Menopause hell

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HAPPY NEW YEAR ..... menopausel sisters lets hope 2019 will be a better one for us even though symptoms are still as bad as they were 2 years ago for me im hoping i will be able to deal with them a bit better i still feel as crazy still have such alwful health anxieties migraines auras dizzyness moods achy joints and if that isnt enough getting fatter and more and more unreconizable in the mirror .... when i look in the mirror i see a crazy angry unhappy lady looking back someone i dont know or understand .... but hope all you loverly ladies will find the strength to have a good year

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40 Replies

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    Mine have plagued me for two years as well and no end in sight yet. I have the dizziness, blurry vision and headaches/pressure every day and its really wearing me out. Let's hope for a better 2019 for us all...

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      ive been having zigzags most weeks for a year then once the zigzags go and my vision returns im left with a migraine .... also everyday i have a feeling like bad sunburn on my leg just one leg .... whats all that about

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      hi how r you now im dealing with it every day 😞

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    Oh and the health anxiety is still out of control 😦

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    how are you dealing with this?

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      to be honest struggling most days but once in a while the old me comes back and i love it to actually feel me again ... wsiting to see the neuro specialist because of the migraines and auras they have been getting really out if hand ...

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    Hi Jan...its awful hard. I am the same. you think you are getting past it and are back to where you started... the constant worry about it there is something more sinister wrong with you is exhausting and brings with it a lot of darkness...but it will and doesget better...hang tight lovey. you are not alone and keep checking in for support. lots of love. CK

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      Carol - your words ring true. I have had this feeling of wow - maybe I'm past the nightmare? And then one of those unsettling symptoms come again and its the fear of - are they all coming back again with a vengeance? I've had more better days but it's the fear of it coming back and is it something more sinister that is exhausting as you shared. Totally exhausting. I run myself as much as I can on these good days out of fear that I'm not going to feel good like this for very long. Hard to admit this but it is true. So thankful for this forum!

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      Hi Finny.. i was only thinking about you would you believe...and here you are. I thought you might be feeling better and like you...I'm having better days but last night i had a "hormonal night" as i called it...a thurst i could not quench with bad headache. it reminded me of what you said in a previous post...its a possible hot flash without helped me shed some light on so tummy and guts still playing up with wind ect..and this still causes me anxiety as you get a clear run and back to normal.. but more better days now....So nice to see you posting and that you are feeling better ...long may it last. lots of love. Carol K

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      Hi Carol- thanks for your sweet message. It sounds like you are seeing some better days as well? I still get stomach things and gas and weird symptoms here and there and somehow I am able to convince myself it's the peri. I've not been on here for a few months as I truly was trying to "catch Up" on all that I wasn't able to do. I had a hormonal day 3 days ago - a really rough one with all sorts of symptoms - it's a good reminder of all that we have to go through and to appreciate the good days to the fullest. Lots of love coming your way Carol. Hugs. Finny

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      Hi Finny - thx for the message. yes same here. able to cope better when i get rough patches. Glad you are heading towards the light and i hope it continues. Keep in touch and please God it will only get better. Blessings on your head. 💕 Carol x

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    I've had 4 years of peri symptoms progressively getting worse. My main issue is anxiety, I don't even want to be here anymore it's too much. I can't function anymore, I'm terrified constantly. It's absolute hell and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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      its not easy to function at all, and yes some days it really gets to me and i feel like you do but im taking strength from other ladies that have come through the other side not sure what or who i will become when i get there but please god it cant go on forever surely our bodies or minds cant always be like this just hope i have some sort of life sfter and do not become lonely and someone no one can bother with ... i work full time in a professional job and without my work collegues id be more of a mess than i am now .... so hang in there girls x

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    happy new year all meno sisters i've been post meno for 5yrs contant headaches lightheadedness ache constantly espesially in my neck and shoulders anyone else get this and if so whats the remedy cannot take hrt any help will do

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      Hi Wendy, I am in peri ...within a couple of months of my cycles becoming occasional migraines became chronic. Then, shortly after the dizzy unbalanced strange head feelings pressure, fatigue, neck pains daily for over a year. So bad, had to stop working and practically housebound because of the dizziness. I tried all the natural ways and stuck them out. Did not work for me.

      I am currently on nortripyline, headache trigger diet, magnesium, b2.

      I had 10 migraines in Nov... just 2 in Dec. I have also been spending less time moping around at home...I have some unbalanced feelings, but, I push through it. I am not a huge advocate of meds...but it is helping me along. Happy New Year...lets hope 2019 is better to us all.

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      oh yeah im 48 will be 49 in 29 days . the neck pain is awful I am doing physical therapy but yes the neck pain , shouldera joint pain is horrible, but i had hip pain first at 45 and ufff i could not move . im still working pushing thru. I just got my period 2 days ago and the symptoms prior my period is so scary is not funny i get the heart palpitations, squezze and the weird head pain and then my period comes and it goes away and then the abdominal sensations. it is crazy as heck. the blurred vision, my breast is like too soft still kind of perky but no so perky. I hope this year is better for us

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      Hey lou i know how your feeling ive been getting zigzags then the migraine starts i actually lose some of my vision ... went to gp he said get my eyes checked which i done changed my precription .... my balance is awlful most days and really feel off balance which then sets off my anxiety its a vicious cirlce

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      Hi Jan, I just tried to post a discussion with video clip on this is being moderated...hopefully it goes through. The visual stuff is all migraine related. I saw a neuro last year to rule out bad things...but, she was not helpful otherwise. With the balance problems, I saw an otoneuro recently and I am on nortripyline for migraine management. Have you seen anybody besides your GP. Both my obgyn and gp never spent anytime with me discussing migraines It is awful what we ladies have to deal with.

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      hi lou saw gp numerous times about the migraines and auras ... i asked if it coukd be menopause related he said no ... so naturally thought the worse was only speaking to nurses at work that they said its probaly from the hormones , saw my cardiologist about my palpertations mentioned the migraines and hes referring me to neurologist

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