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Going through peri menopause feel awfull but docs won't give me anything for a year is there anything I can do to help I feel so exhausted I don't sleep my flushe's are bad head aches I keep crying any ideas please 😔
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bobbysgirl Kim1971
There are all sorts of things you can do to help yourself. Sage leaf works well for some. Go back to your doc and ask for a full 'bloods' and get a print out of the results. You can then see for yourself how your hormones are doing and if you are deficient in any minerals.
I did that and it is a great reference and a good starting point.
Kim1971 bobbysgirl
maria101 Kim1971
I read star flower oil is good might try it to see if it helps you could do some research and see if it can help you hugs xx
Kim1971 maria101
bobbysgirl Kim1971
Better still, do you have a whole/health food shop in your town. The owner of the one I use is very knowledgeable about all the products she sells.
lisa326 Kim1971
Kim1971 lisa326
looloo43 Kim1971
Hi Kim. I know how you feel hun. I'm 45 & started hrt on 1/4/16 which helped my mental symptoms immensly. why won't you doc put you on anything? How old are you hun? what lisa said about fluoxetine - I have read this particular ad helps "soften" the symptoms of peri/meno for many ladies, & one of my old workmates in her 50's said it has really helped her cope with peri. it may be worth talking to your doc about switching from citalopram to fluoxetine for a few months trial to see if it helps you more. try to be kind to yourself too - if you need to vent or ask any more questions, lots of lovely ladies on here to listen/try to help hun. You're not alone. xxx
Kim1971 looloo43
Hi im 44 had no periods for 3 months and doc said I've got to not have them for a year before they will give me hrt I'm so frustrated think it's were I'm tired xx
looloo43 Kim1971
Hi Kim. I would write down all your symptoms. Then ring up your gp surgery & ask if they have a gp or nurse that specialises in menopause/womens health & make appt. It sounds like you have started perimenopause & there are hrt regimens that women can be put on. you are in menopause once you've had no periods for a year, but that doesnt mean you can't have hrt. I am in peri & am on hrt as are many women on here. Don't be walked over by a gp that isn't clued up on peri/meno. There is also a very useful site another lady posted on here - google 34 most common menopause symptoms - very informative & factual - may help you realise its not you - its mother bloody nature! xxx
Kim1971 looloo43
Hi it was the way she sat there and smiled at me like oh well never mind.she was only young so didn't understand how I felt.. think I will call them as I really need to go on something thst will help.I was so upset I just wanted help and came out thibeing what a waste of time.. oh to be a woman lol xx
lisa326 looloo43
sue58256 Kim1971
bobbysgirl sue58256
Kim1971 sue58256
Yes I'm going to town tomorrow to have a look I just worry how I'm going to cope when it gets really hot and it's so hot were I work as well I carry a mini fan in my pocket lol x
sue58256 bobbysgirl