mild gastritis -- WHY BIOPSY?

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I had a scope done yesterday. Doctor said mild gastritis and reflux esophagitis. They took two biopsies and they said that's to see if there's infection. This scares me. She said the doctor would have seen if it was something bad like the C word. He said my stomach and esophagus was just red. I guess the word biopsy scares me.

Anyone had this happen?

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Biopsies are taken to check for infections such as h pylori. They are also taken to confirm celiac disease. If it was anything nasty, it would have been seen and you would have been told about it. Trust what your doctor has told you; if you worry, it will make your symptoms worse.
  • Posted

    Yes I had this and they took a biopsy to check for H Pylori-nothing to worry about as that can be treated easily enough.

    Also if there was anything concerning they WOULD have told you so.

  • Posted

    Yes, nearly every endoscopy I have had they have taken biopsies because my stomach lining was irritated, they are just being thorough x each time I get results and all been normal x
  • Posted

    as has been said they will test for  H Pylori, if that proves positive its easily treated, in my case i had biopsies taken for cancer and  H Pylori due to family history, none was visible H Pyloriwas negative as was a stool sample taken earlier. 
  • Posted

    State of the art.

    Not taking biopsies would be worrying.

    (btw usually even more biopsies are taken from oesophagus and stomach to see microscopically if inflammation, eosinophilie or whatever was present. Also H.pylori test can be performed on biopsies, so can sugar enzyme levels.)

  • Posted

    i meant to say on my last reply, i had 8 biopsies taken, they took me off paps as there was no visible sign of the c word, i was rushed through due to family history along with my symptons, did find i have chronic inflammation but low end of normal, since had a barium meal that showed reflux and food sticking on way down, mri monday so for every test you have done they can build a picture on whats going on and figure out your best course of treatment, im also low normal in zinc
  • Posted

    The biopsy came back negative for bacteria and no cancer.

    Thank God!

    Now I'm waiting on ultrasound results. The tech asked me if I've had anything to eat in the middle of the exam, so now I'm freaking out because I think she saw something concerning. Is that normal?! I wish they could just tell you. I have to wait until Monday to find anything out!

    • Posted

      Maybe she saw food stuck there just as your barium meal showed
    • Posted

      Results from ultrasound were good. So I'm to take the meds for gastritis and reflux and hope it heals up!

      Thanks yall!

    • Posted

      They just said acid. Too much acid. The biopsy was negative for any bacteria.
    • Posted

      ok, thats good. 

      Usually h. pylori can also cause this. 

    • Posted

      I also had the breath test a couple weeks ago and it was also negative. So I really don't know why. She said it's common and can be from acid.

    • Posted

      This maybe something to do with natural bacteria imbalance in the body. 


    • Posted

      Make sure you avoid spicy, fatty foods and keep off coffee and chocolate to help heal your stomach.

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