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Hi All . . . it seems like ive been in menopause since my 40's and now that im 51, im feeling it. ive been freaking myself out about having cancer and every other thing you can imagine! My muscles ache, headaches, sometimes im hungry, sometimes im not, i just dont feel normal. im sooo tired i feel like i havent slept in months and 6 hrs isnt enough when i could of lived off of 6 hrs easily! Sometimes it seems like i can barely walk, my bones ache so bad. I also am taking synthroid due to a complete thyroidectomy 7 yrs ago and have been on synthroid, have had my blood work done and everything was ok. I feel like a 18 wheeler has hit me . . . is this just symptoms of menopause? i dont want to take any estrogen pills due to breast cancer runs in the family, my mom ended up with breast cancer 4 yrs ago due to taking hormone pills, ive been trying to do everything naturally but geeeez, can i just feel normal and get my energy back up! Ive also been very active my whole life and it just feels like im slipping away, I mean 51 isnt old and i dont want to let whatever this is take over my body! Help!
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Guest khristie
khristie Guest
I am so glad i found this . . I freak myself out and end up going to the ER every minute being a hypcondriac and my husband and kids just look at me like im going crazy! lol My sister also hase chrones disease and i know its not fun
Thanks for your reply and look forward to becoming a new member of these chats!
jane47249 khristie
debbie75601 khristie
khristie debbie75601
juliesutton khristie
Yes my dear it just menopause whooping you're butt. I'm sorry that you feel horrid. I buy over the counter Estroven pills they're all natural. And extra vitamins. Getting ready to buy some Macr Root. And black cohosh. I'm going to give it try and see what happens. Had blood work done today to see what hormone levels are at. Lol I rolled my eye's at the doctor today. I couldn't help myself. I hope you feel better.
khristie juliesutton
Let's hope that's all it is lol . . I've had my blood work done about 3 mins ago and everything was normal! My voice has gotten hoarse and my muscles have ached so bad where I just wanna cry, scared me sometimes! If it the menopause this sucks! I'm hoping I can get some answers but I swear some doctors are quacks !
juliesutton khristie
I feel your pain. Also my voice has went really horse. I've always had some horse to it. But now. Dang I sound manly
Oh god, what else. More blood work done today, I told my doctor to get on it. I want to know how and what levels what are at. Lol
The look on her face
PRICELESS, , I think she thinks I am a Hypochondriac. Shoot I hate going to the doctors. Lol anyways my dear I wish you well.
Guest khristie
khristie Guest
khristie Guest
juliesutton khristie
khristie juliesutton
Guest juliesutton
khristie Guest
Guest khristie
juliesutton khristie
juliesutton khristie