Mirtazapine withdrawal
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Hey everyone,
I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.
It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?
Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.
PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine .
Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?
Please help,
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nay79595 Pooh_bear
ann55375 nay79595
I withdrew suddenly from Mt (see posting 'Mitrazapine is extremely unsettling') as it was destroying me. I found that I needed about 4 days until I felt 'normal', but those were 4 real killer days, spent mostly in bed as I has crazy anxiety attacks. Having said that though, it was my own decision to go cold turkey, not a GP recommendation. However, I was only on Mt for 18 days so hadn't built up a tollerance or higher doses like some folks posting here. For me, cold turkey was the best way as it clears out of the system quicker (I have a lot of experience with diazapam withdrawal, and know that cutting down does didn't work for me). Mr x's suggestion of a month to fully clear out of the system is (in my opinion) also correct, because after 4 days I felt normal but could still feel a gradually milder side effects from the Mt appear, then disappear after about 3 weeks.
Hope this works out well for you, best,
pete101 Guest
i only took it once 7.5mg on Sat and had awful side effects of muscles joint aches, headache dry mouth and mild dizziness, 3 days after stopping my dizziness got worse to having motion sickness without the nausea and loss of balance, had it for 4 days now and not gotten better, have no idea what has happened, if it feels like withdrawl symptoms but how can that be if i only had 1 dose of 7.5mg?
i feel like it's done something to my brain causing it to malfunction. i get twitchy muscle flinches as well, i hope it goes away within 3 weeks.
emma94239 pete101
Similar situation here. I started 15mg on 17st August. Increased to 30mg on 24th August. Seven days later I decided I couldn't take any more. Literally feel like I am being poisoned. Went back to 15mg for a week, then stopped. I'm into the third day without and I still feel awful. Hoping the next few days will improve.
I've never felt so awful. Quite scared.
(For Pooh) I am completely off mirtazapine now, stopped taking 15mg on Monday night so I'm going cold turkey at the moment. When I took the 15mg for the seven days, I did feel side effects but wasn't as bad as this
(For Silent) After three weeks did you feel free of all withdrawel symptoms? Or do you still suffer from any now?
I did speak to my pyschiatrist's secretary this morning and my pyschiatrist wants me to persevere because they want to see if it definitely was mirtazapine that was causing all my problems with my ear infection/sore gums etc.
I had to take mirtazapine mainly to help with my eating which was extremely bad as I'd lost alot of weight. I've put more than enough weight back on now but I've had to repeatedly go to the doctors/ENT consultants over problems with my ears/mouth throat which I've never had before, unitll taking mirtazapine.
Part of me wishes I had never taken the drug in the first place because of all the nasty side effects I got off it, but on the up side, my mood definitely improved and my eating is fine now.
It's really interesting to see how other people have been reacting to mirtazapine and it's side effects. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had problems with it. I've been very teary since Mon and have been getting upset over the most ridiculous things and it's so hard to describe to friends/family the really odd/strange feeling you get from coming off mirtazapine. I hope you know the feeling i'm on about, like feeling very disconnected from everything/spaced out and it kind of makes you panic? If that makes sense...I've feelt very agitated too, as I've noticed a few times that I'm tensing my legs for no reason at all when I'm sitting down for some reason, then I stop and few moments later I'm doing it again! :roll:
Off to take some valerian root herbal tablets now to see if they help me sleep tonight. I'm going to try and persevere with the cold turkey, I will keep up to date with how i'm getting on(hopefully it won't get worse! :roll: ).
Thanks very much for replying to my post!
Khurana2 Guest
I have been taking 7.5 mg for 7 months and felt better and stopped cold turkey and nor after 5-6 weeks I am experiencing my anxiety and low mood is back and I feel crying . Has anybody has this experience. Doctor says it's impossible to have so long side effects.
Please help I am from delhi india
Pauljdme Khurana2
Khurana2 Pauljdme
Hi Paul
Thanks but problem is even after now 5 weeks I am shaky from indside and when I walk it seeens disbalance?
The other issues is that I got lot of mood swings and seems I am energetic and few hours later it's gloomy ?
Did you had this experience and when I go out for shop I see disbalnce .
How long you took this medicine and dose . I took this medicine for health anxiety and mild depression
Doctor asking me to start this Medicine again
Pauljdme Khurana2
pamela51740 Guest
Did you manage to go cold turkey off mirtazapine? I'm on day 2 off going cold turkey I'm going through hell 😦
son09724 Pauljdme
Hello Pauljdme,
?Just asking what do you mean by panic attacks at 2/3 am? I'm curious about this because when I withdrew from Mirt, I had a very terrible feeling. At 2/3 am, I just feel like cold & numb and someone is watching to possess me. Did you feel the same experience too?
ann55375 son09724