Posted , 15 users are following.
Does anyone have palpitations on a daily basis? It's driving me crazy
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Posted , 15 users are following.
Does anyone have palpitations on a daily basis? It's driving me crazy
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suzynegrette shirl15546
Yep!!! It has been better since I had my period, but around PMS time it feels relentless!!
kim60737 shirl15546
Cass63 shirl15546
shirl15546 Cass63
CASS I didn't have a period oct thru April. The palps weren't that bad, just would have them when it was time for my period. Since I have started my periods again I have episodes of palms maybe 3 times a day. Some last longer than others. My anxiety level has went out the roof as well. Can you describe yours please ?
Cass63 shirl15546
A year ago I was diagnosed with Afib. I have had 2 heart ablations since. My heart is in rhythm now, but I am still noticing the flutters. The best way to describe it is like my heart is doing a flip flop. It is not constant, but I notice it throughout the day and at night when I lay down. I have had menopause symptoms since 2009 and a total hysterectomy in 2011. I am still battling every symptom on the list and then some. The internal and external shaking or vibrating has been so very bad, which in turn only heightens the anxiety. It is a vicious cycle. I am praying that what I am feeling is just hormonal and not Afib related. This has really been a journey one I pray will end soon. Take care 🙏🏻
michelle50768 shirl15546
Yes!!!!! My story went through peri hell for ten years
Went 13 months no period thought I was in full menopause
Had half my thyroid out last week due to suspicious nodule of which I'm still waiting in results
Day after surgery got a heavy period!!!
Have had palpitations all week
Two ecg both fine
Apparently the stress of operation brought on a period
So now I'm having to wait and see for six weeks if I need thyroid meds and dealing with a really heavy period
But in short I suffered them throughout peri and now they are back with a vengeance
You will get great support from the ladies here they are amazing
Hope they ease up for you soon x
michelle50768 shirl15546
columba84250 michelle50768
mary27278 shirl15546
Can you believe I was about to ask this question? Yes I've been having them daily but what I've noticed it's very light during the week of my period. The closer my period gets it lightens up and the week of its practically none. My period just left and now palpis are back. The palpitations are usually worse during the morning upon wakening. Uggg! I can't stand it. Michelle mentioned that acid reflux can cause palpis, in which I agree that could be a factor also. During my period all of my symptons usually disappear including acid reflux, anxiety, naseau, stomach issue, etc. and once period ends, BAM symptons are back!
I know eventually my period has to stop, I pray it doesn't leave me with these symptons..
columba84250 shirl15546
mary27278 shirl15546
I tried posting before but being moderated, don't know why really.
I was going to ask this same question . I've been having the heart palpitations daily. I'm noticing with me it seem to be worse when my period leaves. The week before and during my period the palpis are very light or practically non-existence. They are usually at its worse during mornings awakening. Ugggh! I can't stand it! I just had a period and as soon as it left, BAM palpis came back along with the rest of the symptons, anxiety, bloating, back hurting, naseau, stomach issue, acid reflux, etc
Michelle mentioned that acid reflux can give you palpis it is common with peri. May i add that my acid reflux was gone while period was on then appeared again with palpis. The period now seem to be my relief but i know eventually the period has to stop , I pray it won't leave me with all these symptons..😔
jo4848 shirl15546
I was having palpitations in my early twenties and this scared the life out of me. Had a scan and the doctor said it was due to me being very flexible and my valve was reflecting this and not shutting properly or something like that. Said half of the lady gymnasts have it. Funny thing is, I think mine was also in my head a little bit and I used to make them worse by panicing - as soon as he said that, I started getting them a lot less often.
I am now 45 and have been getting them recently in the days before my period. I think exercise helps as since I started running, I hardly get them apart from those few days before.
mary27278 shirl15546
Yes I get them almost daily. The only time I don't is when I'm on my period. When it leaves the palpis are back along with the other symptons. It's usually at its worse during mornings awakening. My period somehow brings relief to me, my symptons lessen or some of them practically disappears.
chrisann144 shirl15546
Oh I can relate I was on vacation when they were coming everyday so I used Epsom salts two cups worth and sat in the tub for a half hour and they were gone once I started to do that then I ordered chelated magnesium so it didn't bother my stomach and I get them occasionally but nothing like I was I also didn't want to give up caffeine or sugar the sugar part I have in moderation and caffeine for the most part! I used to be a nurse and my gp and I discussed how we weren't taught much about perimenopause he totally agreed he has done blood work which has come back normal but he said I'm perimenopausal because of my symptoms thank god he isn't like some Drs lol! I worked with him when I did hospice so I knew he was open minded and not textbook! Taking magnesium has helped me Idk if it would help you but you could try and see what happens omg it's so annoying and scary it then brings on anxiety for me as well cause I think I'm dying ughhhh this rollercoaster isn't fun at all
dora_39625 chrisann144
Hi there. Interesting reply and the mention of magnesium.
I've read about this and apparently women going through peri/menopause can sometimes lack this..
I'm new to this and started having symptoms few months ago. Am now getting hot flushes but not sweating..also get palpitations and metal taste in mouth, vertigo and a funny head.
Had a bad episode last night in bed which woke me up. Stomach felt warm which radiated to chest and neck and heart palpitations...also felt a really strange sensation in my head like I was going to black out or something horrible was going to happen. Never felt this before so terrified me.
These symptoms are worse than a panic/anxiety attack.
Do you have any experience of this?
Thanks x
mel65197 dora_39625
Hi -
I know this exact feeling you are talking about. I have these episodes too. I usually get lightheaded and a little nauseous (sometimes kind of clammy-feeling), then it escalates and I feel like I am going to black out. Heart is racing, and crazy sense of "disconnectedness". I have called 911 twice for this. Both times afterwords I am cold, sometimes even shivering. It's awful. Both times the paramedics did an ekg which was normal. For the rest of the day I feel drained and shaky. I have been diagnosed with an atrial tachycardia (by a cardiologist), but I really feel like these episdodes are not entirely related to that. I started having them a couple years ago. On paper, it sounds like a panic attack, but they really just strike out of nowhere. Additonally I have heart palpations quite frequently and feel lightheaded a lot of the time. My throat is often tight as well (sometimes my voice even sounds strained). I've had all the bloodwork done which doesn't really show anything that would explain. I do have fluctuating estrogen, but I guess that is normal. Saw an endocrinoligist who doesn't think it is thyroid-related. Who knows. I guess it's "just" perimenopause, but it is kind of making my life hell.
So sorry you are dealing with this type of thing also.