Mirtazapine withdrawal

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Hey everyone,

I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.

It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?

Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.

PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine sad .

Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?

Please help,



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    phew im soo glad ive found this forum!

    ive been taking mirtazpine 15mg since last july for my tiinitus that i got from loads of infections!i thought this drug was marvellous as it really calmed down the noises!but it made me put on two stone as i was hungry all the time...all i did was eat and eat!then i went down to 7.5mg for a while and then i went down to 3.75mg!its been two days now since i have completely stopped and today i thought i was going to have a nervous breakdown at work..i felt like shit.i was shaking and feeling extremely nervous!the tops of my arms feel numb and i have really bad ibs!!i thought i was going mad..until i saw this site!i never thought for one moment that i was withdrawing cos i was on such a low dose!!now i know i will get thruogh this!thankyou everyone and good luck!


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    Very interested indeed to read this discussion. I have been on Mt for just over two years, prescribed them for terrible anxiety. The dreadful insomnia I had at the time was being "controlled" with temazpam. At the time I was also on citalopram but was having terrible stomach problems so they changed it for MT. To cut a long story short, I found that the stomach problems were actually benzodiazepine inter-dose withdrawals so used valium to do a slow taper off all benzos - I have been off for just over a year. I left tapering MT until I had had a good six months off benzos and began the reduction in July 2011. My GP felt that I was being overcautious but I used liquid to reduce the dosage by 2.5 mg at a time. Mostly, the taper has gone pretty well and I have slept (always my biggest worry) well or at least OK. I have put on only about 4lbs and since I was underweight when I started that wasn't too bad. Anyway, I took what I intended to be my last dose of MT on 23/03/12. I had two rough nights but then things seemed to settle down and I had two really good ones and felt great. Then, it has all gone pear-shaped. Last night, I was in such a state with anxiety, insomnia and feeling that I was going to be sick, that I took 7.5 mg. That instantly calmed me down, which was a bit suspicious (all in my mind?) and I got a couple of hours sleep. I am terrified that I am going to be ill again and face the road to hell like I did last time. My plan is to see if I can stabilise again at 7.5 and then resume taper later when things have settled. It hasn't helped to come off at my worst hayfever time - I think Mt probably helped control that.

    Can it be withdrawal to come on like this? After I felt so good for a couple of days? All the Drs say it is not a problem to get off ...

  • Posted

    And Keziboo - I jumped off at only 2.5 mg, so thought I too would be safe from withdrawal hell.

    BaileyP - I would not recommend cold turkey for any w/d. Dangerous I think for benzos. I did very slow taper and was glad of that.

  • Posted

    It will get better I've been off for 3months now I'm still getting funny feelings, I often feel sick and breathless, plus I'm getting a lot of numbness too.

    I've decided that I'm not ever taking anymore pills of any kind ever again, my gp keeps I should but I'm not,

    I've come this far and it's been horrible so never again, I just want to be normal..

    I'm sleeping really well too, so you will get better just stick to it....

  • Posted

    Hello all, very interesting for me to find all these posts about Mirtazapine and the many problems related to taking it..i've been on 60mg for well over a year and been experiencing numbness , joint pain ,nightmares,weight gain (despite joining weight watchers and eating sensibly),and loss of taste. After a lot of soul searching(i don't want to take off on a downwards spiral to where i was at my worst)and consideration about my quality of life (knee pain giving me problems and making even walking somedays too painful coupled with back pain at night that would keep me awake) i finally decided to take some action ! this week i have been taking half of my usual dose and gritting my teeth through the queasyness, bouts of anxiousness ....so far so good.....! really don't want to be the distant, zombied-out person anymore....good luck to any of you out there having a similar time x
  • Posted

    Hello all, very interesting for me to find all these posts about Mirtazapine and the many problems related to taking it..i've been on 60mg for well over a year and been experiencing numbness , joint pain ,nightmares,weight gain (despite joining weight watchers and eating sensibly),and loss of taste. After a lot of soul searching(i don't want to take off on a downwards spiral to where i was at my worst)and consideration about my quality of life (knee pain giving me problems and making even walking somedays too painful coupled with back pain at night that would keep me awake) i finally decided to take some action ! this week i have been taking half of my usual dose and gritting my teeth through the queasyness, bouts of anxiousness ....so far so good.....! really don't want to be the distant, zombied-out person anymore....good luck to any of you out there having a similar time x
  • Posted

    I was on amitryptaline for about 6 years, then had cosmetic surgery which left me in so much pain I couldn't sleep for weeks but didn't feel I could see my GP about it as it was 'self-inflicted'. Eventually I went in desperation when she took me off amitryptaline and put me on Mirtazapine for post operative stress disorder. 15mg for two weeks and then 30mg. I'd been on them for 3 months and felt I was ready to come of ADs once and for all. My GP told me to alternate 30mg and 15mg for 5 days, 15mg for 5 days, 15mg every other day for 5 days and then stop. I have, however, done my own tapering and carried on with 7.5mg every other day for 5 days and am now leaving an extra day between doses and have gone without for 4 days now. Once I have left a 7 day gap I'll stop taking them altogether. I haven't felt any sort of withdrawal apart from waking up alot during the night which I can cope with as I don't work. Do you think I'll be ok with this tapering?
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      Why did you go to see the dr if you weren't willing to take the drugs he prescribed? What did you think he'd do? I don't think posts like this are very helpful. You are demonising a drug you haven't even used. This drug can save lives. It saved mine. 

  • Posted

    . I have pack of 15mg sitting on my shelf for four weeks and so pleased I never started taking them to be honest. biggrin

    When doctor asked me why I told him that it's all very easy for him to sit and write out a prescription but when I appear for an appointment and I am in such a desperate state that I want to give up on life, the last thing I need is a script for something that will make me feel worseexclaim!

    I have a friend who has been given another A/D and she's been bedridden for a week now with them.

    I am doing just fine without anything at the moment. Still stressed but managing to get through.

    Weaning yourself off is the best way and good luck wink

    • Posted

      Why did you go to see the dr if you weren't willing to take the drugs he prescribed? What did you think he'd do? I don't think posts like this are very helpful. You are demonising a drug you haven't even used. This drug can save lives. It saved mine. 

    • Posted

      Well leave it to everyone to decide for themselves. These drugs can do a lot of damage as well. I have never had the kinds of awful thoughts that started occurring while I was on mirtazapine and while withdrawing. I think it is good that people know the dangers as well.
  • Edited

    I was put on Remeron 2 years ago by an Egyptian doctor in Saudi Arabia for stomach pain and nausea. It used to help but.... Had I known what a nightmare it would be to quit it.....I tried 3 or 4 times now. First time inadvertently stopping it only after 2 months on it at 7.5 mg! The withdrawal was horrible! 24-hr nausea, cold-hot alternation, intense fear and anxiety and yes, no sleep more than 1-2 hours at a time. Eating was out of question. Interesting detail: withdrawals don't start until 8-10 days after the last dose and peak around 3-4 weeks. It's funny to read how someone says here: "i'm off cold turkey, no withdrawals", then a week later "Oh, my God, I'm dying!"Devil himself must have invented this drug.

    Second attempt, after alternating days with/without for a month or so. I lasted for about 3 weeks without it, became unbearable, even mayo psych had no clue about it. 3rd attempt lasted for about a month. Decided to stabilize, then a month later was diagnosed with gallbladder problems, so postponed quitting for a while. Now a year later, having read "Antidepressant Solution", I'm trying to do it right. 6mg for a month, 5mg for a month (almost) and so on.

    Symptoms: disrupted sleep (don't feel tired at night, wake up early from back pain,), gnawing incapacitating back pain (right below the shoulder blades), fron ribs pain, belly aches, random dumping (sweating, nausea, diarrea after eating), throat spasms, stomach spasms, sore throat, nausea (with or without food), dizziness, crawling side of the head or parts of body, cold/sweating, nightmares, anxiety, hypochondria, rage, irritability, the full monty.

    I'm determined to persevere this time, but with demanding work, 3 kids, trips abroad - it is very difficult. This site helps a lot. Please continue to share.

    • Posted

      I tried coming off mirtazapine and I was only on 7.5mg I went cold turkey and only lasted 6 days, I think it's ruined my brain! I got severe depersonalisation it's still severe now and this was about 7 weeks ago when I tried cold turkey! I had severe constant panic! It was horrendous and I'm still suffering.

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      Just taper very slowly. I hear some people have success with that. Like titrating with liquid mirt.
    • Posted

      Hi Pamela I totally understand your suffering, I feel exactly the same...I have been off this evil drug for 5 weeks now and during that time I had to take time off work as I felt I had a mental breakdown from the withdrawal symptoms. It is hell to come off them, this is my second attempt to come off them, the last I lasted 9 weeks and couldn't function anymore. Like yourself I feel it has ruined my brain and severe depersonalisation also. I couldn't even see family because I felt so anxious and strange.

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      Sorry to hear you are going through this hell! I can't believe it's been 9 weeks and you still feel withdrawals. I feel so weird too every day is hell! I thought if I went back on mirtazipine I'd be OK again but that wasn't the case. At the moment I feel like my life is ruined, I'm so detached from myself and the world which causes me to panic...I have never felt so bad in my life, I might as well not be here because I don't feel like im here, I am stuck in my mind. Hope things get better for you x I'm gonna try and withdrawl again soon, the only good thing about mirtazipine is that it helps me sleep.

    • Posted

      Your going through exactly how I feel everyday, it's such a lonely place to be stuck in your own mind. The anxiety and panic is horrible and I'm sure you know how that feels. Everyday my thoughts are racing and also the same as you as I don't want to be here anymore but somehow I get through another day. As abit ov advice, I would come off the Mirt as soon as you can, I made a bad decision to go back on it the second time, I'm now on week 5 off Mirt, it's the hardest thing in life I have ever been through. Yes it's good for sleep but to keep waking up with high anxiety every morning and to feel like a zombie everyday is horrendous. I went to see a physciatrist only last week to help with my anxiety and panic, he prescribed an anti-anxiety medicine called pregabalin...I've been on it for a week and it does help with the symptoms a lot. Maybe it might help you, it kind ov eases the withdrawal from Mirt. I hope things get better for you too x

    • Posted

      So sorry to butt in but i feel exactly the same, how bad can this mirtaz dropping be?the agitation on waking is awful, cant do anything or go anywhere.  Just want life back.  I will ask about pregabalin but i dont react well to any of the psychiatric meds.   This is hell.
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      Same as. Agitated and feel such a lot i cant achieve. Suns out, must try to get out for a walk
    • Edited

      Hi Ann, sorry for the delay in replying, the withdrawal doesn't last forever, you must remember that, it does subside, slowly.

      I went cold turkey on 30mg, my anxiety was horrendous, paranoia,very emotional, panicy and agitated. Just remind me of the dose you were on and how far into cold turkey are you ?

      I'm now 7 months down the line since my withdrawal episode, I feel much much better, the tough part lasted around 3 months Ann, I thought I was losing the plot, going mad etc, my gp refused to believe it was withdrawal, my wife and close friend got me through.

      The trick is Ann, you must stay occupied, keep busy, when I felt a bad episode coming on I would go for a walk, anywhere ! I just stopped what I was doing and off I went, the more I sat and pondered, the closer I became to pure panic, sometimes uncontrollable fear, the fresh air did me the world of good.

      Another method I used was mindfulness, i didn't believe in it at first but it really helped me, its so simple and effective, if you want to try let me know, i did 10-15 minutes per day.

      Keep fighting Ann, you can do this, don't rule out going back on the mirt, if it helps and stops the withdrawal you must jump back on, you can then taper off slowly, I chose to ride it out, it's rough but here it from me, the withdrawal does subside and things do get easier, I hope I've made a bit of sense, please contact me with any questions, I will help you through this, you can do it.

    • Posted

      Hi and thanks for all the info.

      managed through the day yesterday but just no motivation, yet agitation.  Felt i was going mad then got out for walk and felt a bit more normal.  Early to bed as usual, not feeling like eating but doing it anyway.

      then a night of insomnia. Took 3.75 as usual. One hours sleep.  Took 5mg diazepam. No quietening down or sleep.  Tried hypnosis download for one hour, still awake. Headache so took paracetamol and think i slept lightly for a few hours. Awake early, feel hellish, overwrought, anxious and agitated, jumping round bed. Another 2mg to quieten it down.  Is this all caused by trying to get off this med?

      yes i am interested in mindfulness, i tried a couple of sessions with a class leader but I couldnt get it - my mind doesnt take it in, can you help?

      i am not sure if this is my original illness back or if its the dropping low on mirtaz.  If i knew it would ony last for a few months i would keep going.  I dont want to go back on, i have tapered slowly but feeling worse each day.  I am really wondering if it is a different med i need to control the agitation, its not getting any better but worse.  I can sit this out if necessary but not if i get worse anxiety and agitation.

      your offer of helping me through is appreciated.

      by the way, did you go onto another anti dep after this one?

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      Yes but i have tried so many and i cant get appt with p.doc . Gp wont change anything without his sayso.

      i wil try to,push for an appt to see him.

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      are you still trying to get off mirtaz?  Maybe what im feeling is just the dropping down and will clear?
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      No I went back on them I'm only on 7.5mg but gonna taper onto 3.5mg on Friday night (after my son's 7th birthday.) Not looking forward to it! When I went cold turkey for 6 days in September and then went back on them it had severe anxiety and panic attacks and they still haven't gone! Can barely leave the house. My husband wants to go to the park in half an hour and I'm dreading it! When you have panic you just want to run away from yourself, I hate this. Xx

    • Posted

      I am so sumpathetic.  Feel just like that.  Hubby wants to go out, sun is there so why not? Because i feel like rubbish.  The anxiety is still there, hidden by a diazepam. I am not motivated to do anything.  I did not go back to 7.5 but slowly dropped to 3.75 when the insomnia and anxiety got worse.  Hubby says just get rid of them now but i dont want to feel worse as xmas looms! Please keep me up to date on how you get on when you drop again.  I was hoping to be off this by now, gp,said it would be fine.  Obviously they dont know what goes on.  Someone on here said dont do down then up again as it wont work and confuses your nervous system too much.  Did dr give you anything for withdrawals?
    • Posted

      He gave me 5 diazepam 2mg which were rubbish then he wouldn't prescribe any more! My doctor didn't give a monkeys! I have switched surgery's now and get to see my new doctor tomorrow. The old doctor wanted me to get off mirtazapine in a week from 15mg to zero! I rang him every day crying saying I had sucidal thoughts cos I could not bare side effects. I take propranolol but really it only sorts my skipped heart beats. I thought I would be better by now this is going on this July! We will get there Anne and I will keep you updated x

    • Posted

      I was prescribed 7.5 mg Mirtazapine for night time anxiety and panic attacks with insomnia 2.5 years ago. I gained almost 40 lbs in a couple months but slept great. Now, my memory is shot and my cholesterol sky rocketed and my BMI is classified as morbid obese. I got tired of being fat and tired all the time so I weaned off the drug. I have been Mirtazapine free for 10 days. I'm plagued with nausea, brain fog, diarrhea, itching, hair falling out, flu like symptoms, burning mouth, bone aches and panic feeling constantly. If I would have known this drug was so freaking harsh to go off of, I would have never accepted this drug. I feel like death. My head aches and normal functioning is extremely difficult. This drug is evil. Thank God the whole church has been praying for me. Drinking tons of water to detox.

    • Posted

      Have you dropped off at 7.5?  If that is the case, from what i have read on here from others suffering coming off this med, it needs to be tapered down ever so slowly from that level, otherwise the withdrawal effects are awful, just as you described.

      if you want to have a smooth titration i dont think you wont suffer any withdrawals, but all the evidence is on here that they will be less troublesome.

      my gp said jump off after 7.5 but i really dont think they know much about this particularly awful drug.   The best way is seemingly by liquid dropping slowly but my gp refused it due to cost.  

      I am slowly titrating, still a way to go.

    • Posted

      Hi Anne, I jumped at 30mg and went through what I can only describe as hell, I'm completely get of mirt now but it was a long rd but it did a nd will get better for you, stay positive and do some meditation, it helped me a lot, 15 minutes a day, there's lots of apps you can download which will help you along, it doesn't work straight away just give it time.

      I'm happy to help with anything, just send me a message

    • Posted

      Thx Gary. I do have the insight Timer meditation App. I just need to use it. Thx for sharing your story. Sometimes I feel like I've totally lost my marbles the way my head feels.

    • Posted

      That's exactly how I felt Anna, just keep telling yourself 'things will get better.....i kept a little diary, I would check it monthly to see how much improvement I'd made, it helped me alot Anna, it helped me feel in control...try it

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      Can I ask what dose you were on? And how you decreased and over what period?
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      Anna sorry for your suffering,and really feel for you.how did you titrate down and over what period of time? and how are you feeling now? Hope you're feeling better.

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      Looking back on our conversation a few months ago.  How has your taper of mirtaz gone?   I am now approaching later phase and scared i wont be able to do it but so fed up of nightmares and fear of going out etc.  Are you any further forward?
    • Posted

      Hi Pamela.  Hope you’re keeping well . I’ve read a few of your posts and was wondering whether you got off the Mirtazapine in the end ?


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