Menopause and BP

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Hi ladies, Happy new year to all of us. 

I'm so worried with my blood pressure going up and down daily, some days it's normal, and other days it can go quite high especially in the evenings, last three days that I have to go hospital, as  it gives me bad headache. 

I am taking losartan 50mg, since my  BP started to spike with my meno symptoms since March, this month is worse and I've also missed my first period. I also feel stress and anxiety, weepy, mood swings. 

Went to my doctor today as I'm worried it's a heart problem, he listen to my heart and he said nothing wrong... But I don't feel reassured..he gave me a higher dose of BP meds. 50mg morning and 25mg evening. 

It's so worrying to go back and forth to doctors. It's like my life now is taken over with this perimenopause. 

Any ladies having this kiind of problems. 


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Happy new year, Kadija.  I’m not on BP meds but struggle more and more with going back and forth to doctors, as you mentioned, and not feeling reassured.  Does your doctor say anything about the anxiety making your BP go up?  I get “white coat” BP now very badly when going to the doctor, not helped by my current gyn turning out to be a bad listener and inconsistent with reporting lab results (long story).  So now I’m trying to find a new gyn.  As you said, the stress, weeping, and mood swings don’t help; they just make everything harder.  I do hope you get the reassurance that you need very soon and understand too well how hard it is to get it.  It is like peri takes over our minds and emotions.  Take care and keeping good thoughts for you!
    • Posted

      Dear Liz

      thanks for replying and Happy new year to you too. I know how you feel about this BP issues, it's such a struggle everytime I have to visit my hospital or doctors as my BP can just spike up and it gives me bad headache, during the day my BP is 120/73 or less, sometimes in the evening it can spike to 180/95 then doctors have to give me extra meds and diazepam and keep me under observation for a few hours, it's such a stress. It's like I dont enjoy my life anymore since all this peri problems. This month I missed my first period and it's the worse since all this perimenopause. I'm sure my body is struggling and it's bringing my BP up as well. 

      I wish a doctor could explain to me what is going on.. 

      I hope you are feeling better. 

      Big hugs


    • Posted

      It is definitely harder to enjoy life.  I’m sorry about the severe headaches.  It’s crazy that doctors can’t be of more help.  My current gyn is my age and she is of no help!  I thought that a female doctor would be more helpful.  Silly me.  I am 46; how old are you?
  • Posted

    Hi Kadija, mine too Dr said its bit high but I had my BP change to Losarton 50 mg once a day your blood pressure must higher then mine because those other ones  I was on was causing a further dry mouth that  hormones so bless me with when I first went through peri,but it happens..if I don't sleep I will get headache though, and yes your life  is all about peri the monster now..I'm about to leave peri behind next month at last but as they say you still get some of the crap still,they are battle to fight and won so just have play it by its mind games..what does your BP reads when you go,I guess your from the UK.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria

      thanks for reply, my BP are around 120/70 on most days, but all of a sudden it can spike to 184/98 at worst, then I have to go hospital for treatment, I am on losartan 50mg but yesterday doctors advise me to take 50 mg morning and a further 25mg afternoon as my BP tends to spike around 6pm onwards. But this happens only a couple of days a month, so I'm not sure if it's how my hormones is reacting and kicks my BP as well.. Not sure what is going on, it make me very anxious and in the evening I'm always expecting that my BP is gonna spike again and this doesn't help my situation. 

      I feel very down at the moment. 

    • Posted

      Hi Kadija, mine. Seems to be 139/80 I think..but it use to read at 130 I'm going to try I buy B/P device..I think when you are on your out th e w asking could send it up I don't know...scary, after the menopause hopefully it will go down to what it should be..just try to keep calm and don't think about it make yourself worst I know it's hard to get through it,but your not on your own got fright in my tummy and everytime I go out and somebody shout or fight my heart start racing and I have to get away horrible.

  • Posted

    Hi Kadija - I am 5 years post menopause & have been battling with high blood pressure for 5 years. I had incredible stress for the last 8 years dealing with my elderly parents, getting kids off to college etc, financial upheavals etc.  I got put on the first b/p RX 5 years ago then an additional one 2 years ago - was having horrific weird symptoms, didn’t know what it was, GP looked at me like I was nuts - Turns out it was the first B/P RX that was causing a lot of my symptoms.  Weaned myself off the first RX and decided to go to a naturopath to find the cause of my high b/p, just not throw more RX at it.  My hormones are very low but balanced, but my cortisol is elevated and so is my inflammation.  Naturopath gave me teas to reduce inflammation and herbs to help with the imbalances.  The one thing you must start taking is magnesium to calm yourself down and any kind of calming teas.  I also take Beetroot Capsules and a cod liver oil tablets and and good Vitamin B complex.  The key is to calm your anxiety and reduce your B/P.  I go to the acupuncturist weekly & try to meditate while standing in line at the grocery store etc.  Take calming baths with lavender and try to “turn off” the noise of everyday life.  B/P RX’s all have horrible side effects, so the goal is to stay away from them...I hope that helps! Be well!

    • Posted

      Hi Debra I need the name of the teas! I hope that helps me 
    • Posted

      Hi Aimee - I drink Holy Basil Tea   (vana)  for Inflammation,  Organic Hibiscus Heart which has Hibiscus Flower & Hawthorn Berry  which is very beneficial to lowering B/P.  I am trying desperately to wean myself off of coffee (difficult cuz I love coffee) but trying to substitute with organic green tea & when I feel anxious which is often, I have Chamomile Tea,  Passion Flower, Peppermint  or Lemon Balm & before bedtime Sleepytime Tea -  yes, I drink a lot of tea - I find it soothing and the warmth aids my very turbulent digestive tract - 

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      Yes!great description for my digestive tract, too-turbulent. Something new almost daily.
  • Posted

    Kadija,did your Dr send you for Renal check for BP meds because she ask me to go and have kidneys check..if not its me then don't know why.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria

      i did ask my doctor for a kidney function test, he said I don't need to do one. 

      Today not feeling well, had to. Go ER had high BP,  heart palpitations, anxiety, all came on suddenly and it was so scary, the doctor perform an. ECG and it was gave me some diazepam to relax and sleep..

    • Posted

      Hi Kadija, yes I know the feeling mine was pounding last night so bad it's scary but I'm still here I was told they will stop with time..I hope so because they can make you feel terrible in your chest sometimes..glad yours are normal mine was last year.

  • Posted

    I have I’m 47 going on 48 at the end of this month . I have several symptoms since I was 45 but this past month and half my heart palpitations are really bad specially my heart rate I have gone to the Er and done ekg  all normal I have done blood work for blood clot all normal they check my heart and Blood pressure is normal . I’m at lost sometimes this site it makes me feel at ease 
    • Posted

      Hi Aimee, I have occasional palpitations due to panic and anxiety.  My BP always goes up when I have to see a doctor (the “white coat” BP).  Definitely know what you mean about this site putting you at ease!  Glad we can help each other.  I’m almost 47.

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