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Hi menopause nearly ten years..had early one at 42..I found the best thing for me was to stop talking about menopause and just get on with horrible as it is believe me I know ...and slowly I forgot about my symptoms and have been ok since..yes I was frightened had panic attacks sleep deprivation vertigo migraines etc...I found keep talking about it was keeping it alive more...I wish you all well and much love 💗

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  • Posted

    This is great advice! I’m trying to eat right, sleep, get some exercise and keep stress at a low level (which is proving to be harder than the rest). Anxiety plays a huge role in worsening my symptoms and to the degree I can live my life in spite of symptoms, I usually feel that much better,  
    • Posted

      We are all pretty disposed to anxiety and a lot of it is learnt and a lot of it is normal...if you think about our grandparents all of them grew up during one or two anxiety would of been a very normal emotion it has more often than not been handed down to the next generation who then hand it down to the often find anxious children have anxious parents and so forth...hormones will contribute to anxiety levels being higher during menopause as our bodies change..maybe we would not off been so anxious if it was taught in schools along with pregnancy etc 🤗

  • Posted

    I agree with a lot of the things you say. It talking about it abd sharing experiences helps me a lot with coping with it. That’s why we are in this group. I agree it should be thought in schools. Many things re-women are taboos. How many ladies can openly say I have PMS at work place! ?¿

    • Posted

      I agree!  My mom did not have the issues I am.  I have no female friends dealing with this.  No sisters.  IF not for this forum, I would go back to thinking I was losing my mind! are all my “sisters” 🤗

    • Posted

      This group keeps me SANE Lou. Absolutely we are sisters. (I have an older sister but she is pretty useless-I don't even bother to keep in touch) I

      don't think it is possible not to talk or think about peri when you are reminded with so many different symptoms... Thank you all for being here.

  • Posted

    Hi Christine,  I believe I am going through this mess early too...started at around 38.  Now 41...bad periods and symptoms last year.  Last few months symptoms ( dizziness)  really bad, but periods close and light.  Do you remember what your periods were like before your final one?  
    • Posted

      Hi Lou still regular every mth but very short..I had no massive bleeds like some women experience..didn't get hot flushes either if I did I must of been oblivious...I used to get them.when I was pregnant ...I had really bad vertigo post menopause..I used to go to work..lay on the floor and laugh...was scared until Dr diagnosed it...then I wouldn't let it frighten me anymore x

    • Posted

      Menopause was a walk in the park compared to the PTSD I experienced when two of my children died in my early twenties...if I could survive such tradegy I could survive anything ..menopause did escalate some of my PTSD life ladies..ignore the well sleep well exercise..quit your job do something you enjoy....walk away from stress this is all about selfish 💕

    • Posted

      Hi Christine, very helpful thank you.  I haven’t really been getting flashes until recently.  I am adding everything up.  Bad vertigo, flashes, but easy 2 day light periods.  I think I may be seeing my last period sooner than my mom. 
    • Posted

      Hi Christine

      I'm sorry for your loss, and thanks for your post. I think it's really easy to get swept up in the symptoms, Google it, talk endlessly about them etc but sometimes you have to grit your teeth and push on. It can so easily become another part of the problem and it's even harder to get perspective . It also helps in a strange way if youve experienced Ill health, and real hard times.... For me it isn't a shock, its how my life has been so this is just another something to push through, another challenge. Its great to hear from someone who has come out the other side, even stronger ? xx

  • Posted

    Hi Christine...another question...42 is considered early...and we read that scary things can happen if we go through this earlier than the statistics say.  But not as bad as premature (before 40)...  Like all of us...I am not a statistic!  Did you have any health issues that arised due to going through meno at 42? Sorry to be a pain...there are not many ladies on here in meno in early 40s.  Thanks!
    • Posted

      My periods stopped at 42 there main concern was osteoporosis which I did take hrt for until I ended up in hospital couple of weeks later with the worst migraine of my life...osteorogen can thicken your blood thus causing construction in blood vessels around brain..had to have MRI and was told by Dr to stop taking..took vit d instead for achy bones for a couple of years..this passed as well
    • Posted

      So no real health issues..did suffer a lot of ectopic heart beats recently but ECG and echocardiogram came back good and that's it really xxx

  • Posted

    Thank you for a message of hope. It's good to hear positive, it gives us perimeno warriors strength to keep going. It's a natural process we all have to go through at some point in our lives but some of us have really extreme symptoms of perimenopause. I'm so glad you shared your experience.

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