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Hi menopause nearly ten years..had early one at 42..I found the best thing for me was to stop talking about menopause and just get on with horrible as it is believe me I know ...and slowly I forgot about my symptoms and have been ok since..yes I was frightened had panic attacks sleep deprivation vertigo migraines etc...I found keep talking about it was keeping it alive more...I wish you all well and much love 💗

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    I also had severe anxiety and OCD so you can imagine how it was fuelling my brain .best thing I did was have council ling and CBT...menopause can't kill you's just a massive change like puberty periods and pregnancy..should be taught in schools along side other hormone related changes so all women are prepared x

  • Posted

    Hi Christine I know you say you don't or didn't like to talk about your symptoms too much, but can you tell me do you still have symptoms anymore now that your post? And what did you do to calm the OCD and anxiety also migraines? I have all 3 with many many more symptoms, just wondering does it ever get better and if so what helped besides just trying to get on with life, which I definitely do try and do... Thanks for any and all advice smile

  • Posted

    Also did you have to take anything? If so did it help get you thru? Antidepressants, or hormones? Thanks for sharing...
    • Posted

      Hi I didn't have hrt or ads....I do get occasional symptom now and menopause is for Dr can still get hot flushes etc in your 70s and 80s and beyond.i had them when I was pregnant.i think women get them from puberty onwards periods it something we've always deLt with our anxiety levels go up monthly as well as when is menopause really any different..i used to get hot at night and not sleep when I was due on...this why I think it so important our next generation are prepared as it can come as a big shock...or is it really...because we are not prepared.cbt was the best thing for me for anxiety .to change my thought patterns in my mind about my body...

    • Posted

      I still have OCD..and I have her under control .she is my little friend who earns me when I'm getting upset or stressed..I have pure o which was the horrific intrusive thoughts..being aware you never act on your thoughts is the biggest recovery tool ever..and no one is exempt from them not even depends on how severe your anxiety stress levels are to how extreme intrusive thoughts are...some of them are suppressed traumatic memories masking themselves..suppressed feelings often sadness and anger and some are the fact we are sponges that absorb negativity be it from TV news etc xxxx people with OCD are often very sensitive emotional beings and highly intelligent..💕

    • Posted

      I did have the cbt I felt it did help somewhat , I still use a lot of the technichs they teach you its great for calming anxiety, with the yoga meditation and of course eating right, my anxiety has calmed itself so much from where I was a year and two ago, but the migraines are awful as well as other symptoms that just keep on cycling themselves... I just try and get on with my daily life and try and not dwell on it all, but can be hard.. I guess one day it will all end and will feel completely free of all this and be better.. I agree with we need to be educated on this time of our lives, and not just call it the change, It is definitely us being completely hard wired morphed into something we never were before and its a painful process on the way, no doubt about it!
    • Posted

      This is spot on and well said.  We do have billions of thoughts each day...some scary ones, but they are just thoughts.  I love dreams and once in awhile they make sense.  Our brain is just doing what it was put into our heads to do.  
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      Forgot to say I rub Vicks on my temples when I get migraine minding the eyes of really helps 🤗 and helps with sinus as well...sometimes I put it round my nose as I tend to get hayfever more now x

    • Posted

      I foegot about this....i heard rubbing it into your feet is also good....thx for this..CK
    • Posted

      Thanks Christine I will definitely try the Vicks, oh my gosh I've had this migraine 3rd day now arrggg ...

    • Posted

      Hi the same with headaches....hope we both feel better soon....if i get decent sleep, it definately helps me. CK
    • Posted

      Hi Carol yes headache/migraines are so so bad I almost or wait I do feel like I can't take it anymore, I just need some relief, im waking up today and its still with me, I'm so nauseated with it as well, and I think I have a sinus infection along with it so maybe making it even worse this month! Who knows I just want it all to go away.. I hope your feeling well today, and finding relief with yours. Take care ?

    • Posted

      Ah love you....i had one for 3 days 2 weeks ago and awful and the more you focus on it the bigger it is..ill say a prayer for you that it will lift. Do you take something for it? I agree about the sinus as the same with me.....i have gunk at the back of my throat so i know its related to sinus. I also think looking at pc screen and phones always doesnt help...i really hope it eases up for you...ive a headache as i type so going to get some vices before i head to work today....bless you ❤xo. CK
    • Posted

      Aww lots of love and blessings to you!!! And thank you so much for the prayers ... I think I should be ok after today as far as I think worst will be over from the way my symptoms cycle themselves every month...🙏

    • Posted

      You are right...its weathering the storm knowing you will come out the other side ..and i did pray for you btw as no harm....lots of love ❤CK

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