Menopause matters
Posted , 13 users are following.
Hi ladies, just wondered if any of you UK ladies saw the BBC one program Menopause Matters tonight and what you thought of it.
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Posted , 13 users are following.
Hi ladies, just wondered if any of you UK ladies saw the BBC one program Menopause Matters tonight and what you thought of it.
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leisa56147 sarah05599
How was it? I was wanting to see this but didn't know if it was showing in the US.
These symptoms (if this IS menopause) are like a bi-polar monkey on crack. They pop up when ever they damn well please, make no sense and are really starting to be irritating.
I am 51. No period for now 12 months.
I have this burning knot like feeling in my right shoulder blade that is relentless (comes and goes). I have also had about 10 head-aches in my entire life and now I am getting them all the time.
Can't get anything done, feel like crap all the time and don't even feel like putting a Xmas tree up this year!
Tired of this crap!
Guest leisa56147
Hi leisa, I am in the US...tried the link...created an account, but said I needed a tv license to view...fee was huge! Hopefully, it will be on you tube or something.
Agreed...I feel like crap all the time too!
2chr2015 leisa56147
same here with the headaches. never had them before. got the tree up. but i dont put up all my decorations anymore. and shopping well that should be interesting. i just wanna sleep through it if i cant enjoy it
leisa56147 2chr2015
I swear you guys are my sisters from another mister (lol).
Now I have a sore throat on the right side which give ear pain from time to time and still have that ache in my right shoulder blade which has me (with the help of Dr. Google) 100% convinced I have esophogial cancer or some crazy s**t.
Do any of you ladies have issues with throat/ear/shoulder blades?
What part of our wrecked bodies does this not reek havoc on??
2chr2015 leisa56147
OH MY goodness, YES. I went through that one side of throat ear thing last year. And of course I was convinced of the same devastating illness! ugh. i went through 3 rounds of antibiotics, ear drops, and had the tube ran up my nose and down my throat....crying the whole time (it didn't hurt). k It finally went away. Then, just this morning it started up again! But, i realized it was this same time last year that I had it. I think it has something to do with being outside in the cold air and running the heater in the house. The temperature just really dropped here and I was playing outside with the dog yesterday. I noticed it bothering me when i came inside.
leisa56147 2chr2015
Just weird with the throat , ear thing. Everything seems to be affecting my right side.
How my gum on the rear right is swollen but I do have an upper denture that may be irritating it.
Have any of you had gum issues?
2chr2015 leisa56147
no, no gum issues. i did have some tongue problems and had to do magic mouthwash! ick
Guest leisa56147
hi leisa, i have had strep throat twice this past year...never had it before in my life! My right side throat hurts more then and my right ear killed with strep. My gums are more sensitive...bleed more now when I floss! SO GROSS!
2chr2015 leisa56147
Hi leisa. Just wondering how your throat and ear are feeling?
I was disappointed, dont no what I expected really so thought I would see what others thought of it. yeah I no what you mean I have been suffering with lower back stiffness and aching to the point where I cant put my socks, underwear on in the morning properly. I feel 80 not 50 ☹️
Im so sorry ladies Its called the truth about: The menopause, where did I get menopause matters from, my brains just turning to mush lol. I did miss first 15 mins so will watch again tomorrow.
karen60759 sarah05599
yes i saw it, it didnt say much i didnt know already - there isnt much i dont know about menopause now! good news if you get hot flushes, there is a cure! some new hormone that they can switch off , though medication wont be for 5 years, also they might be able to reverse the menopause in the future, which is good news for the next generation !
louise25018 sarah05599
yes i did and I thought it was a great start in bringing the issue more public attention. Mariella covered the subject broadly but covered most questions I had so as I said, a good start.
Id been waiting to see this programme before starting HRT myself and my doctor prescribed me exactly what Mariella was taking so I was extra interested. I was concerned of risks/side effects and she certainly helped dispel my worries and I actually applied my first application of estrogel this morning (progesterone tabs tonight).
I did smile at her gynocologist though. She was sat in a flower filled office on a white leather chair looking very glam and looked the totally opposite to when I visit my Doctors surgery!! I Guess it must have been a private appointment?
Anyway I thought it was a great start in bringing the issue some more public attention and she did a great job of covering the topic broadly. A follow up programme with more specific detail would be great too.
Well done Mariella - it certainly helped me and Im hoping others too.
thanks for starting this thread- ill be interested to see what other ladies say. xx
claire71812 sarah05599
very dissapointed, majored on HRT. Didn't deal with people like me with family history of cancer who cant take it. Most of the do yourself stuff I knew already and does really solve any problems for me. It didn't expand enough on the symptoms and it included Men!Why?!
claire71812 sarah05599
all those do it yourself stuff does not solve problems for me - dreaded preditive texts took over!