Meniscal tears

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I have a meniscal tear and think I will be turned down for surgery. Has anyone experienced any successful results with conservative treatment of a meniscal tear? Many thanks.

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50 Replies

  • Posted

    I had surgery for my meniscus tear. 4 years later had TKR due to bone on bone.
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    Hi, I had an arthroscopy for a meniscus tear, it lasted for quite a few years.

    I have since had both knees replaced.

    I don't think there is any way of dealing with it rather than go in and take any loode bits out.

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      Laura what procedure was carried out at arthroscopy?
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      Removal of loose bits of cartilage first one, then a few years later, microfracture.
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      When he did mine second time he gave me pictures of the inside of my knee. Showed cracks in my thigh bone from friction. He said if I watch my weight etc should last lest of my life. I figure tkr is in my future cause if that.
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      The microfracture was good, lasted about two years, that was on my left knee, I'd had my right one replaced a couple of years before.

      I've since had the left one replaced as well. Arthritis was just too bad, bone on bone, and now in my hip and spine, so very prone to it.

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    What Chris's 306 said:  identical to my experience 

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    If it's torn it needs to be fixed. It can get worse. If the pieces get caught in the joint it will lock and that hurts. If it chews off pieces they can float around and get caught in joint and hurt and cause locking. They screwed around authorizing my treatment and I ended up with a mess and bleeding inside. I have heard of some people doing therapy for it. But I am not sure how it turned out. Depends on how bad the tear is I guess.

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      Thanks for yyour reply. Why did you have bleeding in the joint? Are you taking warfarin?
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      Nope. Just ended up having to walk and work with it chewing up stuff for 7 months. Blood vessels and such got chewed on. I had 3 scopes done. Meniscus taken out all 3 times. Tears where repaired. First surgery was 1985. Second and third in 2002. Still have my knee. Things are pretty good. Get synvisc injections to help out.
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    I have had a total of six meniscal tears, three on each knee. Once they open you up you will have to have it done again and again until you have to have total or partial knee replacement. I had to get partial knee replacement on my right knee on Nov 2. In Feb I plan on having the left one done. Just remember repear of a meniscal tear is only a band aid. Just like my partial knee replacement. It is just biding time for my total knee replacement! Good luck in your decision.
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      Thanks BigLouDalton for your reply. It is much appreciated. x
  • Posted

    I had a repair done to a severe meniscal tear 7 years ago. Was reasonable for 5 years but have now had a TKR.  My surgeon refused to do TKR untill it was bad enough to met his criteria.
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      Thanks for your reply.

      What happened to change the surgeons mind and to do a TKR?


    • Posted

      More damage to the leftover meniscus - wear and tear - bone on bone and arthritis setting in.

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