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Hi I have been on mirtazapine for 6 years and had a few blips over the years.

my gp has put me on to 45mg from 30 mg, just feel so low at the moment and having the most horrendous night sweats, just wondered if anyone else has had this as a symptom of stress and anxiety. Don't know if there is something else underlying, and this is making me feel worse.


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Elaine,

    Sorry to hear of your suffering. Those symptoms are 'obviously' brought on by the increase in the dose of Mirt.

    One thing I wonder is why the necessity to increase your dose ? And how long have you been at 45 mg??

    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for your comments, they increased the dose as my anxiety symptoms were getting worse, mainly due to work problems. I have been on the 45 mg for about 3 weeks now and Iam back at the doc next week. 

      This is a horrible illness. How are you, do suffer from this? 

    • Posted

      Hi Elaine

      I should not have said "obviously etc" because it could well be something else.  Feeling low & horrendous night sweats ... have you ruled out the menopause ~ probablyy not, you could be 21 for all I know lol.  

      I would urge you to take care in case the Mirt' is pooping out; after 6 years it is possible, then I have read from folk on this forum that the symptoms are the same as withdrawal symptoms ... anx, insomnia, nausea etc.  If ever you need to reduce Mirt do so after research, the 10% per month method.

      Should your doctor advise you to go back to 30mg I would step down again slowly.  Doctors don't always know abouut tapering and 'poop out', maybe you have a well informed doctor, I hope so, mine didn't know.

      Thank you I am well.  I don't have your symptoms no, I did take Mirt for 2 years for insomnia which lead to anxiety with lead to depression, nightmare time.  But I tapered slowly and finally got to zero mg in January.  

      Wishing you well Elaine smile

    • Posted

      Hi Calmer, I am also on mirtaz. How did you feel after getting down to zero mg.

      Hope all is well with you.

    • Posted

      Hi glad to know you are feeling good. With me it's just one day at a time. Def not menopause, as I'm coming up to 60(getting old) . I'm back at the go this week so hopefully she will have a solution for this nightmare illness.

    • Posted

      Hi anthony

      Short answer ...   ...  ... I researched and did a slow taper, it took me a year from 15 mg ... ugh !!  and I feel ok, the first couple of weeks were a little difficult with lack of sleep but after that all is well smile  

      And you ... how are you on the Mirt'  ??

    • Posted

      I am taking mirtaz for 25 days. I don notice any improvement. I also take venlaflaxine.

      Were you taking any other medicine.


  • Posted

    Hi,I was prescribed Mirt for sleep and it was upped to 30 I started with horrendous Night Sweats and Anxiety which I'd never had before in my life. The Mirt caused them both so I quit the Mirt and it was the best decision I've made.

    I still have a small amount of Anxiety around my insomnia (bedtime) and I have a bit of depression because of the insomnia. I'd rather have a lighter A/D for my depression and a tablet for sleep then a powerful mind changing tablet that does it all.

    People are being mis-diagnosed as having psychiatric problems when I think it's the Mirt that enhances the situations.

    I should of done a very slow taper but it's over with now and I'm feeling myself again so now life is realistic and I can move forward.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      Hi thanks for your reply, I'm back at the doc this week, not sure if she is going to change the meds, just want this to go away. 

  • Posted

    Hi, I am currently coming off mirtazapine after being on them for 2 years because its caused awful insomnia, horrible dreams and such. I also still get very high anxiety even on the 45mg dose of this drug so you are not alone there. Maybe this isn't the right anti depressant drug for you? I'm being switched to another one myself.

    • Posted

      Hi, I have been on mirtazapine for 6 years and not really had many problems with them, don't know if they just stop working!!! Good luck with coming of them though, hope it all works out for you.

    • Posted

      Hi Ssam

      Just a little concerned for you when you say "coming off Mirt - switching to another" ... did you do a slow taper off Mirt or just "switching" over to another??  Are you taking a low dose of Mirt now??

    • Posted

      Hi Calmer, thanks for your concerns but I was currently on the 30mg dose but have been taking 15mg for about two weeks. I am unsure whether to lower it to 7.5mg or just stop after 15mg though.
    • Posted

      My advice would be to wait a while longer as you've already done a 50% drop, which is mega, symptoms can kick in 2 - 4 weeks after any drop. Bud wait st least 4 weeks, see how you are at that point, then plan another drop - but not off all together smile

  • Posted

    Hi elaine, I have been taking mirtaz for 25 days. I just not work on me. Still feeling down and sleepy.

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