Mirtazapine. Good experiences

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Hi all... so after trial and error on ssri's I've now been put on a different type of antidepressants... mirtazapine!! I'm on day 9 and feeling terrible. My Anxiety is through the roof, feeling very sick and generally exausted by life at the moment with this constant battle against depression and anxietys. I'm losing hope that I will ever get better. Positive stories please. Has mirtazapine worked for others for both anxiety and depression? And if so what mg I'm only on 15mg at the moment as I'm sensitive to medication. X

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21 Replies

  • Posted


    Mirt. has been a 'life-saver' for many on this forum (despite all the negative things you read) but it does take time to work. Usually it helps sleep problems straight away but for me it took about 3 weeks before anxiety/depression was helped. I was on 15mg but when I settled I dropped to 7.5mg because like you I seem to be very sensitive to meds. So hang in there and have faith that you will feel the benefits soon. Best wishes.

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your reply my cloud. It means alot as I'm losing hope so I really needed to read a ltitle positivity. I know I'm still in the early days but it's scarey... can I ask did it make your anxiety worse at first as mine seems to be really bad on waking first thing in a morning. It's a terrible feeling. It seems to settle when I get up and ready. Should it ease off? I'm also on olanzapine 5mg which I went on for anxiety and racing houghts 4 weeks ago, it was helping until I added the mirtazapine to lift my mood. Now I'm struggling with low mood and anxiety again. Sony if I'm rambling. Xx

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      Yes  overwhelming anxiety always worst on first waking getting better towards evening, coming in waves and varying from day to day - so let me reasure you it will get better but it won't be quick and you will have good days and bad days. Just accept (I know it's easy to say) that when you are really suffering and losing hope it is only temporary and that you will bounce back to wake up to a better day . You have to be patient and realise that it will take some time for your troubled brain to get better. Believe me.  

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    9 days is still early give it 2 weeks you should be fine. For Anxiety/ Depression the normal dose is 30mg but give some time and see if 15mg will help

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      Thankyou Charles although I think my phych is likely to put me up to 30 mg after iv taken 15mg for 2 weeks. He wanted to start me on 30mg but I was scared due to bad reactions from past medications. X
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      Hi Charles I’ve never been offered a lower dose other than 30 I’m currently on 45 and not helping with my severe anxiety and depression does it work going down to 15? I am lost at moment as to what to ask my doctor. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi Leanne wish I could tell you it’s all okay but mitazapine does not deal with anxiety or depression it only makes you fall asleep and put on weight I speak for myself after being on it for 2 years the only reason I haven’t stopped is fear of me sleep. I’ve gained 2 stone in weight and my insomnia and depression and severe anxiety is very much still here. I’m on 45 mg I went from 30 to 45mg my situation is awful at the moment but it seems to work different for us all xx
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      Of course Mirtazapine deals with anxiety and depression and it has helped millions of people - but not everyone and obviously including you - you are so right we are all different. Leanne was looking for positive experiences not negative and that's why I replied

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      Thankyou my cloud. Juls I'm sorry to hear it hasn't wirked for you, maybe time to go back to your doctors if its not worked for 2 years so they can add something else along with it to help.

    • Posted

      My cloud, is this group not to share experience on mirtazapine and honesty and the truth comes hand in hand with why we’re sharing our experiences when I joined this forum I wanted to hear the good and the bad I wasn’t being horrid I was explaining that it has serious downfalls aswell as some good ones I was being honest about my own personal experience as if you know the bad effects of it does happen people will be aware x
    • Posted

      I have to agree with you.  I kept taking it for sleep but the depression and anxiety were never helped.  I have now been slowly coming off and its hard to do. My weight gain is awful too.  Dont feel any worse lowering it down, guess it just didnt work for me. Neither did several others.  Psych did suggest olanzapine at some point but after reading about it i was so scared of it i didnt take it.
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      Thank you Ann, seriously not touching my anxiety or depression and since been moved to 45 ain’t even making me sleepy anymore. I’m going round in circles I expressed my opinion and thank you for your reply. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi leanne

    I had been suffering severe clinical depression,anxiety,unable to sleep,eat,and felt so very unwell was eventually hospitalised.that was around six years ago,was already on 40mg citalopram,which I have stayed on,but after trying many other medications was started on mirtazepine 15mg,this was very quickly increased to 45mg,which I have stayed on all this time.My sleep resumed very quickly,and my appetite came back after a few weeks.It took at least six months for me to feel mentally much better and fully well again,so you have to be prepared to give it a fair try.

    I have felt very well mentally for 5 and half years,and stayed on both these drugs.I would have been prepared to stay on them for life,(even put up with the extra two and half stone weight gain) as long as I felt mentally well.unfortunatley during the last year to 18 months I have been suffering really awful nightmares,and this was something I couldn't live with for life,so after discussing with GP ( who said this is a very common side effect) and dispensed my tablets in 3 times 15mg tablets,to cut down one at a time.well that didn't work for me,as suffered many withdrawel side effects,so cut tablets with pill cutter and since May have decreased slowly from 45mg to my last drop two days ago now on 15mg where I will remain until after Christmas and new year period,as want to feel well.

    The withdrawals are pretty awful,but you gradually get through them.You may be lucky and suffer no nightmares at all.as I certainly didn't for the first 3 years.

    hope mirtazepine works for you as well as it did for me (but not overnight,so give it a fair try).

    good luck,keep posting and let us know how you are doing.


    • Posted

      I think you are doing very well with your titration.  For me i am scared.  I couldnt take any of the other anti deps given to me so ended up,on mirtaz, tried 15 but it was awful so ended up,on 7.5 for las few years.  No respite from the anxiety or depression though as dr said it was baby dose. I have been coming off baby dose for three months now and feel original agitation again and scared its coming back, or is it the waves of mirtazapine withdrawal, i aam doing it slowly.  What symptoms do you feel in withdrawal, i know you are holding presently.
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      Hi Anne 

      The withdrawel symptoms that I have experienced have been spikes in anxiety,nausea,severe spasm of neck and upper back muscles,horrendous headaches,unresponsive to painkillers,feeling lore in mood,night sweats,feeling very cold,for no reason.I have found the symptoms come and go in waves,and then eventually I have felt back to normal again.

      It is a scary buisness Anne,and I really feel for you,but if this drug doesn't work for you,then there must be a better treatment option for you.ask if you can see a specialist in psychiatry,and I really hope you can find a way forward.


    • Posted

      Can i ask you if you think i can drop off mirtaz at 3.75 now and be well enough for the christmas period? Dr says yes but i am very aware of the side effects.  Someone suggested trying Kalms for the sleep and Milk Thistle for the nausea.  I just dont know what to do, but dr doesnt understand there are withdrawals involved here.
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      you probably know your body and how it responds to reductions better than anyone.for my experience I usually find weeks three to four,the severest withdrawel symptoms,and usually feel back to feeling well by six weeks.as from what you have previously said you haven't felt well on this medication,then really you have nothing to lose,good luck whatever you decide.

    • Posted

      thamk you for taking the time to give me your information. I know it sounds silly but the drop from 3.75 to 1.88 is worrying me but as you say, i have never been really well on this med so maybe just bite the bullet. Side effects sound horrendous but what can we do but bear them.

      hope you stay well

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