Mirtazapine. Did anyone else feel shaky/weak on this?

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Taken my 2nd tablet of 15mg and after feeling really tired/out of it, feel shaky and very weak, is this normal and will it subside?

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    A lot of people mention feeling this way and saying it settles after a little while.
  • Posted

    Thank you so much for that....im going to stick with it, just not a nice feeling at first!
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    I know what you mean....I was worried driving on it and I had a bizarre day at work where I felt like I was in a waking dream state....I actually slept to begin with! It gets better with time - well that's my experience- I'm on week 4
  • Posted

    Yes...feel very out of it, the weakness/shakiness scares me a little but Ill stick with it. Thank you for support anyway x Have severe anxiety which makes me feel very bad...so want to stick with it need to feel better! x
  • Posted

    Sounds like ME talking! At least try a few weeks if you can - so you can honestly say you gave it a fair shot and you won't always be wondering- I've read a lot of people commenting so positively about it and I've been so hopeful that maybe it could help me, even though I've felt so crap that I didn't think anything could really help me ....I'm still up and down but not ALWAYS down like I was - that's something ....I hope...
  • Posted

    Your right.....ive got to at least give it a shot...and I will x
  • Posted

    Yes stick with it, I have been on 15g for ten days now and feel an improvement, slight, but definitely better
  • Posted

    Please stick with. A lot of people are put off because the first few days of Mirtazapine can be difficult for some with the drowsiness and tiredness but I promise you it goes away. Once you've got out of the tiredness and zombie feeling..there are literally hardly any side effects for the majority of people. A few days of being a zombie is worth it for the outcome smile Mirtazapine has served me well so far.. I'm on 45mg but started on 30mg. The tiredness went for me about 3-5days after starting smile
  • Posted

    It's taken quite a while for me to get the right dose and start to get better. The thing is, I had a lot of trouble with understanding that it was a gradual change. I expected to feel better in a few weeks. I stayed at 30mg for 10weeks before deciding that although I had improved...I needed a bit extra and it's been much better since! Prepare yourself for a few setbacks, but setbacks don't mean you're going backwards...eventually you have more and more good days smile
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    I just hope my story turns out as well 😊
  • Posted

    I'm sure it will....it's just a lot of patience and reassurance that is needed along the way. I really had trouble accepting that I'm going to feel a bit up and down for a while, but it does even out eventually. Touch wood, I'm in remission now. I will admit, patience is probably one of the hardest things for an anxiety sufferer to have! lol smile
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    It's almost impossible to see light at the end of the tunnel when depression clouds your judgement
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    Thanks nuffy. The people on here are very supportive and have good advice. Patience us not my strong point either Rachael, and maybe I was looking or hoping for more than what I have got, but it has only been ten days and 15g, but yes it is better
    • Posted

      Shaking feeling doesn't go always away. I've been on mirtazapine for months and every morning i wake up with shaking hands and disorientation. Going to wean off it.

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