Mirtazapine withdrawal
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Hey everyone,
I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.
It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?
Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.
PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine .
Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?
Please help,
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I just picked it up just to show him that I listen.
12.5mg x 2 days
25mg x 4 days
50mg x 15 days
where do I go from here?
Why did you get prescribed that?,
I wouldn't start with that, are you bipolar?
My GP doesn't want me back on the mirtazapine & he doesn't think xanax would do anything for my situation.
Seroquel off lable can be used as sleeping aid, as well for anxiety but in low doses. I haven't gone out to get the med & a hesitatnt to use seroquel before doing enough research, which makes xanax an option for the time being
what would be a sensible way in using xanax.
ever since, the Jolt that woke me up in the middle of my sleep I feel as if my body is in high mode, I am not very anxious, I am nauseated and my whole body is a walking flame.
I am thinking of taking .25mg xanax & 2.5mg Melatonin before going to bed.
all the best
Is normal when you restart your Mirt ,it take about 2 week for mirt to start working again,Dont worry you will be ok.
From a personal point of view, I never had any of your symptoms when I decided to start back mirt just before christmas time I was around a week off it but couldnt manage so I started 7.5 again and I was ok,
I really wish I could give you the advice you need but to be honest, I think you need another medicine, because mirt clearly doesn't work for you,
Just stop taking, and see a specialist not a GP,
That's my advice
Will update tomorrow.
Last night I took 2.5mg Melatonin around 11, I must have been a sleep by 12, woke up numerous times during the night but was able to fall back to sleep, finally up at 6am. Could it be possible that repeated anxiety attacks are waking me up at night? I felt horrible after breakfast, my body was on fire and feeling out of it, I took 20mg Inderal, 30 minutes later I took .25xanax, I was feeling so miserable and not knowing what's happening to my body, I decided to try an sleep from 9-11.30 I woke up over 6 times. I then got up and started feeling much much better than moring, I even had a good appetite and had a decent lunch.
Could it be the xanax that made me feel better or the inderal, its been 7 hours since I took that.
This morning by far is the most horrible post Mirt.
2.5mg Melatonin, at 9.30 slept by around 11, up at 5, back to sleep at 6, off and on till 8.30
I had some awful nightmares, post 6am sleep I kept waking up with very stiff arms and tight muscles, very similar to what I had prior to my last year collapse.!! its a worry some. I was diagnosed with GAD and few days back my GP prescribed Seroquel 25-50mg at night, he doesn't think its withdrawal, I would like to differ.
Is there any harm in ignoring a bad anxiety through out the day? Is suppressing it, a better way for healing ?
I am confused, help plz.
I just went back and re-read through your posts and the question that comes to mind for me is why you decided to come off the Mirt altogether back on March 4th when you were still suffering withdrawal symptoms on the 7.5 mg dose.
Inderal, zanax, melatonin and now seriquel, that sounds really confused too.
Was the Mirt working to alleviate your symptoms before you decided to reduce it and if so getting off all of this other stuff and getting back on it until you level out may be an option.
I am still on the 3.75 mg dose (day 38) and am just starting to feel halfway human again. I would not even consider lowering to every second day or stopping altogether until I am totally free of these withdrawal symptoms and have some energy back and if that is another month, so be it.
I don't know if my thought will help but please know that I am sitting here feeling for you.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post.
I was on 7.5mg for over 20 days & I wasn't feeling well, I might have rushed it by lowering more over the next few days and finally decided to stop it.
I am into my 9th day, mood wise I am positive, yet withdrawals makes any sane person doubtful to the choice he/she made by coming off.
As for the Inderal, I use it mildly to ease some of the physical anxiety symptoms that I get.
Xanax I have used a total of .5mg since coming off.
Melatonin 2.5mg for the past 4 nights.
Seroquel, I have it but haven't used it, my GP like many GPs, questions the validity of the Mirt withdrawals, therefore he said you don't have to suffer through this and start taking Seroquel to ease my GAD issues. I haven't yet.
My day isn't fully bad, I still have many windows of feeling tiny OK and get the occasional good appetite windows that I have to capitalist on immediately, evenings are surely better than the day time (Not sure why)
Sleep is still poor and the morning anxiety is the worst.
So am I damaging my recovery hopes by ignoring the horrible waves of anxiety? should I use Inderal and xanax until I pass this period?
I read a thread today that somehow inspired me to keep positive, reading the post, it sounded identical to what I go through, sadly it took almost 2 months for the writer to feel better (not normal)