menopause feelings
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Hi ladies as precious discussions I have split with my husband as had no feelings for him and didn't want to be with him.last night we met up for the 1st time to talk about things and I did nothing but cry.I have a very sportive husband who try everythung to make me feel better.I found after meeting him he looked sexy and fancied him for the first time in months.and felt I maybe missed him.I cred all night. could it be that I do have feelings but the menopause is covering them up. As latley been a lit ty let depressed and felt worse since he left .so I'm thinking maybe I do have feelungs I am so confussed
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lornaj1968 beverley_c69016
This is so sad but yes it is possible. I think the menopuse is a much worse version of pmt. We just cannot understand ourselves. Out actions. Our motives nor our feelings. Go for it again with your husband if he is willing to give u another chance. Good luck xxx
steve75571 beverley_c69016
She was getting a little distant from me and also picking on silly little things I've always done after about 5 month of this she told me she didn't love me anymore and wanted me to leave.
I am really really hoping that she will get the feelings back for me and we can get back together as I'm not coping very well with the split
How long was you 2 together?
Please please keep us updated, I really do hope that you 2 can get back on track
Good luck x
beverley_c69016 steve75571
steve75571 beverley_c69016
beverley_c69016 steve75571
steve75571 beverley_c69016
Good luck
looloo43 beverley_c69016
beverley_c69016 looloo43
looloo43 beverley_c69016
beverley_c69016 looloo43
looloo43 beverley_c69016
esther39579 beverley_c69016
callianne_65675 beverley_c69016
I treat my BF badly at times too. Luckily he is in tune with what is going on, so most of the time he just ignores it and is ready for a cuddle when I feel like one. Without the pressure. It's hard enough I know making ourselves feel okay without the added pressure of hurting someone else.
Tell him you want to try, but you are 'all over the place' right now and can he cope?
Zigangie beverley_c69016
I was totally reliant on him for a while during peri.
I really didn't do much at all, in hospital with depression several times heavily medicated and useless.
I hated him everything he did was wrong. He cooked cleaned did my laundry. I hated him because he seemed so well when I felt like death.
Anyway things didn't improve a lot even when I was post. I became horrible hot all the time and was put on HRT (I did have to ask for it though)
Things improved quite quickly. My doctor would not prescribe testosterone but I buy that myself online.
Now we are partway back to how things were pre peri. I say partway because I still have awful insomnia at times and that does impact on our relationship and I can be yuk feeling still at times. But I thank God my husband stuck around because I love him and I wouldn't have wanted someone else (I just wanted to be alone).
The testosterone has given us back the great sex life we used to have and with the enjoyment of sex I've found some regained confidence too.
It very likely is your hormones making you feel this way. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me that was what was making me feel that way but I can assure you that in my case definitely my hormones were to blame.
Hope things get sorted out for you as well and soon.
beverley_c69016 Zigangie
Zigangie beverley_c69016