Menopause Burning Mouth Syndrome
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& doctors-3 procedures to no avail- thousands ofdollars on visits and exrays and testings thank GOD for Insurance and 9 months later I stillhave this issue in my mouth- finallymet a GYnecologists whoput meon prempro i feelvery goodno hotflashes no moodsnoover allillness and my mouth is liveable- but it is so bizarre- it can burn on lips sometimes roofof mouth throat and tongue always i an't wait forthe day this leaves me has anyone else had this happen i also have salivary bitter tatse GYN says Menopause effects the salivary glands!!! who eating icecubes!!!!!
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sue976 diana26536
i too have had a burning tongue, throat and ears for the last year, I am now under a ENT, at first they thought it was reflux but none of the tablets work, at the moment they are thinking allergies, but you have my sympathy it is the worst feeling, I gave this everyday, and it does get you down, peri is the worst thing, no wonder we are all going crazy with all these symptoms they are endless xx
diana26536 sue976
sue976 diana26536
diana26536 sue976
diana26536 sue976
It's been 5 months since I posted I am wondering how your doing with BMS I'm still hanging in with gels and ice and bland foods. It's a long road.
monique_93857 sue976
pat3201 sue976
elaine68190 diana26536
diana26536 elaine68190
elaine68190 diana26536
diana26536 elaine68190
elaine68190 diana26536
elaine68190 diana26536
Topo14 diana26536
Hope you feel better soon! xx
diana26536 Topo14
Yes it is not pleasant-
its very strange and when I tell co workers they cannot or never heard of it to comprehend - i have learned to live with it yes some days are better and now I am able to cope - for me cold water and cold yogurt ice cubes and cereal with milk help alot - apples are also helpful- i have had this for almost a year and I am in menopause - hope we get relief soon ox
Glitzy diana26536
Topo14 Glitzy
I also have had the metallic taste in my mouth from time to time and a very dry mouth so that my tonque sticks to it. My gums are also very tender and have receeded. I have a lot of trouble with my gums lately. As far as I have read this is also part of perimenopause. It is no fun though... xx
diana26536 Glitzy
Glitzy diana26536
diana26536 Glitzy
joan92570 Topo14
Good Morning
I to suffer with BMS and my gums also are painful both upper and lower. I do however grind my teeth with I'm sure could be part of my problem with my gums and jaw. The reason I do that is because of my BMS and my tonque sticks to the roof of my mouth. I have had this problem for about 3-4 years now, hard to nail it down exatly because it just creeps up on you. I have not found anything to help me, when I can't stand it anymore I take a sleeping pill and just go to bed and sleep it off. At least we are not alone in this and we are not crazy. Hang in there we have no other choose, I'm sure it will go away.....