Menopause - hot sweats help!
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Hi - I have been suffering for about 2 years now with hot sweats and have had enough. I have made an appointment with my GP to get something to help. Can anyone give me advice/tell me their experience with :
1. HRT?
2. Herbal option?
3. Just let it take its course?
4. Any other suggestions?
any help would be greatly appreciated before I make a decision.
Thanks everyone.
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jayneejay alinwunterlant
i am in 10 years of peri ... and took natural route, magnesium helps hot flushes..
i took it for years then stopped and my day flushes came back terrible, was having 12 plus a day... now maybe one a day.. bery good..
100mg to 150mg vitamin B6 has changed my life... Docs can also prescribe this ..
i take menapol plus too from amazon uk..
Vit B12,
Natecal ( Calcium & Vit D3) a must for bone protection.
i cant take HRT i am aged 50 just, haveng had period now for 11 months, so nearing the end of peri... i managed the natural route.. but B6 helped me no end, anxiety, aches, tearfulness, all went... with B6 we lack this in peri and meno
Jay xx
alinwunterlant jayneejay
jayneejay alinwunterlant
its works rwmarkably quickly.. after a week i felt so much better..
amazing.. you need at least 100mg - 150mg daily
weird as 10 years ago my old UK doc gave me Vit B6 and he didnt explain the benefits then i was early peri, so i didnt really bother with it .. if only i had known... its amazing .. jay
jayneejay alinwunterlant
useful snippet off web for you..
Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.
During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.
Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
supplements of 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity
alinwunterlant jayneejay
barbara49965 alinwunterlant
I would get HRT, if its good enough for Joan Collins who swears by it then its good enough for me!
I am still having periods so cant take HRT yet but I am taking herbal tablets call nutrition fx, made from mung beans & green tea, it has been great for me with the hot flushes they have gone! fingers crossed. I bought them online. google them!
alinwunterlant barbara49965
jayneejay alinwunterlant
i am sure some take HRT while in peri, other ladies do on here.
i cant take HRT due to family history too risky for me, and you can only take it for a certain amount of time, some ladies say on here that when they finish it they feel worse, so its all mixed info, but what works for one may not work for another... best to talk to your doc..
i had to take natural route but almost reached menopause now, i am just 50, was early one, and been in peri since 40, my mother was early too, but she was done and dusted in two years, me i am 10 years and still in peri..
i just wanted my body to do what it naturally wants to do and not confuse matters with hormones, plus it wasnt an option, its been a rocky road at times but i am proud i did it naturally.. and now i am near the end.
even after HRT etc you have to stop taking it eventually so your body still hits all the symptoms after... its something to consider, but a personal choice for everyone... some ladies thrive on HRT ... its all personal choice ..
and good luck .. jay x
gigi55329 alinwunterlant
jayneejay gigi55329
good luck with the HRT .. remember though that meno symptoms dont just pass by while your on HRT ... they will begin again when you stop HRT as your hormones from HRT will be gone again so your body will revert back to peri and meno when you stop taking it, just something to think about .... jay xx
alinwunterlant gigi55329
jayneejay alinwunterlant
B6 100mg you can buy from Holland and Barret either online or at store.
( are u in Uk) or Biovea UK website.. I take 150mg B6 daily, and wow its worked so well for me, i havent had period for 11 months so near the end now after 9-10 years of peri natural route..
i too take menapol plus and take two each morning.. also B12, magnesium for hot flushes, Maca, Natecal ( calcium and vit D ) for bones..
the B6 150mg daily improved my life so much i cannot express, been taking B6 since April ... Jay xx
alinwunterlant jayneejay
alinwunterlant jayneejay
alinwunterlant jayneejay
jayneejay alinwunterlant
my experience with natural route is...
started peri at age 40 ( now 50) i have seen my periods get less and less each year.. (although at beginning i bled to different degrees for a solid 21 months) but now i am along time peri, 10 years, not all ladies go this long 😫
anyway... in 2012 i had three periods that year, in 2013 i had two periods that year, in 2014 to date I have had no periods this year.. ( last one Aug 13 ) i took the natural route as cant take HRT, my family history with HRT females has not been good..
anyway, thats how my periods lessened, if it helps, and i have had all the symptoms etc along the way, and I kind of feel liberated that i have got near the end, with out having the feeling that I missed out by not being able to take HRT etc..
After much research on peri and keeping diaries etc, I realise that peri and meno is obviously natural, our body wants to reduce its hormones, so even if I could of taken HRT i wouldnt of, as I want my body to do what it wants and when its done its done... i am happy i have almost reached meno at 50 and its over, by not confusing my hormones by adding more to the equasion that shouldnt be there so to speak.. I have also read alot about woman who swear by HRT but complain about weight gain, and are rock bottom low at 60 when they are told they cannot have it any more, as their bodies are back in peri meno again... and I didnt want that for me, I want to put it behind me ...
but its all a personal choice and down to the individual ..
Docs forget to explain to ladies that after HRT the symptoms are sometimes much worse than before they started it.. and the ones that say its wonderful are still on HRT and havent faces that time yet, so its a difficult evaluation ... Jay xx
jayneejay alinwunterlant
i take 150mg daily it explains on here at bottom of page..
useful snippet off web for you..
Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.
During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.
Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
supplements of 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity
alinwunterlant jayneejay
jayneejay alinwunterlant
there are others too, but google magnesium for hot flushes and you will see.
i take ..
Menapol Plus x 2 daily... ( amazon uk)
Maca.. taken this for 10years
Natecal ( Calcium and Vit D) for bomes
Biovea uk website do Calcium and magnesium ... thats excellent ..
Jarrows 5000mcg B12 ( but i have injections now)
150mg Vit B6 ... no less than this for peri and meno ... we lack it..
B6 benefits i have posted... have a little look.. it works for me ..
I also take 150mg vit B1 but mainly to keep mozzys off me as they hate Vit B1. i live in southern spain, i never get one bite now, but its also good for you too.
Jay xx
jayneejay alinwunterlant
good luck in your search..... another thing that helps in summer, is an electric fan in the bedroom, a nice gentle breeze makes you feel very comfortable, and well worth a purchase...
i think our bodily thermostats are out of order during peri and i find my electric fan a god send 😀 good luck keep in touch.. Jay xx
alinwunterlant jayneejay
jayneejay alinwunterlant
even better AC i have that on now ... 😃
take care Jay xx
alinwunterlant jayneejay