Menopause! Fatigue, crying, aching, nauseous, headaches
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Sitting here crying...... again! Feeling awful. Woke up this morning feeling nauseous and aching legs. Went for a run on Monday. Still recovering. Had hoped to go again yesterday but felt awful. Tired all the time. Anxious about everything. Putting on weight but can't stop eating. Had various tests - all ok, including colonoscopy and mammogram. Worried myself silly in the run up to Christmas ..... Virtually read myself the last rights. Have no confidence. Awful temper. Nagging....... Sick of hearing myself rant on to my 12 year old son. What will help. I've read about B6, is B-50 worth a try (Holland and Barrett)?
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margaret04348 lesley26791
lesley26791 margaret04348
Thank you so much for replying. Can't seem to get my head around any of this. I've had hot flushes for about 3 years now, my periods stopped about a year and a half ago. I'm 47! Feel like I'm 97 most of the time, seem to have had every symptom going. Tried a variety of 'remedies' but nothing seems to have any effect. Not tried HRT - a bit nervous about it, postponing the inevitable plus I've had quite a bit of IVF, so don't really want to be taking anything else. I'm also a migraine sufferer, so that also limits the type of HRT and increases slightly the 'stroke' possibilities. (I know, I'm a born worrier!!). Can't seem to enjoy life much. My poor husband, who struggled in the beginning with my symptoms has been great recently, though I'm sure I irritate him more than he lets on. I'm trying a healthier diet, drinking home made juices, smoothies etc, but can't seem to stop reaching for th biscuit barrel too...... And the odd slice of cake!
colleen55 margaret04348
Hi Margaret, I hear your pain. I am peri and am 55 yo. Seems odd to me that I haven't really skipped cycles fully yet. Just 5-6 weeks apart now. I am so tired and achy and feel like I am soooo old. I am comforted to know that I am not alone but worry about how debilitating this is and how long it will take to feel better again. I can barely get around because I am so stiff and sore It's awful! I feel nauseous and like crying all the time. Is your family supportive? I am worried to tell my family how bad I feel because I just had back surgery and I don't want my husband to have to be my nurse again. I just know what to do? I feel like going home to bed and never coming out!
maria_03422 margaret04348
Thank you Margaret ..I thought i was the only one with bladder problems!!!
and the joint ache is so bad special in the morning!! Last year used to be my upper back now is the lower back and legs..I'm also 51 years old going on 90!!! I wish to travel being active i just don't feel doing anything anymore!!!
beverley007 lesley26791
Hi..just read this n can relate to u! I too have had lotz of IVF which triggered awful migraines..sometimes lasting months at a time. About a year ago periods became few n far between and over last month started getting all the typical peri symtoms..night sweats, hot flushes, fuzzy brain and finally after having a migraine from hell lasting 3 wks took myself to Dr.
Started Hrt patches as these have less poss of stroke and hoping the migraine will imp. I have only been on for 4 days but have actually managed to get through last 3 days without needing triptans! Hoping that if migraines linked to oestrogen fall then this good b the answer on a shorttterm basis. Sometimes things u don't want turn out for the best...good luck!
mary27278 maria_03422
maria_03422 mary27278
Hi Mary
I experience. the same thing. for a few years , still get it but not as often. ..changing my diet special eliminate coffee helped a lots.
also walking every morning helps.
Right now I'm missed my period this week but I'm having headaches my blood pressure up and down too much!!
Feel better😊
mary27278 maria_03422
maria_03422 mary27278
I did go more then ones, I was so scared what could it be! i coudnt sleep worrying constantly about it.
they didn't find anything, they keep saying change shoes , it's from my lower back go to a chiropractor!!! I even went to the emergency room!! the Dr happened to be a woman going through the same things as us. ..she told me that's part of the crazy change!! she is the one suggested to change my diet and walk even if it was for 15 minutes a day! Don't worry you are ok but you can go to Dr just so you don't have to worry all the time..its going to just disappear one day you'll see.
mary27278 maria_03422
maria_03422 mary27278
Go see a chiropractor and get an adjustment for your back it will help.
You describing the same thing i have..the more stress and worried you get the worst it gets.. it's all the anxiety and crazy thoughts go through our minds!
mary27278 maria_03422
maria_03422 mary27278
It is Mary, please don't worry i went through all of the symptoms and some more over and over the past 8 years!!
it's a nightmare..i have friends that they didn't even know they going through it😊
mary27278 maria_03422
Kadija1966 maria_03422
Hi. Maria
i have the same problems, leg pains my doctor thought it was DVT and sent me for urgent scans, nothing showed up, past few days I've had bladder pains, feel really ill, going for an ultrasound d tomorow to check on my kidneys and other organs.