Posted , 12 users are following.
Posted , 12 users are following.
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Black1207 linda90246
Hi Linda90246.Yes I was going through the same thing.symptom.I was trying to do it the natural way.I did not work for me.I went to my doc .he put e on Education 0.1 patch the lowest's been three was now .no flashes no night sweats.I luv it.Now I have to work in the weight I gained after the surgery.when u feel like tht take a deep breath in and out.I hope u feel better
linda90246 Black1207
pinkcatfairy linda90246
Yes, I never suffered so much as I did in peri, watery eyes, especially in the mornings, a year into menopause and the symptoms come and go still!
natallia04776 linda90246
I'm so feel ill now ! I ve got strange throght like a frog is in or a ball. I think I've got thyroid cancer but all comes done at night time . I feel crazy and want to cry. Can't wait for my blood results.😂
Black1207 natallia04776
Kris1012 natallia04776
I too though had thyroid cancer. Lost my voice, knot on side of neck, ear pain .had these symptoms for 3 straight months then stopped out of blue. I was scared my mom had thyroid cancer,cancer runs like crazy on both sides of the family. All these different symptoms can be very scary. Don't know if something is really wrong.
Though I was alone with feeling this way! !!
monique_93857 linda90246
I to feel my allergies have gotten worse since menopause the dry nose and eyes but they still water the mucus more now I'm always coughing up cold due to my sinuses draining down my throat at night then it makes my mouth taste so nasty my head stays stuffy I also get the Ringing in my ears from being clogged from the drainage grrrrrrrrrr yes your not alone
natallia04776 monique_93857
Oh! My God! Thanks God I've got that strange cold THE 3d week and the same! Im crying thinking im mad! Antibiotic doesn't make any difference.
Tell me please haw do you feel?
With me it comes and goes but i would say the same for 3 weeks now.
monique_93857 natallia04776
I feel like crap most of the time it's horrible then at times I feel it trickling down my throat I go through so much tissue grrrrrrrrrr I hope this goes away I won't take anything I've been going through all of this naturally not even for the anxiety thanking God that have subsided every blue moon it will peek but I get up get busy and not let it get the best of me please feel free to inbox me so we can stay in touch I'll keep you updated on my symptoms
natallia04776 monique_93857
Black1207 monique_93857
Ok I'm here for u.this site had helped alot also take care and enjoy your day
madge19860 monique_93857
Hi Monique, I've been through menopause for twenty years and still have year-round allergies and it began during menopause. Antibiotics don't help my sinus issues because they are mold-based, not bacterial. It can be miserable. Some days are better than others. And I have plugged ears every day, plus ringing ears, plus hearing my heartbeat in my ears, all the time. Add in fatigue from chronic fatigue syndrome, occasional vertigo from the plugged ears, and daily heart palpitations (pounding and arrhythmia both). But over time, I've been able to do more things than I used to.
. I can't take any medications for the allergies and sinus except for saline nasal spray (because of the heart palpitations). No Sudafed, like I used to use, and no antihystamines (they caused dry eye). Occasionally I use Flonase, but that makes dry eye worse to.. Even with all those things, the anxiety attacks I had during menopause were worse then. I don't get them as often now. And if I pace myself, and rest enough, I can still find meaningful ways to enjoy most days. Menopause is not for sissies, is it? Put yourself in the hands of a good doctor. I hope you're dealing better with all this soon Sending you hugs. Hoping you have better days ahead.
And, I'm retired, so I enjoy
monique_93857 Black1207
I forgot to add sometime when my nose is really dry it's hard to breathe through my nose and it makes me light headed grrrrrrrrrr thank you take care prayers for all of us
natallia04776 monique_93857
monique_93857 natallia04776
Yes it's because your nose is dry ice been using a lot of saline solution and my best friend now is lemon/ honey cough drops they help soooo much even when I take my morning walk I use them it helps my nose stay clear they work wonders