menopause the silent hell!!
Posted , 16 users are following.
Hi, I am new to this site, but am so glad I found it.
I honestly thought it was just me and I must be loosing my mind. I have anxiety, panic attacks, depression, mind never stops thinking, moods changes, so frequently. One minute I'm okay the next minute I'm not. It's like mother nature played a horrible joke on me. I still get my period faithfully every month.
Someone please, please tell me there is a light at
the end of the tunnel.
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kim74983 traci78291
traci78291 kim74983
Hi Kim,
just reading this makes me teary eyed because I know how you feel.
I just go on the hope that one day it will get better. People have said that it does eventually go away.
I'm so glad I joined this site.
at least we know we are not in this silent hell alone. And I guess it's part of menopause for some of us. We have each other.
kim74983 traci78291
traci78291 kim74983
Kim, I really hope the new medicine works for you. I know it's hard but please no we are all here for you and each other.
You are not alone in this battle and we will all fight to get through it.
ginger31734 kim74983
Omg you sound just like me!! I have horrible health anxiety too and have had it for many years
Then all these crazy symptoms really threw me for a loop and sent my anxiety soaring higher and higher ! I am also 42 and have 2 daughters, 8 & 6.... it's been quite a struggle at times to be the mom they need whenni feel like I'm sick or going crazy!! And then I get the mommy guilt for not being 110% for them 😔
Not sure how long all this will last but I keep hoping things will evenbout very soon !!
2chr2015 ginger31734
Ginger and Kim, include me in your health anxiety club. It is AWFUL! I am 44. My youngest is 13 and I get the same guilty feeling when I can't be the mom or the wife I want to be. It is paralyzing. This site has been God sent. I don't know where I would be right now if I had not been able to come on here and get support. ((Hugs for you both))
kim74983 ginger31734
i feel guilty too! i was just crying to my 12 yr old last night appologizing that i couldnt take her to walmart for school project because i had already gone out 3 times yesterday and my nerves couldnt take another trip out
its horrible. my 12 and 14 yr old understand but it makes you feel so bad and my 6 yr old has so much energy and begs me to be a classrooom helper in her kinder and i just cant
she tells me she prays i wont be sick anymore. breaks my heart. praying for relief soon
ginger31734 2chr2015
😌welcome to this elite club of crippling health anxiety and perimenopause 😘
This forum has also been a godsend for me as when I talk to people around me, when I choose to, no one understands or they have forgotten any or all symptoms they had during this crazy journey!
Frustrating and trying for sure!! Glad we can share and support each other here 😍
becky53379 kim74983
Hi Kim Im sitting here crying because of your post. I am the same way. It is heart breaking that we cant push through it for those moments with our babies. My daughter is graduating from high school in June and I pray that I can be anxiety free that day. If not I will be sitting at her graduation having a shaking fit from anxiety. Im not going to miss that day for anything. Praying that you feel better soon! Take care
looloo43 kim74983
Kim, i so hope trying hrt will help you hun. i am in peri age 45 & have chronic bowel illness at present, but only have me, my hubby & my cat to look after,; it must be very difficult for you to manage with 4 kids to look after as well as trying to manage your peri symptoms. i feel for you. i think we have spoken on here peri symptoms are so much better for starting hrt in april, particularly the mental symptoms & headaches which were the worst symptoms for me. i am now back in control. i am still very tired all the time, but i think thats more down to my chronic bowel illness. i sincerely hope the hrt helps you as it helped me hun - everything will get more manageable if it does. when you see your ob- ask them for the micronised formulas of hrt as they are supposed to be more effective in helping with meno symptoms. utrogestan capsules (the progesterone part) & oestrogel(an estrogen gel applied nightly) are the ones I'm on. they are more pure than synthetic versions. xx
2chr2015 kim74983
colleen90305 2chr2015
Chr, I don't shop either! No ambition to do much, but I have to go to work. I'm always out of something here, and forget about it until I need the item again. Frustrating!!
2chr2015 colleen90305
Colleen, I don't work, so when I run out of something nobody understands bc I had all day, right? Lol. Sometimes I just walk around the house aimlessly looking for something that I feel like doing. Not always something that needs it. Of course laundry and dishes don't stop. So eventually when I don't find anything, I end up laying down and watching tv (happy shows only) and I have to mute the commercials...bc they aren't always happy! So, no motivation equals not leaving the house...except for those doctor visits about every new symptom that peri brings. Yes frustrating!! ((Hugs))
kim74983 2chr2015
2chr2015 kim74983
The kids are keeping you active, which is helping you stay healthy. My husband is great and if I try to explain, he tries to understand, but then I think he forgets a couple of weeks later. Because in his mind it should be a short term issue. Anyways, I don't even have the energy to keep explaining it to him. So I just try to rest when he isn't there.