Mirtazapine withdrawal

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Hey everyone,

I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.

It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?

Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.

PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine sad .

Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?

Please help,



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    Hello ggain, ok....done the 60-30mg period....then the 15mg ....now doing the 15mg on alternate days....had some weird side-effects including gum boils (?) and cramp-like spasms in my stomach.....but tip-toeing thru reasonably ok (i think) was alarmed to read the last post by potap 75 who highlighted the unknown (to me anyway) fact "withdrawals don't start until 8-10 days after the last dose and peak around 3-4 weeks" getting really nervous about this ! Will continue to decrease till it's all out of my system tho'...and thanks for the heads-up on this .Hope everyone is doing ok ...it is a comfort not to feel alone . x
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    Everyone is different,

    But it is generally recommended to reduce 10% of the current use every 3-6 weeks and see how you're feeling. Then you could do it faster if the withdrawal is not so bad. But some require it even longer. For me 3-4 weeks are at it's worst, almost unbearable. Anxiety, fear, but especially gastro symptoms remind me about my surgeries and suffering. All old wounds ache and hurt, even old traumas and injuries from 20 years ago. Mild exercise is really helpful, like 30-40 minutes of cardio per day and some light weight lifting. I'm down to 5 mg and bracing for the next reduction. Good luck to all.

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      5mg......are you dry cutting a 15mg pill into 3 pieces?
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    Hello, I've been on mirtazapine for around 7 - 8 years now, varying doses from 15 - 45mg, been taking 45mg for around 4 years. During that time I had 2 years of psychotherapy which helped resolve a lot of issues, but every time I try to reduce/come off them I end up tearful, anxious, angry, scared & ultimately back to square 1 (or square 45!)

    So, after a couple of years during which my Dad passed away, I moved in my then partner, moved out again & now have my own flat, I decided I'm not depressed & to start coming down in 15mg increments, 3 months at a time until I'm completely free. Started lower dose of 30mg 2 weeks ago and was feeling mentally ok, a bit tearful, but ok. Physically my appetite has decreased dramatically, I've had some killer headaches, backache & feel like I have low grade flu.

    Today I couldn't cope at work, felt overwhelmed by emotion & had to go home, felt terrible about myself for this as I've been fine in this job - I can't be 'that nutjob' again who cries at her desk & people tiptoe round.

    I don't want to be dependent on pills, but at the same time I can't function & maintain a life, a job, a flat & not being on benefits (which I'm very proud of!) while dealing with all these effects. I'm thinking of cutting a 15mg pill in half and taking 37.5 instead of 30mg and see if that helps, as some people seem to recommend titrating down by 10% each time and I've done 33% in one go - too much I think!

    Anyway, it really is a comfort to read about all your experiences - you're all very brave.

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    Here I am a month later. I successfully tapered to 5.4mg the month before and now I'm 3 weeks after the next reduction - to 3.8 mg. I'm absolutely dying!

    Tremendous pressure and spasms in my upper stomach and chest, nausea, zero appetite, can't eat anything without sweating and getting more nauseous.

    Dizziness, cold and hot flushes. Skin crawling on the back of my head. Tremors, breathing shallow, twitching eyes.

    And yes, this time - insomnia. The nausea wakes me up at 3:30 am and that's it. Can't work, can't exercise.

    And the worst part - it reminds me very much of my Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction, which have been torturing me the last 4 years and for which I had an endoscopic surgery last February.

    So the anxiety and panic are tremendous "oh my god, did the condition return?" "How am I going to go on vacation abroad in 2 weeks", "I'm ruined for the rest of my life", "my poor kids" etc.

    I keep pacing outside again and everyone keeps telling me that it's withdrawal again, but in panic I just can't believe it and picture the worst case scenarios.

    I was actually feeling quite good just 3 days ago, eating whatever I like, exercising in the gym, playing with my kids, doing yard work etc.

    But starting exactly 1 week after the reduction, my symptoms were gradually getting worse and worse until finally they hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday at work. First I thought I had a cold (both kids were sick), but then I realized it's something else as it was getting worse.

    What it means? Maybe my reduction of 1.5 mg was too big? It was 30% of previous dose. What do you think people?

    I'm crying as I type this.

  • Posted

    Hi all, I was really pleased to have found this discussion link. I've been on Mirtazapine now for nearly 15 years, every time I've tried to come off it in the past I've had really bad insomnia that's made me feel really miserable and made me start to feel depressed again, so I've ended up just staying on it over the years.

    I made the decision a few months back that I was going to try and come off the tablets again. I've never been so well in my mental health and so I thought that this would be a good time to try. I also asked myself whether I really wanted to be on medication for the rest of my life (that might start having giving me health problems in the future), especially now that I don't really experience depression badly any more and I'm happy.

    I spoke to the GP about it and he never mentioned any withdrawal effects. I said I was worried about sleeping and he prescribed me some anti-histamines to help with that. I dropped down from 15mg to 7.5mg for a couple of months and then stopped taking it altogether 2 weeks ago..

    My god!!! I've had the most horrendous time. At first I thought I had picked up a really bad virus or something (until I started reading of other people's experiences). I've had constant waves of nausea, feeling light-headed and like I'm going to faint, hot and cold flushes, extreme exhaustion (yet an inability to sleep). The anxiety has got progressively worse and I am crying all of the time and without any control over it (like randomly in a shop queue). I can't remember a time when I ever felt this wretched.

    I came to the decision over the weekend that I'm going to go back on my previous dose (7.5mg) to get myself back on an even keel again and then go more slowly next time around. Seriously hideous! I never imagined it was going to be this bad, I was prepared for the insomnia and the feeling upset but not everything else. I work full time and in a stressful job and I just can't see how I'm going to be able to go to work if it carries on like this. From other people's posts it looks like the withdrawal can last up to a couple of months and I just can't afford that impact on my life.

    Good luck to everyone else who is going through this.

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      I have been off for 10 days after 2.5 years of 7.5mg. I have all the same withdrawal symptoms you have. This drug needs a warning label before we got on it stating you could feel like you are flu like and a mental mess when trying to get off. Satan's drug I swear!

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      Hi Anna, how are you this morning ? This AD has a lot to answer for, helps many but wow, when you decide to withdraw, there's trouble, it's been labelled the devil's tic tac by some, I'm not sure if we've spoken before ?

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      I just joined the discussion feed last night. It's reassuring others are experiencing the same withdrawal symptoms. I have never experienced this is the past when coming off of Fluoxetine or Wellbutrin. This was prescribed to me over 2 years ago for insomnia and nighttime panic attacks due to breathing problems from enlarged nasal turbinate reduction surgery that did not work. They grew back, swelled back up and made breathing difficult laying down. I wish they would have given me something else. I didn't think this drug at 7.5mg would cause such a living nightmare. Praying for full recovery of brain neurotransmitters. I feel like my head is scrambled.

    • Posted

      how are you now? I feel for you, can understand the trial it is trying to get over this drug.

       as i am three years on and trying to lower slowly, still the problems.  Nightmares and bad sleep are the worst, daytime nausea, headaches etc too.  How do drs think we can get off this easily.  Someone on here said it was worse than heroin withdrawal.  Hope its getting easier for you.

    • Posted

      Hi Ann55375,

      I took mirtazapine for 2 1/2 years at 7.5 mg with .5 mg clonazepam for night time anxiety and insomnia. It took me 3 months to titrate down. I cut the tabs in half for 2 weeks and then went to every other day for about a month then every 3 days for a couple weeks then every 4 days etc. I kept taking the clonazepam or I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. It took 1 1/2 solid months for the side effects to disappear. The headaches, blurred vision, feeling foggy brained, vertigo, nausea, weak, angry, confusion. Praise the Lord, I am over that all now. It was a struggle to work, but I did....the hard part now is to give the brain long enough to start making its own chemicals naturally. This takes several months. Things that seem to help me are taking multi vitamins, vitamin D, light exercise and tons of water and probiotics. I will eventually totally go off of clonazepam at night, but I have suffered insomnia since a child. Other sleep drugs don't work on me. Good news people, I think clearly now, lost 17 pounds (only from stopping mirtazapine, no more carb cravings and stomach is deflating).Bad news is the anxiety and depression are there too. I am combating that with church and staying busy at the gym and work. I find I do cry more and get angry or touchy....but I'm hoping as my own serotonin etc balances out, that will taper down. I would NEVER TAKE A DRUG LIKE MIRTAZAPINE EVER AGAIN.

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      Anna can I ask what your reason for wanting off mirtazapine? Or was it just weight gain.you have done so well.and I hope you will soon feel completley well.
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      Mirtazapine made me tired, raised my serum cholesterol, weight gain, high blood pressure and severe gastritis. I never had any of those issues until the drug was started. I just had an endoscopy that showed the inflamed stomach and severe reflux. Mirtazapine screws with your H2 receptors in the gut. I'm glad I feel "normal" Anna now. I never had issues on Prozac or Wellbutrin. They just didn't work at high doses anymore for 20 years. My doctor tried me on the mirtazapine because of its sedation at night. It works great for that, but the side effects on me are totally not worth it.

    • Posted

      Thank you Anna for your reply.im down to 22.5mg from 45mg,so a long way for me to go....been on 45mg six years and worked well for major depression with anxiety,but 18 months ago developed awful nightmares and vivid insane dreaming,would have stayed on for life (despite much unwanted weight gain) rather risk depression again,but can't put up with nightmares any more.so titrate good off,it just seems such loooong way for me,suffering those awful withdrawels each 4 week taper!

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      Hang in there! You are doing good. Have you talked to your doctor about clonazepam at night? It helps. Stay strong♥️

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      The benzo is most likely responsible for the majority of the symptoms. Long term Interdose withdrawals. So between doses you actually start withdrawling because your brain is to weak to make it's own GABA. Mirtazapine is also hard to quit. The general rule is to get off the benzo first.

    • Posted

      Thank you Anna,if along the way I need something I will talk to my GP,I am very lucky to have a very caring supportive GP,and I count my blessings for that,at the moment I am managing ok without,just the withdrawels after each reduction that seem particularly bad between weeks two and three ,but can come and go,as I'm sure you know.

    • Posted

      Hi im of remeron 4 weeks now .im very worry about y symptoms. I have dizziness pounding and elevated pulse ringing in the ears felling sick stomach upset uncoordination panicky felling very tired and feeling helpless.i was on remeron 15 mg for 6 weeks nd 7.5 for 1 week.Also i have insomnia.Did you have similar symptoms and how long they last . Please let me know .
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      I am trying to get down from 7.5 mirt earlier in year, managed down now to 1.88,was ok till 2mg but now the withdrawals i have are anxiety heightened massively, nightmares, suicidal thoughts come and go, fatigue etc.   Having to take diazepam to quell this.   Why is this drop so bad? I have never been well on this med, it just masked some symptoms but not all.  Will this go away or will i have to reinstate or go on another anti dep?  I am trying not to do,that.

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      Teresa, everything you are feeling is exactly what I felt for about 60 days titrating down off of Remeron. If you can tough it out, it does get better. I still get a racy pulse and feel like a panic attack is coming on but know my brain chemicals are trying to come back on there own. I think the longer you took the drug, the longer the recovery. I took 7.5 mg for 2 1/2 years and it is the toughest psyche med I've ever come down off of. Coming off of SSRI's was a cake walk compared to this drug. Insomnia and headache, dizziness, nausea is all part of the detox. On the plus side, I feel normal again. I'm no longer tired and hung over feeling every day.

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      7.5 for a year, then 3.75 four months, 2.5 a month, now 1.88 last week or so, suddenly the anxiety has rocketed.

      Gp has refused liquid she says just stop it now but i think i will crash and burn if i do that.  I am also wondering if her advice to use diazepam for anxiety spikes is not a good one.  Psych has approved all this advice so dont know where i stand.  Will just keep tapering slowly, no more changes till i see him and ask him for liquid.   Thats my plan anyway, if this anxiety gets worse on this level i will have to see him sooner.  I am hoping it will peak then slowly dissipate, am i right?

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      How long takes to get better .lm now 4 weeks of withrawal.i was on remeron for 2 mo .
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      Withdrawl is different for everyone. Did you taper or cold turkey? What dose were you on?
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      I was on remeron . 15mg for approximately 6 weeks and then 7.5 for 1 week.Before this i was on lexapro 10mg for 6 weeks and then buspar 10mg for 4 weeks.i stop lexapro and buspar due to bad side effect .my dr never told me to taper .
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      Understand about the benzos but they are the only thing that works for the anxiety just now. Help, what can i do till,mirtaz gone
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      i am coming down and his massive anxiety wall at 1.88.  Someone suggested i just stop dead now but my anxiety is high. How did you deal with anxiety
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      Hold until stable. Then proceed slowly with tapering.
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      I agree with Mike. My own taper down was quicker than some but I have Klonopin I take at night to manage insomnia and anxiety. During the day, I use a mindfulness meditation App on my phone called Insight Timer. I also deal with daytime panic attacks but find riding the wave or surfing above the panic helps. My therapist had me read a book on panic and anxiety by Claire Weekes

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