Mirtazapine withdrawal

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Hey everyone,

I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.

It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?

Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.

PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine sad .

Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?

Please help,



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    The last few days I've had waves of anxiety, feels like I've drank 20 cups of coffee. The first few weeks off Remeron, I had off/on nausea, abdominal discomfort, headaches, insomnia, aches and pains, but no real increase in anxiet. I'm on my 4th week off, and now my appetite is back, although some times it a bit lacking, most nausea is gone, still have some headaches, but now I have all the anxiety/adrenaline feelings. Did anyone who experienced anxiety from remeron withdrawal, did it hit later in the withdrawal, early on, all the time, or? I'm just trying to determine if this is remeron withdrawal or something else. Thanks.

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    I would find that the anxiety / nausea / abdominal pains / loss of appetite can hit me at any time, and usually all together. I'm in my 7th week off Mirtazapine and would have maybe a couple of good days then a few ok then some horrible days. Last week was great and I thought I was finally ok, then the past 2 days have been horrible again. I'm hoping that maybe in time the bad days will become fewer.

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    I've now been off of mirtazapine for 7months, and I feel absolutely fine now, I did have some horrible withdrawal symptoms though but that's all gone now thank goodness so I'm glad I've stuck with it, I don't take any drugs at all now and I won't be either, I came off cold turkey which is the worst way to do it but I'm glad I've stuck with it now so good luck to everyone else coming off this crap I took it for 5yrs, I thought I'd never sleep again without it but I'm sleeping fine and have been for the past few months....
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    Hi BaileyP

    Thanks for that, its encouraging to know there's light at the end of the sometimes very dark tunnel and that recovery will come eventually.


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    Hi Erica45,

    How long were you on Remeron? I was on them for 2.5 months, and it still seems like I have waves of not feeling good. Light nausea, lack of appetite, anxiety/panic feelings, pending doom, etc.... I'm on my 5-6 weeks off now. Sounds like these side effects can linger for some time.

    Bailey, when did your symptoms finally start to disappear? How long were you Remeron?

    Not sure if this is Remeron, but I've been having heavy legs a bit of numbness, some blood sugar fluctuations, heart palps, etc.....Just havn't been feeling right since going off.

    I've had a day here and there were I start to feel a little better, but then bam, it's all back. Today is actually a bit better than the last week, not sure if I'm pulling out, or just a good day.


  • Posted

    Hi soccer dude, my symptoms started to get better in the last month, I feel great now.... And yes the symptoms that you mention are from mirtazapine, I had those same symptoms too, but the heaviness will not last long however the numbness will, I had terrible numb feet usually when I was trying to get to sleep in fact I had a lot of numbness. But all this will go away, I know it's hard but try and ignore the symptoms I did and it worked, I'm just glad it's all over now.. So good luck....
  • Posted

    Hi soccer dude, my symptoms started to get better in the last month, I feel great now.... And yes the symptoms that you mention are from mirtazapine, I had those same symptoms too, but the heaviness will not last long however the numbness will, I had terrible numb feet usually when I was trying to get to sleep in fact I had a lot of numbness. But all this will go away, I know it's hard but try and ignore the symptoms I did and it worked, I'm just glad it's all over now.. So good luck
  • Posted

    Hi Baileyp,

    Thank you for the reply. Quick question, did the heaviness and numbness start after your last dose, or did it take a few weeks to appear? Did you have different symptoms come and go after you were off completely? I know one guy posted that symptoms didn't peek until 3-4 weeks off.

    Did you happen to have blood sugar/presssure fluctuations at all?

    This is no annoying, because I worry about whether this is Remeron withdrawal or something else. How long do I keep blaming symptoms on Remeron withdrawal? smile

    Anyway, thanks again for sharing your info.


  • Posted

    Hi soccer dude, withdrawal from these drugs brings on high anxiety which can bring on lots of different and nasty symptoms, which for me came on about 2weeks after coming off. I also had blood pressure and blood sugar problems too this medication sent my blood sugar high, my doctor was treating me as type 2diabetic but I am not diabetic and it's fine now, the numbness will go away I know it's annoying but it will go, I can tell you that what you are getting is withdrawal which causes quite bad anxiety... Try an app called anxiety connect as this can be really helpful I'm on there myself as Polly1956 Try it and just to let you know this is all worth it and you will be a lot better soon....
  • Posted

    Another strange thing I'm experiencing which I'm not sure is Remeron withdrawal or not is like a warm flushing sensation in my eyes. It's kinda strange, but it just feels like warm water or something moving round maybe in the eye lid that in the eye itself, although it feels like it could be in the eye. Hard to explain. But it comes and goes pretty quick.

  • Posted

    Hi, I had twitchy eyes and hot sweats a lot, there are a lot of odd symptoms caused by coming off medications I'm so glad it's all over now, best thing to do is try not to let symptoms worry you, I found that if I kept busy and ignored them they just went away.. I went for a six week cause of cbt which helped me a great deal see the more you notice symptoms and think about them the worse it gets, I may sound silly but I used to talk to my self and tell my symptoms the weren't gonna win, our brains throw out all this crap with anxiety but we are in control not it, if you know what I mean....
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    Hi Soccer Dude

    I was on 45mg a day for about 11 months then down to 30mg, although I had started breaking up the tablets to try and wean myself off them. The nasty symptoms seemed to start when I began cutting down. I often felt numbness in my feet when I was on the tablets but thankfully that disappeared when I stopped. Another withdrawal symptom was really itchy skin but that only lasted about 3 weeks.


  • Posted

    The day before yesterday I started feeling a little better, more calm, more positive mood, yesterday morning the same, but then yesterday afternoon, I plunged and felt like I had more panic, pending doom feelings. And today is even worse. What the heck is going on?

    I am on some new natural supplements, for example 5-htp to boost my serotonin. I started these pretty much coming off of Lexapro over 7 weeks ago, just before I started my Remeron withdrawal. I was starting to feel pretty darn good, postive mood and outlook, low anxiety, or if I had anxiety, it was normal anxiety, and it didn't make me feel panicy with pending doom, and after the anxiety situation was gone, I felt back to normal, the way it should be. But, the last day I was on Remeron, is when all heck broke loose with all the symptoms I've mentioned before. And I haven't been the same since.

    I do need to mention that I'm on two other supplements, rhodiola to balance my pituitary/adrenal function as it appears I have high DHEA and low adrenaline. And I have low PEA, so I'm taking PEA. It's so hard to tell what is helping or not when you have withdrew from a med. I just need some relief.

    The problem I've been having since January, is a feeling of mental panic/pendingdoom/hopelessness feelings. This really started after I had tried SSRI's. Whether that was the trigger or if they just made my condition worse. And since about 1 year ago when this all really got started, I haven't had a peace of mind, where I felt relaxed and normal for more than maybe 10 days at most spread out. It's like my brain is on fire, and it just doesn't relax. I've tried almost every thing, and the only thing that seems to work is Ativan, but I don't want to get started on that again. So, I'm just hoping that what I'm currently taking will begin to heal me, and the remeron withdrawal will subside.


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    One other question for those watching this thread is how long did your withdrawal side effects last? I know some people were on it for years, some tapered some quit cold turkey, so I'm assuming everyone's experience is going to be different. But, the withdrawal side effects for those that get them appear to be similar no matter how long someone was on it. I was only on Remeron for about 2.5 months, that's definately long enough to have withdrawal, but can it be this intense and last this long? I think I've been off now for about 5 weeks. Sorry, I don't mean to keep beating this into the ground, I'm just desperate as I just can find any relief. Thank you for your understanding.
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    I think I'm still having stomach issues. Although I seem to have an appetite, at times I don't feel like I want to eat, but when I do, I can eat plenty of food. And some times when I eat, I do feel a little nauseated. And I feel like I still have this up/down constant ill feeling, and just makes me feel low. Does anyone else have stomach issues (lack of appetite/nausea) weeks after withdrawal that come and go? I'm 5-6 weeks off Remeron now. And I was only on it 2.5 months.
    • Posted

      Hi soccer I know this been a late post. I wonder how your doing? I been taking mirtazapine for almost a year for 15mg. My worst withdrawal is terrible insomia. I don't get sleep untill 5am and if I get sleep only for 2 hours after 5am.so I wonder how people coping of insomia cause of withdrawal of this drugs. I been taking over the counter sleep aids and some natural sleep aid and some of them I become tolerant. I plan to try L-trythophan. I'm so desperated cause of insomia and I don't to take any over the counter sleeping aid but I don't have a choice. I need to sleep to function.

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