Mirtazapine low dose for lifetime

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Hi All

I had the sinus surgery and I was suffering from head pressure for 4 years. It started affecting my sleep and my doctor prescribed me antidepressants. I started feeling well. I tapered the medicines and could not sleep for a month. As a result, I went back on antidepressants escitalopram (10 mg), klonopin (0.5mg) and mirtazapine (7.5 mg) in may 2015. Last year I tapered off escitalopram and klonopin completely. This year I reduced the mirtazapine dosage from 7.5 to 3.75 mg and life has been hell since then. My doctor advised me to take 11.25 mg for a while but it isn't helping either. My head pressure has returned. I can't sleep for more than 4 hours. Can't concentrate on my work. It has already been 2 months I didn't sleep properly. Decreased amount of sleep is causing anxiety and I m unable to enjoy my life.

I want to start taking another drugs along with mirtazapine and taper them out. Then I want to continue on 7.5mg mirtazapine for rest of my life. I m just 26. What do you guys think?

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21 Replies

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    I have been unable to decrease further than 7.5 but would like to try.  Still have anxiety which cannot seem to control, at least i sleep a bit but still need something to pull me up.
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      For me, it was the sleep problems which triggers my anxiety. I really get anxious at even small things which I used to ignore earlier. I am working out hard in the gym and it helps me to control my anxiety. But nothing is helping me out with the sleep. 
  • Posted

    You say your life has been hell since dropping from 7.5 to 3.75 mg mirt, but that going up to 11.25 mg has not helped.  That is surprising.  I suggest you give it longer to take effect.  If that does not work go back on an SSRI such as escitalopram in addition. 


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      Yes, it's surprising. I will complete 2 months on 11.25 mg next week. My work is getting affected. I have received an admit from a US university but I am canceling my plans because of my anxiety and sleep problems. My doctor has refused to give me any further medications and she says I should go to USA for my higher studies but she doesn't know that it is impossible for me to study with my current condition. All these things and pressure at the work are making my depression even worse.

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      I am also stuck at 7.5 but cannot take ssris due to side effects, of which there have been many.  Where do i go now?  Cbt, mindfulness, hypnotherapy,all tried.
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      I was feeling fine at 7.5mg. Even 11.25 mg s not helping me now. Don't know what to do sad

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      I think you need to ask to see a specialist who will know a lot a bout these 

      meds and can get you back on track.  Upping and downing doses isnt a perfect solution for anyone so speaking with an expert is one way to go.  There may be a med out there which suits you.  There are two new ones getting some good reviews - agomelatine and vortioxetine. Good luck with feeling better and hope your dr can assist.

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      Have you tried a combination of mirt with an SSRI?  I have heard that the mirt can ameliorate the side effects of the SSRI.
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      Yes tried sertraline with awful nausea and uncontrollable anxiety. Have. Also tried effexor, duloxetine then added seroquel. Nogo. Wondering if lithiium or lamictal would help. At a loss. And despondent as ibs still a problem post gallbladder out just adding to problem.   Is med causing nausea or is nausea causing anxiety. 
  • Posted

    All I know is that mirtazapine affects my blood pressure and I'm on 20mg of the lisinopril/HcTz  20/25 because of the mirtazapine.

    I've been to the E.R. twice because of mirtazapine when I first increased the dosage from 30mg to 45mg.  I was swollen all over, is the only way I can describe it.

    I'm on SSDI because of treatment resistant, acute, chronic, unipolar, clinical, MajorDepressiveDisorder.  Life has been Hell for me. 7 ECT treatments which helped in the beginning, but left me an angry mess after the last 3 ECT's.

    Mirtazapine, duloxetine, gabapentin and trazadone and tramadol work together to keep me off the very bottom of the most hideous, heinous depression ever to hit the planet.

    Don't know what I'm trying to say here, so you can destroy this reply and disavow any knowlege of my actions as concerns this topic.  LOL

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    It is very strange I would have thought taking 11.25 would stop the withdrawals.

    I recently went from 45 to 37.5 and lasted 2 days then went back up to 45 and was ok again in 2 days.

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      I don't know why did this happen to me. I was doing really good in my life. But now even 11.25mg is not helping me. My doctor is refusing to give me any other medications. People have started noticing the dark circles in my eyes. I am working out in the gym and sometimes even go for a jog. Let's see what happens tonight. I took a break from work and went out for a vacation with my friends which helped me to reduce my anxiety but didn't help me with my sleep. I don't know when will I get that perfect 8 hour sleep sad

    • Posted

      Sounds to me that your depression may have become atypical/hard to treat/treatment resistant.  Lamictal set me free from my MDD for 3 years, then it stopped working.  It was originally formulated for epilepsy siezures, then it was found to help bipolar 1 and 2 folks, Then they've discovered it working for atypical depression.

      Lamictal made me 12 years old again.  I actually built a tree fort in the woods with my son.  For at least 10 years before a shrink decided to try Lamictal I was absent from life.  All SSRI's, MAOI', Tricyclics and Tetracyclics had stopped working completely.

      For whatever ever that 's worth.  I'm on my own cocktail of meds that includes tramadol, which has gained much interest in the psychiatric community for it's anti-depressant effect on some folks.  For me, at the present, tramadol gets my other anti-depressants to work like a charm.  Tramadol by itself does nothing to me at all.  Doesn't relieve pain, doesn't help with my depression.  No opiate-like effect at all.  Tramadol is NOT an opiate.  It's 100% synthetic and does affect some of the same receptors as a true opiate does.

      Whatever.  JUst trying to help.  My depression has controlled my life.  I became a full blown alcoholic because of it and never even knew that until I met the right shrink, therapist and PCP.

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      Tramadol has become a Schedule IV controlled substance as of July 18th, 2014 which is why shrinks won't prescribe it any more.  I get mine any way I can, because I refuse to go back down to that slimey, dark hell again.

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      I have been on Tramadol for years , was prescribed it for my knees - Arthritis in both , partial knee replacement on left in 2013 , need the other knee done but with my mental health getting worse over last couple of years i have put it on hold , the one that was partially done will need some sorting eventually as the back area that isn't included in the partial knee is wearing out , i take Tramadol as an when required , get 28 x 50mg tablets each week , my GP prescribed it when other pain killers were not easing the pain , some people who take it say it is addictive but i have never found it to be but then i have never been addicted to any of the medication i had been prescribed . which i think is why my GP is happy for me to have this pain killer , trouble is i only take it when i am really needing it so end up with loads spare , x

    • Posted

      I am also on Mirtazapine 45mg each evening , Venlafaxine - morning an night , diazepam as an when i need it ( usually prior to appointments ) plus other medication for anxiety an other physical health illnesses ..
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      I am very interested in your use of lamictal.  My depression is not lifting and i am on mirtazapine with diazepam at night.  Something is holding me back. I dont want to go out, make myself walk daily but feel like legs are leaden.  I am not bipolar, just depressed with anxiety.  A friend takes lamictal and praises it.  I am of a mind to ask but last time psych just tried to put me on ssris which make me ill.   Do you think lamictal will make me ill and is it worth a try?   I had tramadol for a spinal,op yea aganosnt tolerate it, made me very unwell.

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