menopause/no periods for 3months.

Posted , 13 users are following.

Hi Ladies

Hope you are all ok. 

I was having lots of perimenopause symptoms over the last five years. Its been three months since ive had my last period. No more menopause symptoms. But im Not sure if my periods  will start again or. 

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kadija,

    Hopefully you won't have another period, but I've already skipped three months only to have it come back again. When I miss periods I feel a little better too. Keep us updated!

  • Posted


     I went 109 days without a period to then get them regular for a few months ughhhh you have to go one full year without a period to be considered in menopause I hope you don’t get another period and I always hope but it stills shows up eventually I had enough with the periods that’s the worst thing out of all of this to me! Good luck and keep us posted 

  • Posted

    Fingers crossed that you have had your last period. Sounds like you are nearing the end of this bumpy journey xx
  • Posted

    Aw kadija, I have had none for the past 6 months....until 11 days ago, and it hasn't stopped since! Heavier than I've ever had it and lots of cramps(and clots)😔.... maybe this is like the grand finale for me🤞

  • Posted

    I hope it's your last one but I went eight months without a period then bam! Had one for another year then in November of 2010 I had a period and that was the last one.

  • Posted

    Hi Kadija,

    Unfortunately just because your periods stop, very many of the menopause symptoms carry on, sorry to impart this info, but I read of so many women who believe that everything will be wonderful when they hit menopause proper. Forewarned is better than blind belief.....Im speaking through experience!

    • Posted

      Hi supemack. I was wondering if you would tell me if you had severe peri symptoms? I'm just a couple weeks away from  being officially in menopause. I'm pleased about that and know it won't be like a light switch being turned off and I feel great immediately, but just wondering if those that experience horrible peri symptoms don't have it so much in menopause and those that experienced lighter peri symptoms are the ones that are having a harder time in menopause. 

    • Posted

      Hi Audra - I think your theory might be correct.  From this forum it appears that some woman have really bad Peri & not so bad post menopause & vice versa.  I for one had insomnia, night sweats, some migraines & flooding during Peri, but nothing I couldn’t handle.  My post menopause symptoms have “rocked my world”, so I think you might be on to something - 

  • Posted

    I skipped 6 months, no peri symptoms or any trouble but when it came after 6 months, peri hell started. Hope it's the end of it for you. Good luck, keep us posted.

  • Posted

    I hope its not gonna come back as now all my symptoms have gone and even my blood pressure have gone back to normal, as it was high before, however i keep taking my medication every day, ive even lost some weight as i had put on 7kg during peri, hopefully its the last fo me. As my mum tells me when hers stopped it was her last and all symptoms disappeared forever and that was it. She is 89yrs old now. . Hope we all finally find a way out of this peri hell and get our lives back. 
  • Posted

    Hi Kadija1966!  I am really glad to hear that your symptoms have stopped with your periods as well.  This gives me hope that there will be a possibility that this may the same for me.  *crosses fingers* Can I ask how old you are?

    I am 47 and have started experiencing these horrendous symptoms since Oct of last year.  I think I may have experienced other symptoms but didn't connect it with peri menopause until the symptoms became really bad.

    Please keep us updated.  Anything positive gives me hope for me. smile

    • Posted

      Hi Tina

      I am 52, peri started at 48, got really bad last year, now i have no symptoms. Hope its the end of it.

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