert with things and make it notes are great! xxoo
Ruthie49 HotDot7
You sound very calm. I haven't found the adjustment so easy - I just want to function like I used to. They don't call it The Change for nothing do they. I feel knocked sideways with all these new symptoms sometimes.
HotDot7 Ruthie49
HotDot7 Ruthie49