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Does anyone else suffer from health anxiety thinking they have awful things wrong with them all the time and think there must be something else going on as all these symptoms are so horrible ? It,s awful.

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  • Posted

    Yes Lou.... It's are not alone far from it! It's ongoing for such a long time that it's sometimes hard to believe what we have to go through to get out the other side 😳 but it is good to know we can talk about it, our worries & concerns, sharing what we think and trying to help others who are going through the same. Big hugs to you xx
    • Posted

      Yes would be lost without you all to talk to and know I,m not on my own, thank you x
  • Posted

    Hi Lou86

    I have this. I know. This is awful.I've been like this for years, recently I'm tryong mindfulness trying to focus my mind something else, not about my health. This is difficult to do than said, but worth trying.  

  • Posted


    I relate 100%!!! It's easy to develop health anxiety when we do, in fact, have various symptoms that seem like they stem from other, more serious things. I was terrified by heart palps I was having- and did the whole cardiologist work up and am healthy. I was having brain fog, dizziness, even what feels like vision changes- neurologists checked everything and I'm healthy. I've had sleep disturbances (trouble staying asleep and getting "good" sleep) and get hot flashes- my GP isn't overly concerned. My cycles have shortened- and again, my dr isn't worried about it.

    The symptoms are verifiable and are truly there- but none lead to a serious condition which leaves me with assuming perimenopause. I just wish doctors were better about acknowledging and affirming the symptoms as hormonal, mid-life changes and not leave us guessing and googling!!!

    Most Drs just say "your fine" or give out anti-anxiety meds.

    This leaves us still guessing and googling symptoms.

    It would go A LONG WAY if Drs would say "yes! Those symptoms can, and likely do, add up to (peri)menopause!"

    It's the lack of affirmation and education on hormonal changes that is leaving patients scared.

    Even though I hate these symptoms, just knowing it could all be hormonal really provides relief. Better than thinking I'm dying!

    • Posted

      Agree I wish GP,s understood more, I have all the sympoms you describe, mind blowing anxiety ALL the time, just been told to " move on and be grateful" huh allright for them to say that. I have to say the hospital were very kind and lovely to me, but these life changes are almost to hard to cope with - I wish I had a doctor living with me that could put my mind at rest 24/7 and I could ask questions all day and night, oh what a mess this all is x
    • Posted

      I'm right there with you! The hospital staff are always very kind and attentive- I feel safe in the ER! Hahahaha (sad, right?!)

      I wish I had a dr living with me too so they could answer the millions of questions I have regarding my health every day. I so relate to u!! And I too have the mind-blowing anxiety. The anxiety, unfortunately, makes the symptoms worse and in fact, can create new symptoms. It's totally nuts.

      I've started exercising daily, trying to get to bed early, and get interested in other thing (things other than googling my symptoms all day!) I am getting stronger because I'm fed up and tired of being scared. I've sorta started telling myself that "I'm fine!" And just putting one foot in front of the other- trying to get on with life. I focus on my kids and watch Netflix shows- anything to just feel normal.

      I completely empathize and don't have all the answers~ but you're not alone!!!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for that I know I,m not alone now and I feel for you so much as I wouldn,t wish this on anyone. I AM going mad with it at the mo, have been standing in front of the mirror examining my stomach from all angles convincing myself the cyst I had on my ovary has gone by the surgeon but moved up to my stomach and is growing there now, thats my manic phobia at the moment, along with being terrified to go to the loo in case loads of blood comes out and I,ll bleed to death, all the worst possible things that could happen will happen to me - it,s a living nightmare right now. I do try to have  a walk every day but can,t go far in case I have a panic attack about something, uuugghh it just goes on and on and on, I have a beautiful granddaughter 4 months old and I love being with her, I love her SO much it hurts, and when I cuddle her I end up sobbing and have to hand her back as in my head I am convinced that I will die and I won,t see her grow up, its just HORRIBLE and so cruel that we have to go through all this, just want to feel better again x
    • Posted


      I'm so very sorry for what you're going through. The fear and anxiety really is what's the worst. Have you considered taking an anti-anxiety med? I realize that no one wants to be on a med like that long-term, but it's useful short-term, especially when you are in a fear cycle. A med like Xanax, will really melt away the anxiety and fear and just let you relax. If you take it even for a week or two, it helps you to know what a relaxed state feels like, and the you can hopefully ease out of the anxiety cycle.

      I also recommend a book called Hope and Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes. It's not about menopause or hormones, but it's absolutely about anxiety and falling into fear cycles. It talks about how symptoms that are likely benign, cause anxiety- and the anxiety causes your body to release adrenalin, which then causes more scarey symptoms. The symptoms cause more fear, then the cycle repeats.

      It's an excellent book to read- especially if major health issues have been ruled out and the over-riding issue is fear/panic. Your in my thoughts!!!

    • Posted

      Thank you amy, I will look into the book and the meds particularly - anything to help get through all this nightmare, today has been very bad again, seems like its a really bad patch and its all hitting me at once, today I have been a nervous wreck and thats putting it mildly, had to work this morning but I work alone so I could keep sitting down on the floor so I can stretch out when in panic mode, it really is awful and cant wait to get home where I feel kind of safe, its just so horrible - real doom and gloom day AGAIN, but I know lots of other ladies are going through the same thing - I,m only 52 but feel like my life is going downhill so fast I don,t know how to climb back up again. Thanks for everything and hope you ok x
    • Posted

      Hey Lou~

      I feel ur pain!!! I'm plagued with panic and anxiety too~ very debilitating!

      But there's hope- this too shall pass- nothing is forever and life is ever changing. I'm hanging in but that book I recommended saved me (that and my faith). It really explained the power of the anxiety and how to rationalize ur way out. Plus, anti anxiety meds like zanax can help get u over the hump.

      You're gonna be ok, though it doesn't always feel like it. keep us posted😘

    • Posted

      Thank you yes I will try, am going to try to get to GP tomorrow if there are any appointments, the thought of Easter makes me feel depressed as family are coming and I,m going to have to be nice to everyone when I feel like crying all the time, but yes will keep posted - thank you again x
  • Posted

    Poor love, we are all here to support each other, there are lots of lovely ladies on this site who advise vitamins, ect, you are not alone, we have or are having the same problems, our Grandmothers, Mum's, ancestors, did it cold turkey remember!!! Xxxx
    • Posted

      Thank you, yes we are all in the same situation and it,s so horrible - trouble is I seem to have it so full on at the moment and it is bad, surgical menopause is very evil and I know natural menopause is aswell, right now stomach feels like a washing machine, head whizzing all over the place, burning pain where ovary was taken ( even after 18 months ) nausea, health fears even though hosp have discharged me, oh my gosh will this ever end x
  • Posted

    Hi Lou, I know exactly what you mean. I have health anxiety all my life. I also had panic attacks really bad. I had cognitive behaviour therapy which helped a lot. Basically, you learn why you feel like that and what triggers attacks. It does help to coop once you know. I really sympatise how you feel. x
  • Posted

    I must confess im to having the anxiety feelings with me most the time, what concerns me is i dont want to go out and i dont, i dont drive and health problems restrict my walking, i only go out once a week with my hubby, he drives, and then up to my mums once a fortnight for the weekend, hubby takes me, apart from this i dont go out the gate and i dont think it would bother me much if i never went out. Got a baby shower invite amongst a bunch of ladies ive never met before in another town, i cant face going, ive looked up social phobia, i can tick off all the list.Got worse since hitting the menapause, i havnt been to my doctors about this, i dont want to go on medication for this.Anyone know of something natural that may help please?
    • Posted

      Hi susan, I just wanted to say hi, because your problem seems kinda hard to deal with and I wanted to wish you courage. I looked through the internet under social anxiety and there was some information there from the Mayo clinic which I think is kind of reliable.

      I myself suffer from depression, and I do take medications, which I resisted for a long time. I resisted because I felt guilty or responsible for my problem. It was a symptom of the illness. 

      But I am not pushing it on you at all. There are some natural cures on the website, valerian and passionflower. . . anyway, give it a read.

    • Posted

      Susan know how you feel, I,m just like that but I drive and I do work but can only manage 2 hours a day and thats pushing it, it really is, I hate it with a vengence - I get terror feeling as soon as I leave the house and I have to get from my house to work very quickly in case I have a panic attack and then when I am at work I can,t wait to get home again so that I can panic in my own home if that makes sense. Also like you I will do anything I can to aviod a public gathering, can,t stand it and feel like everyones looking at me and to be honest I just cant be bothered with anyone and I dont want to talk to anyone either, I just cant be bothered as I,m too wrapped up in my anxietys, this is so horrible and I have never felt like this in my life and I hate it so much - again I havnt been to the doctors for a while but I am getting close trust me I feel like I dont know how much longer I can go on like this without exploding or running away so that I can be on my own forever and never see anyone ever again, not sure about natural remedies for this but have started B6 and vitamin E, was taking 50plus but made no difference whatsoever, at the moment I feel like I am beyond the point of help, thats how I feel and its nasty really nasty xx
    • Posted

      Thanks Lou, i still say and  ive said it before  i think a lot of us are suffering so bad hear that i realise i could be a lot worse still. To be going through what some of you do and then have to try and hold down a full time job as well, its awfull. Women should be able to apply for state pension earlier if needed because of these horrific health problems associated with the menapause.
    • Posted

      Agree Susan we should be able to retire early but then this country is run by a man and what would he know - have tried ringing surgery for appointment but answerfone and then remembered wednesday they are closed in the afternoon and then prob wont get appointment tomrw as they will be busy, uugghh x
    • Posted

      Yes Lou if women run things you can be sure there would be a few different rules! makes me feel like protesting. you know over half my emails are now all from hear and about the menapause, theres more and more women joining and commenting on hear, i think the horrific stories should be all copied and sent to our local MPs, But then the government is taking the DLA away from very vulnerable people right now uncluding those who are using wheel chairs so they wont be iterested in hearing about women with our problems, all they are interested in is that we can use our arms and legs and speak, no mercy shown at all. Retirment age needs to be brought down to at least 50 if need be. Hope you get your appointment tomorrow, uugghh indeed x

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