Mirtazapine withdrawal

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Hey everyone,

I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.

It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?

Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.

PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine sad .

Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?

Please help,



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  • Posted

    Has anyone found anything that helped them detox from Remeron, to get it cleared out of your system quicker to lessen these awful withdrawal effects? Milk Thistle? I'm drinking plenty of water. And I'm taking Glutathione for another reason which is a detoxer. Anyway... I'm on 5-6 weeks off, and I'm feeling like crap still. I feel worse now that I did when I was on another SSRI that really made me feel awful.


  • Posted

    Hi Soccer

    Yes my nausea / appetite issues seem to be exactly like that. I've been attending a naturopath and am trying Nux Vomica and Iberogast from today, will see how that goes.


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    I took a peppermint supplement today calle Mentharil from Integrative Therapeutics Inc. Seems to help a litlte. I've tried Nux Vomica in the past for things, but not sure if it worked for me or not. Never was on it that long to see. I hope it works for you!
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    Has anyone heard of Remeron Withdrawal causing elevated DHEA? I've read that taking Remeron can lower Cortisol, and possibly DHEA, so if you withdrawal from Remeron, it would seem that your body might need to create DHEA to bring the levels back up. The reason why I ask is that I had a test done, and my DHEA was really elevated, Cortisol was normal though, and adrenaline was on the low side.


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    I've been off Remeron for about 6-7+ weeks after only being on it for 2.5 months. I still feel like crud. Very low mood, anxiety/panicy, feeling pending doom/hopelessness. I can eat, but don't really feel like I have an appetite. Some times after eating, I feel worse. Has anyone had withdrawal that lasts this long? I have this tight band around my head, and now and then it kinda lifts, and I feel somewhat relaxed, and my mood is better, but I rarely feel that. I never really recovered from going off Remeron. I did start Rhodiola (adaptogen herb) and it made me feel as bad as I did on Lexapro. So, I went off it a week ago. It could be causing some issues as well, but all I know was that I was feeling better before going off remeron, and then really never felt good again since.

    I hope you are all feeling good.


  • Posted

    Firstly, thank you so much for this forum.

    I've been on MT for only about 3 months, after changing from Effexor (most suicidal drug that one), but SINCE BEING ON MT, I've suffered just about all the symptoms that all the good people here have described when WITHDRAWING from MT. Why is this happening?

    I'm on 30mg/day but I'm chopping that in half for the next week, and then just stopping to see how I go.

    I think it's an awful drug, and as from today, I'm getting off it. I have to stop before I do myself in.

    I'm unable to take it at night, as it gives me restless legs syndrome. (don't laugh, there really is such a thing), so I take it when I wake up, whenever that might be.

    The nausea, the aches and pains throughout my body, the inability to sleep, even though I'm drowsy all the time, the weight gain, the teariness, the whistling in my ears, the electric jolts through my body, the zapping in my brain, the mood swings, which are the worst going from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds, the inability to even string more than two words together to form a sentence, and the list goes on and on.

    It's got to the point where I'm fearing for my life!

    My GP is thoroughly useless, and I feel I'm just being a Guinea Pig for something she just knows nothing about. I have got more answers and understanding from reading this forum for the last 30 minutes than what I've managed to get out of my GP in the last 5 years!

    The sense of relief one gets, when you actually see everything you're going through already discussed in a forum such as this is so therapeutic, you have no idea. The sense of relief to just to know you're not alone is just indescribable.

    I've had a lot of surgery in my time, especially on my back for which I still take pain killers for, and sometimes have to take abnormal amounts, but this happens inconsistently, and I'm so careful as to not get hooked on them, as I have had to deal with withdrawals from them too, on occasion.

    I'm soooooo praying that giving up MT isn't going to be as bad as Effexor or as some of the horror stories described here and elsewhere about MT that I have read researching this topic.

    Luckily, I have a steady supply of valium, (which can be very addictive, but I can still take 'em or leave 'em), panadeine fortes, (Codeine - which is also very addictive, and I've had to go cold turkey with them many a time - very painful), morphine, (which I've managed to never have gotten hooked on, as easy as it can be), lots of pot, (duoh), and two gorgeous cats, (my reason for living).

    Depending on how I go, and how long it takes, I hope to be able to post my results here.

    To those in the same boat, may our ships pass in the night.... (mine will be the one with the flashing coloured lights!)

    Cheers to all, and God bless every single one of you.......

    Bobby's (& Penny's) Dad.

  • Posted

    Hi every1. I am currently on 100mg Sertraline and 30mg Mirtzapine but i cant handle the weight gain. Rang my doc this morn an she told me to stop the Mirtazipine now an she increasin the sertraline to 150mg. Jus wonderin if any1 has been in the same situation an wot i shud expect-withdrawal wise???

    Thanks Sally xx

  • Posted

    Good luck with your change in medication Sally.

    It is now Day 19 since I stopped taking Mirtazapine.

    Some parts of me feel a lot better for it, but some of me feels just awful.

    Lots of confusion. Difficult to make decisions. Some 'flu like aches and pains as well from the withdrawals.

    My weight gain has stopped, and hopefully it'll start to drop soon.

    Some days, I just don't want to wake up, and some days I do, but I hurt too much.

    Never a day goes by that I just want to end it all, as I get so depressed, but my two cats help keep me going, when nothing or no one else can.

    As a bonus, I've suffered from chronic back pain for the last twenty years, and get virtually no help with pain management, and that doesn't help.

    The most difficult part of the whole experience is having a GP that just doesn't understand what it's like to be in pain 24/7. Totally clueless, and to be honest, I really think that GP's just don't care.....

    Now I try to source my 'medication' from whoever happens to have it, and pay the price, and try to tolerate the waiting lists to even be seen by a Pain Clinic, which is about 10 months.

    ... but as far as Mirtazapine's concerned, that stuff is just suicide in a pill.


  • Posted

    Thanks for ur reply BobbysDad. I too find love & peace in my pets. I gota 7week old puppy to care for nw. Ino i need to come off MT because of weight gain but im scard of the withdrawal. I lost my Mum in July hence bein on meds,i jus hope sertraline keeps me "up". I really hope ur aches an pains go soon!!!xx
  • Posted

    So sorry about your Mum, Sally. As upsetting and depressing as that must be for you, pills are really not the answer. It messes with parts of your mind that should well be left alone. "They' (being the GP's and other licensed quacks), don't really know enough about what happens to the mind, because 'THEY' aren't the ones taking the meds.

    Good company is the best therapeutic course to take, and if you've finally had enough of people not understanding, (like I have), then the best best BEST company is by far, a pet. My two are my life, and my reason for living. Bobby's 14, and Penny's only 4, so I have a bit of time left. (I have to outlive both of them.... otherwise who else would look after them?) I almost lost Bobby recently, as he developed a hyperthyroid condition, and dwindled to almost nothing, but that's been sorted, and now he's OK and getting better, and my Vet can now afford that trip to Europe he's been planning.....

    Back on-topic, I stopped taking M'p by halving my dose from 30mg to 15 for a week, then half of that for a week, then stopped. The first week was a bit 'strange', but tolerable. A bit 'teary' for a while. Then I felt like I had the 'flu the week after, and that's lasted just over a week. The big difference, is that you seem to regain a bit of confidence, and motivation, and the eating ceases. (I put on 15 kilos in less than a fortnight which was enough to realise there was something wrong.)

    Now, that I'm off the pills, I just keep thinking positive happy thoughts towards the day that the skyrockets, and electric shocks stop buzzing my brain...... I'll just have to handle the depression and anxiety as best as I can. The secret to winning the battle, is simply being aware that there is one.

    Keep ya chin up.....

  • Posted

    Wow such inspirin words!! Thank you!! I have 4 pets- my 2 dogs Dylan (11&half yrs) & Jack (7weeks) and 2 budgies Sonny & Alfie. And an 11yr old daughter. They r my world. Its my dog Dylan why im stil ere 2day. I got so so low but he kept me goin. I too gained a ridiculous amount of weight,trousers too tight etc so got up this morn an thought "i gota do summit" All i wana do is eat on MT,even tho im not hungry!! No point dietin while on them coz they make u eat. I jus hope my appetite dies dwn soon an i lose weight. Xx
  • Posted

    ... think positively AWFUL things about weight gain. The heart problems. The cholesterol problems. The lack of self esteem through the embarr'ass'ment of taking up an extra seat on the bus, and you should soon shock yourself into submission, that weight gain is not good, and these mirtazapine tabs will put it on quick. Damn quick.... So the sooner you stop the better.

    If you ever get a case of the misery's coming on, suck on a lolly pop. You'd be surprised just how effective that can be, by simply taking your mind off whatever triggered your situation, albeit for just a moment, but that moment can be enough to take you back to a 'happy place' again.

    Can't hurt....

  • Posted

    It's all in the mind, you know....
  • Posted

    I will invest in sum lollypops then!!! Thank you for all this advice!! It is so so much appreciated!! I took my last Mirtazapine (30mg) last nite. 2nite i swap that for 50mg Sertraline an then av my 100mg Sertraline as usual in the morn. Do u think i will stil av withdrawals even tho in stil on a diff anti d?xx
  • Posted

    I really don't know Sally....

    I was on Effexor, before the M's, and did a changeover which was basically 'cold turkey' from the Eff's for about two weeks, and all of a sudden, I found myself with an uncontrollable desire to do stuff. Anything, be it cooking myself meals at 4 in the morning to wanting to rearrange furniture (.... still at 4 in the morning). Go figure!

    ... but because of my out of control mood swings I was put on Mirtazapine. Then, all my new found motivation was gone within days. I found myself sleepy all the time, and I just couldn't stop eating. .... and talk about being depressed? Major issues. Sad sad sad....

    It was giving me a virtual chemical lobotomy.

    Not only, but also my whole body clock has changed a full 12 hours, and now I can't sleep at nights, and can't stay awake during the days. Even after stopping all the psych pills, the remnants of a screwed body clock remain, although I don't really mind it that much as it means I get the quiet of the night all to myself. Where I live, it's just too crazy around here to be on psych pills anyway. Seeing everyone else here during the day time helps me realise, that maybe I'M not the nutter afterall!

    "Sometimes your not as mad as you think you are..." (to quote a not-so famous person)

    Heh heh heh.......

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