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Does anyone else suffer from health anxiety thinking they have awful things wrong with them all the time and think there must be something else going on as all these symptoms are so horrible ? It,s awful.

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63 Replies

  • Posted

    Lou as you say theres so many horrible symptoms its easy to match them up with other health issues. Most good doctors would rule out other things first to conclude it is indeed the menapause. I do understand where your coming from though.

    Sue x

  • Posted

    Hi Lou,  For years I thought I had health anxiety, and as a result did not go to the doc at all for a while as I thought he would laugh at me.  Finally plucked up courage and found I had several medical conditions that needed medications and operations.  Don't worry without going to see a Doctor.  My Doctor told me that part of their job is to allay patients fears.  It is natural to get anxious about our health when things go wrong.  If you have any symptoms get them checked out and do not worry about worrying.  Goodluck
    • Posted

      Hi Chrisy, I am pleased that you had the courage to seek help and you had a good doctor to help you, but I feel I can,t keep going back - it was 18 months ago I had a borderline cyst 20cms plus removed that was missed by GP for a whole summer getting biger and bigger until I demanded a scan, big operation followed and then CT scan, tumor marker tests, internal scans, ultrasounds for past 18 months the last one being 2 months ago. Had a letter from hospital fortnight ago saying that because last results were so good I no longer need any more observation and the hospital are very pleased that all things are good and no more appointments, which of course is great news. I went to GP to discuss my anxietys to be told basically that it,s time to move on and put it all in the past now, which to a point is true - but because I feel so awful ( surgical menopause ) I am sure there must be other things wrong with me, this was a massive thing for me in the first place as nobody believed there was anything wrong in the beginning. I don,t think the hospspital could have been any more thorough, my last scan I had a massive panic attack terrified of what they might find, I just can,t get over this and feel like I am going mad inside, it,s all getting a bit much to deal with - i will probably be awake all night googling away everything I can think of that could be wrong and one symptom leads to another online and it goes on and on and on, its a complete nightmare x
    • Posted

      I think you would benefit from some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  I had some and it definately helped me to allay some of my fears.  Do please go back to see your doctor. Tell him you are not sleeping or whatever you need to tell him to get him to understand, anxiety in itself is a health issue that needs to be dealt with properly so that you do not develop other issues.  Good luck. 
    • Posted

      Thank you yes you are probably right- I am glad you are feeling better now, I tried. To get an appointment today but surgery was closed so will try tomorrow can't go on feeling this way much longer as it's driving me completely crazy it's just horrible, I can feel it could get out of control if I don't do something about it, makes me feel really sick and horribly nauseous and tired with myself for being like this - can't do this much longer - thanks for support x
  • Posted

    Hi Lou

    Yes I suffer with this badly, I constantly keep thinking I'm gonna have a heart attack with every little ache and pain I get it's ridiculous, I'm getting it checked out with the doctors, as I'm not that badly overweight, but it's a awful thing in my head and won't go away

    L x

  • Posted

    Oh yes!  In the past 12 months I've "had" skin cancer, breast cancer, schizophrenia, dementia, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, stroke, brain tumour.  No wonder I'm in a state...!!  I think it is because I've reached that age where I realise I no longer have youth on my side, I live alone and my work involves seeing tragic things/ death on a regular basis, such that it feels like it is the norm.

    I do sympathise.  You're right, it is awful!  I think you just have to find coping mechanisms and find what works for you.  I'm trying.  Not easy, but I am thankful that I am surrounded my good family and friends and this forum and people who genuinely care.  hang on in there, 😊x

    • Posted

      Well said Bubbins... Very true! We put ourselves through further misery trying to understand it all 💞
    • Posted

      I know the feeling ,it'such a feeling of dread and just being scared all the time. I would make my poor husband take me to the emergency room about three times a week. It's not to bad now I have calm down a lot.
    • Posted

      How did you get over your fears ? I,m so glad that you have calmed down, I really wish I could x
    • Posted

      I really feel for you especially in your job, that is very hard to deal with. I am glad though that you have coping mechanisms I wish I did, I have panic attacks also and can,t cope with things very well, anything I have to deal with sends me into panic mode, any shocks or scary news - I even read the obituary colums in my local paper and scare myself that it will be me next, how depressing is that, I think there is something very wrong with me and its embarrasing aswell, hubby gets cross with me and tells me to stop being so negative all the time, he just doesn,t get it x
    • Posted

      It just stop, it's been about three years that I have not felt it coming on. It started when turned 52 am 56 now so I've think a subsided already, cause I have been pretty calm now.
    • Posted

      So glad you are feeling better, I really feel like this is how it will be forever and to be honest I think I really am going mad at times, this surgigal menopause is not fun at all and hope to goodness it gets better, tonight is really bad and feel like going to A and E, but how can I when I think they will think I have gone mad, its a hopeless situation right now, I have been given the all clear from the hospital but in my head I,m thinking they just said that to get rid of me because I,m so annoying ! thats where my head is at right now x
    • Posted

      The only thing that I can tell you is that there is light on the other side of the tunnel. You have to be strong because it will mess with your mind . Good luck and you will be OK.
    • Posted

      Thank you for that, I am glad you have positive thoughts and I really will try to think positive it,s just so hard, thank you for kind words x
    • Posted

      Am trying to hang on and like you in my head I have bowel disease, breast cancer, liver cancer, kidney problems, bladder problems and no it,s not easy it,s awful and overtakes everything, at this rate I will take myself off to Aand E and ask them to keep me in there until they have checked everything but at the same time I,m too scared to go as I think they will have I have every horrible disease there is, its driving me insane and ontop of all this I have to pretend to everyone that I,m ok as everyones so sick of me moaning all the time, even my daughter said " oh mum every day theres something else wrong with you" - like I say people get sick of me x
    • Posted

      I know how you feel.  I am living the same as you.  Anxiety and stress over every little ailment.  I get obsessed and go on the internet and think I have cancer, well you know what I mean.  Last year I had an awful bout with intense back pain and swear it was shingles but doc said no cause no rash.  After a 6 day steroid treatment it went away, but now I have anxiety that it will come back and now I developed IBS and I am afraid to go out.  Cancelled my Easter trip because I am afraid that I won't feel well or get "the runs" and now I am depressed that I will be home alone during the holiday.  Feel so unhappy.  doc wants me to take Zoloft.  I tried other antidepressants and they all do the same thing get me tired, headache, nausea, mood swings, insomnia.  I feel worse on them and give up after a few days and say I am going to fight this on my own but cannot find the strength to do so.  I just don't know what to do but I do understand how you feel.  You are not alone.  So many of us have the same problems.  God Bless!
    • Posted

      Oh gosh how awful for you aswell, this is just so horrible - I,m just like that too. Started taking B vit slow release yesterday as its meant to be good for us and then wee turned neon yellow and now been up all night obsessing about that, is it the vitamin tab or do I have kidney probs now ontop of everything else, thats what its like going crazy over every thing, if theres anything I,m not stressing about I,m looking for things online and convincing myself I have it and am going to die a horrible long death from it, its a nightmare - I am spinning round in circles obsessing about everything, said to myself I am going to go to GP today if I can as it,s getting so out of hand - like someone said yesterday the government should recognise this for us women and let us retire early because of it and we need more help, xx

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