Menopause and suicide
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For the last two years I have been suffering with severe depression and am suicidal. I have attempted suicide because of the feelings that the menopause have created it's hell and pure torture. I am so scared to get my next period as I've just dragged myself through the last one and did want to commit suicide, surely there must be some help out there, I live in the U.K. Can anyone help, can these feeling be treated, can anyone share there experience with me? Thanks
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toffeecushion sharon23566
You must talk to someone about how you are feeling. There is help out there, don't suffer alone. Speak to a friend, your doctor even call The Sarmaritans. Please don't do this alone, ask for help
Mayfly1 sharon23566
PLEASE PLEASE go and talk to your doctor, the Samaritans, anyone. You can get tablets, you can get CBT, a therapist, phone lines. I hope you will find that just talking about this to someone will help.
danielle74822 sharon23566
My ♡ goes out to you. I am praying for you right now. Have the faith and hang in there, it will get better. Menopause does not last forever. Please reach out to someone, a neighbor, friend, pastor-priest, family . God bless you!!!
lisa68384 sharon23566
Sharon, my heart goes out to you. You do not struggle alone. Just know that many ladies have been where you are and come thru. There is a way to get relief. If you can find any kind of baseline with your hormones thru test ing (I know right) then there can be relief. There are tests out there that measure hormones over 24 hours up to an entire month. Like many of us, they fluctuate wildly but even in fluctuations thru more solid testing you may be able to see if you are low and supplement. It's amazing the relief some women have found when just supplementing. I have come very close to taking an antidepressant but have not, yet. Are you on anything? My friend was much like you and went on an an ssri and has found relief. She doesn't want to be on them but needed relief and got it. Hang in there my dear, there are ways to get relief. Reach out to someone for help. Reach out to us if you need to. We battle with you!
littleme1969 sharon23566
Hi Sharon..
Im sure you are not the only one who has felt like this. I have lived with chronic illness for over 25 years that has often left me house bound and struggling to do day to day things that most people take for granted. But nothing prepared me for the level of crazy that menopause would bring. I felt that way too this time last year. I couldn't see a way out of the hell that would change from day to day. But here i am a year later and feel so much better, yes i still get alot of days where i feel like giving up , but i also get days where i fell well enough to do things so that keeps me going forward. It does get easier.. like the others have said.. go to your doctors and explain how you feel.. get some meds.. take back control of your life . There is the help out there .
lori92895 sharon23566
Hii, I am so sorry about your troubles. I have depression too. I am married with no children. I am entering menopause and kniow there is no chance of having a child of my own. I have no desire to adopt because of all the problems that can stem from that and I am 50 years old with rheumatioid arthritis and I doubt that I'd have enough get-up and go for a child at this late date. But I have pictured the children I might have had and it makes me so so sad. I tend not to wear seat belts, thinking why?? I really have nothing to look forward to in life, no graduations, marriages or grandchildren. Anything other than not wearing a seatbelt I haven't contemplated though. I am trying to lean on God through this. Knowing that Christ sympathizes with me, for He loved children and had no chance of having His own. It helps me. And knowing that He knows about ending His own life, (granted it wasn't by His own hand, but He could have called ten thousand angels and stopped it), helps me be able to tell Him my troubles and work through them with Him. Also all the torture He went though at His death was so much more that what I have to endure here on earth. I hope you find a faith in God and Jesus helps you along your life's path. Lori
lisa68384 lori92895
I imagine there will be children in heaven that will need a mother. Perhaps God has a plan for you to raise up one of those little ones
this life is so full of heart break and despair. But one day we know that this pain will cokme to an end. May he give us His grace to endure. When we are there then all of these things will be as nothing. God knows, sees and feels your pain. He sees your longing for children. Just because that desire is not fulfilled on thisbsidenof eternity doesn't mean it will never happen. Hang in there dear friend. We hope and wait and endure together ??
lori92895 lisa68384
Thank you for your reply. Most times I am happy, I try not to think about it too much. I believe that the children I see in my mind, that might have been mine, are real souls and God has them in heaven and that maybe one day I'll be with them. When I feel the saddest are on holidays when I'm supposed to be happy. Getting older on birthdays doesn't help at all either. When I get upset I try to remember the peace that God offers and meditate on that. The book you suggested for Sharon I will try to find and read. Thank you so much for your response.
?God bless you and yours, Lori
juanita93228 lori92895
We are his children Lori, that's why he never had any of his own and we are a handful so I thing he's good.. I am not married and have no children. I am 58. I have a niece, three great nieces, and two nephews that make me feel like a Mom. Two of them live out of state and they send me Mother's Day cards. Sometimes they call me instead of their moms, to talk about certain things. They feel because I'm single with no children, I can give them a different perspective on some things. I was(and still and very active in their lives). I have friends that I go on trips with, or to the ballet and plays. I'm starting yoga classes next month. I rely heavily on my God.
jacqueline06286 sharon23566
Hi sharon,
Your not alone I started perimenapause 4 months ago I started having stomach issues then in Dec I started having ear,neck shoulder headache,fatigue, dizzy nacious I've been to ent dr he said no infection I'm going to a neorologist also went to my obg she said some of my symptoms are peri but the fatigue and dizzy she thinks it's to much so now I have to go see a cardiologist which my appt is today she wants me to be clear before she puts me on hrt ,what symptoms are you having maybe I can help and guide you through the right direction please know that God loves you and know that your not alone in this
Take care and God bless you.
lisa68384 jacqueline06286
Many women get the dizzy, fatigue, and nauseous feeling. Can u tie yours in with your cycle at all? I get those symptoms and I had all the tests. Ten doctors later (gp's, rhumatologists, neurologist, OB's, specialist...I've been there!) and so much money spent!
jacqueline06286 lisa68384
lisa68384 sharon23566
Ladies, a wonderful book that has helped me so much thru all of this is Streams In The Desert. I highly recommend you read it. Filled with so much hope for those of us going thru despairing points in our life and wondering where God is and why He would allow it. The gems scattered thru It's pages has helped get me thru all this mess.
juanita93228 sharon23566
My sister described menopause as a dark period in her life(she was 55 at the time). HRT helped her and she was also on Xanax. But she had to be weaned off both. She is now 67 and living life. She gets down every now and then, but she survived it and you will too. Get help, talk to a doctor, you may not like taking meds, but sometimes you have to. You come on this forum anytime and talk. But since you are suicidal you really should be under a doctor's care. You need a regular doctor and perhaps a psychiatrist? If a doctor isn't helping you, change doctors. I did. You are not alone, please live, this will pass. But you have to talk to a doctor. I was taking the antidepressant Trazodone and I felt it had stopped working. I spoke with my doctor and she is switching me to Prozac. She put me on a low dose and told me it takes about a month to kick in. Severe depression is often caused by a chemical imbalance. That, coupled with your hormones going crazy during menopause is enough to make you feel like you feel. But you are not alone. Get help please, I don't know you, but I want you to live and get better.
leslie95604 sharon23566
Sister Sharon. We love you so very much. Experiencing hormonal imbalance is wholly challenging. It's beyond difficult to sit still whilst on fire. Like you, I consider stepping off. I stay only because to step off would gravely injure those who love me. It's a rock and a hard place. I am in post menopause and have been bedridden for two years now. I want so much to help you. This morning was a nightmare as I was struggling to breathe. It's been gradually getting worse over the past few weeks. I have too many symptoms to list. It's absolute misery. I do feel that I am dying. But even in this misery I can still reach out to you and try to encourage you. You possess that same strength by reaching out for help. Please follow the advice these angels are giving you and get yourself some medical help. Please sweetheart. Take the steps. You can do this love. We are right here with you.