Mirtazapine withdrawal, how long will this last??!!!!

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Help! I slowly tapered off Mirtazapine. It's been 4 and a half weeks off it now and I'm sure I'm still experiencing withdrawal?! I have crippling morning anxiety and zero appetite, the weight gained on Mirt has fallen off! I also feel sick most of the day. I got so down last week that I very nearly went back on it, but couldn't bare the thought of coming off again! Insomnia has just kicked in too. 

I don't mean to post this to scare anyone, as when I was at my darkest Mirt really helped me. I just wanted to know if there's anyone out there going through what I'm going through? Any advice? How long can it last? 

I'd appreciate any help x 

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532 Replies

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    Hi there,

    I'm so sorry you're having symptoms still. Do not go back on the Remeron. It will defeat all the hard work you accomplished to get off of it. I'm still struggling with my withdrawal but I'm focusing hard on my diet even though I'm nauseous and I'm pushing through to exercise and take vitamin supplements. I have Xanax on board when I am too anxious. You're almost at the finish line. Don't give up! Drink lots of water, try to remain calm, eat healthy meals and get plenty of exercise to sweat out the poison in your body. I promise it will help your mental state tremendously. I've read that withdrawals can go on for weeks to months and I'm determined to do whatever I can to survive this and look back and say I will never be that drugged depressed overweight woman again. Stay strong and fight to get your life back. 

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      I am still trying to lower this mirtaz.  I have to admit i went back to 7.5 one night as the insomnia at 3.75 and nausea was awful. I have stabilised a bit now on 5mg but very wary of lowering.  Will i just get the insomnia again on 3.75? Have you any hints on how long it will last before stabilising again?   The nausea is not great but im managing it with buccastem when needed.

      i will have to do another tapering of diazepam of 5mg when the mirtaz is gone.  I have read that this is easier than mirtaz one which is likened to heroin withdrawal.

    • Posted

      Hi Kirsty 

      I promised myself I wouldn’t do this and look for reassurance but here I am !

      I weaned off Sertraline several weeks ago and have now weaned off Mirtazapine, I took my last dose (3.75mg) 6 nights ago , I was doing ok but the last three days have been a challenge! Very tearful and anxiety nipping at my heals , I take 2.5mg of Diazipam first thing in the morning and last thing at night as advised by the neurologist.

      You are well into recovery now going by your last post , I was wondering how you’re doing and when did you start to feel some relief.

    • Edited

      Hi Kirsty,

      i know its a while since you've commented and i hope you are well still.

      I've been off of Mirtazapine for 10 weeks. I was stupid and pretty much went cold turkey. I've had all sorts of issues but specifically tummy problems. churning has subsided and nausea on and off but this week has been the absolute worst! I feel so sick i cant eat, my heart is constantly pounding and I'm terrified. I've tried to put it down to a bug but its not improving. I noticed you said week 10 was your worst week. can you help? many thanks. Sue

    • Posted

      i hope you don't mind my comments, it seems these tablets really do affect us differently. I have a week tummy and nausea has been a big problem for me along with weight loss. The dr wont believe that it is the effects of the Mirtazapine, it even lists it as a side effect. i finally got one to listen to me and was prescribed 7 Stemetil and they helped me to eat again. Everyone says little and often which is hard if your feeling so sick all the time. I dont know if your in the u.k but I hope this helps. x

    • Edited

      Hi Linda

      not at all! thank you for the tip. Ill see if i can hold of Stemetil. How long have you been off Mirt for? what an awful drug it is.

      i hope you're ok. take care. x

    • Posted

      HI Susan, i am sorry to say I am not off it at the moment reducing from 45 mg to 30 mg. But I was feeling so rotton on the upped dose I decided tO drop down very slowly. the other name for stemetil is Prochlorperazine 5mg. The sick feeling was so bad and i lost over a stone in weight.

      GOOD LUCK. msg me anytime.

    • Posted

      hello Linda,how did you drop down to 30 mg from45mg sorry this reply is so late,just would like some help as i am getting terrible anxiety and headaches every day.Thankyou

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      HI MAGGIE, the doctor just prescribed the 30 mg and made me go down to the lower dose. 梁☹. i was so very poorly. i am now still taking the mirtazapine 30 mg alongside pregablin. i am sorry you are suffering.

    • Posted

      ive only been taking mirt for 4 weeks 30mg and i hate it my stomach churns and when i go out my heart pounds . im more anxious on it than of , last night i took 22mg and going to do that for 2 weeks ? then 15 for 2 weeks and so on what side effects can i expect any help from anyone is appreciated i have made a personal post of my own yesterday grateful for any advice thanks

    • Posted

      Hello Lynda,thank you so much for your reply I am so glad to hear that you went straight from45mg to 30mg,45mg is making me feel so sick,shall drop down tonight as surely any side effects cant be as bad as how i feel now,anyway hope you are doing well and once again Thank You.

  • Edited

    Thank you! May I ask how long you've been off it for now? And do you still get spikes in anxiety? Insomnia seems to be kicking in now too. Crikey this med has some rebound effects doesn't it?! 

    I'm trying with my diet, but it's so hard when I feel so sick. I will up my water though! I try and get out every day, as my thoughts are racing! All this and looking after two little ones. Thank you so much for getting back to me! 

    • Edited

      I've been tapering for only a week now after being on for 4 years. I've ended up on the ground many times now screaming in agony and my family has been terrified and keeps wanting to call 911, but when I feel the storm coming on, I take a beta blocker for my heart and a xanax for the anxiety it's giving me and just have to ride the storm. This medication should be banned. I feel as if I was coming off of heroin. I have kids also and a full time job and it's been unbearable. The only thing helping at this point is the diet and exercise and knowing my body is finally getting used to the taper. My mood is so much better also. I'm struggling with insomnia so I am taking Benadryl to help with that. Remember that every antidepressant will be addicting and have horrendous side effects. Isn't it crazy that the one thing that is supposed to help is the one thing that destroys you in the end. 

    • Posted

      Do you get the anxiety in waves? That's exactly how it feels for me! I was in shock by how long this med takes to come out of your system. And the sickness is driving me mad, I feel pregnant, when I absolutely am not!! 

      I asked my doctor about betablockers but he wouldn't prescribe any as said they were too addictive, but will give this out no problem! A few times I have actually felt this is what it must feel like go come off heroin, it's crippling isn't it! 

      Surely it can't be much longer, I want this stuff out of my system! Hate waking up feeling awful, that's the worst time for me. 

      I wouldn't even have though of Benadryl, does it help?

    • Posted

      There are a few of us who are experiencing the same symptoms as you with Mirtazapine withdrawal on the " Escitilopram and Mirtazapine " thread .

      We have all had the same problems with withdrawal.

      Yes the anxiety does come in waves.

      Are you replacing the Mirtazapine with another drug or withdrawing from antidepressants altogether?

    • Posted

      Withdrawing all together, I've done a very slow taper, hoping that would help, but it's hit me hard. I've read that at 4 weeks a lot of people struggle? Any help and advice would be most appreciated 😊

    • Posted

      Yes, you and me too.  Slow taper is hitting me hard, down to 5mg now. Anxiety still there. Dr gave me diazepam to help it. Works a bit.  I am doing same as you, trying to withdraw altogether but its hard.  Have you been having the nightmares I get? I am coming up to four weeks after the last drop so its not easy.  I am also looking for advice and help.  I am on warfarin so cannot take omega3 fish oils but thats meant to help, also magnesium.  Most herbals are out for me due to interactions.

      do you use diazepam to help you? I know people say go to a class on meditation or yoga, the anxiety is stopping me and i feel so inadequate.

      look forward to hearing about you today.

    • Posted

      Oh Ann,

      Please don't feel inadequate, I can't face going to places either!

      I think it's another symptom of withdrawing from this drug?

      God it's hell thats for sure!

      Hugs 🤗 

    • Posted

      Hi Ann,  I'm so sorry you're going through all this too. I'm not 4.5 weeks off Mirt completely.  But it's tough, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I'm not sure how much you'd like to know, as I know sometimes knowing too much can be worse for us? I'm happy to share my experience if you'd like warts and all though? Right now I have waves and peaks of severe anxiety, especially morning times and in the middle of the night. I'm sure this must go away though?? 

      I'm not taking anything else at present, doctor was reluctant to give me anything other than an antidepressant and I didn't really want that! He wouldn't give me betablockers for when I'm really struggling either, clearly never been on blooming Mirt 😂

      Happy to answer anything I can help you with 😘

    • Posted

      I think i am having the similar experiences of those reporting on here.  Did you taper off at 7.5? Nausea some days, insomnia, anxiety, some days worse than others, appetite changes, a bit of agoraphobia but trying to push through it.  The nightmares are the worst.  Someone messing with my brain.  Some days s. Ideation.  I do find diazepam helpful 2mg.

      yes, warts and all - at least i will know its not just me!

      i am not taking any other anti dep and really dont want dr to try another, they've all given me problems.

      hoping you can push on through today, good wishes.

    • Posted

      hi again Karen,

      are you completely off now, sorry i get mixed up about who is where.

      am i the only one with the nightmares?

      pity we cant get together and thrash out all our problems!  Although you wouldnt want to go out here its like a monsoon rainstorm!

    • Posted

      Hi Ann,

      Yes I'm off Mirtazapine altogether now, been about 3.5 weeks, though it seems longer!

      Am now on 10mg Escitilopram, which I'm on day 21 of along with Quetiapine and 2mg Diazepam.

      I had the awful nightmares on Mirtazapine, but they have now appeared to of stopped.

      Hope things improve soon.

      Hugs 🤗 

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      Thanks . How are you finding the escitalopram, is it better for you than mirtazapine, early days i know.
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      It is different to tell to be honest with being on Quetiapine too.

      I started out ok on Mirtazapine so I'm not sure if things will stabilise on Escitilopram or get worse like they did with Mirtazapine!

       It then it only got bad on Mirtazapine when the dose was increased!

    • Posted

      I get anxiety in waves. I can get full blown panic attacks and feel like I'm having a heart attack. That's the only reason I'm taking the beta blocker right now because I wonder if I will even survive this mess.  

      The Benadryl helps a lot with sleep and with the insane headaches I'm getting.

      Wish there was an easier and faster way to be done with it.

    • Posted


      I tapered right down to 1.87mg for two weeks before coming off completely. 

      It's been really hard (still is) first 10 days felt fine, then had a Sunday where it hit me, couldn't sit still, tremors, complete anxiety all day long, couldn't eat, I was a mess! 

      One day not so bad, then one day awful. I'm still waking up with severe anxiety every morning, I have to wait for it to calm down a bit, that's tough too. I still have really vivid dreams, thought they'd have gone by now? 

      Appetite is rubbish, I have to force myself to eat anything, so all the Mirt weight I put on is well and truly gone! 

      I'm truly hoping I'm getting to the end of this, I don't want to scare anyone by writing what I have, but it's my honest account, I could never have imagined it would be this tough to come off a medication. I'm hoping I can keep going!! 

      Anything else I can help with, let me know x 

    • Posted

      I tried to find Benadryl today, and nowhere I live stock it! I get panics likes that too. Just awful, I never had palpitations as bad before! I've started getting awful headaches as well, didn't think they would be connected to the withdrawal, but it makes sense. It's been the longest 4.5 weeks of my life!!!!

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry! I would suggest ordering it online if it isn't anywhere close by. I can't find anything that helps my headaches but ibuprofen and Benadryl together. Let me know if you need help in finding it. I'm a drowned rat at work right now so today should be awesome. 😝

    • Posted

      Where are you? Haha It's glorious sunshine here! I live in a village, so that's probably why it's not available, paracetamol is modern 😉

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      I live in Idaho. It's about 75 degrees right now and the sun is out but I am sweating from the good ole Remeron. I feel like there should be a class action lawsuit against them.

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      I wake up sweating like a pig, never thought it was that either. God the list goes on doesn't it!! 

      I'm in Oxford, England, we don't get many sunny days 😂

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      England is on my bucket list! Would be amazing to go to! Plus I LOVE a British accent. 

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      You would love it in Oxford! I've never given much thought to my accent, we all love tea though, such a cliche haha! 

    • Posted

      Hi Kirsty.  I am not feeling so good again today, broken sleep, quite depressed and just generally rubbish.  The thought of another day.

      i am not even at the 1.87 yet, still at 3.75 and bad enough.   Things seem so much worse i even thought about going back up a dose but as these have never really worked for me it seems futile.

      did your gp send you to see psychiatrist or are you under gp alone.  I have been seeing psychiatrist since things got bad.  All he does is try another anti dep and then it doesnt work and im back to square one.   He has tried to get the mirtaz up but larger doses i couldnt cope with. I am in such a quandary as upping doesnt work, lowering is making me feel down and anxious , and changing doesnt seem to work.  Did you actually feel better on mirtaz and it did its job before you lowered?  I have never got to that point. 

    • Posted

      My GP wanted to send me to a psychiatrist, but I refused. I'm under his care but I don't think he fully understands how hard it is to come off this medication so I've relied mostly on reading materials online and joining this forum. I never responded to any medication out of numerous but the Remeron, but the more dosage I took, the worse I felt. Everyday was pure hell with depression, weight gain, headaches, anxiety, not wanting to go anywhere, suicidal thoughts, you name it. Since I've been tapering off of it, I have many withdrawal symptoms but I do not feel depressed like I did and I don't have suicidal thoughts and the night terrors are gone. For me personally I will never go back on any psych medication again. Are you maybe wanting to switch to a different medication or are you wanting to be done completely? I know the only thing that has truly helped me cope with this is diet and exercise and plenty of water. I do have to force myself to go for walks but I feel so much better afterwards. I also take Benadryl to help me sleep at night which generally works wonders. 

      Keep me updated on what's going on.

    • Posted

      Hi Ann, I'm so sorry you're struggling today. How long were you on Mirt before you cut down? Mirt did help me, it helped me sleep and helped with my anxiety. 

      I didn't find the reduction hit me as quickly as it has done for you. But I completely sympathise. 

      I'm only under the doctor. I've got talking space CBT over the phone, but it's not enough to be honest. 

      Can you get a doctors appointment? The most I could go up to was 15mg Mirt. 

      Here for you xx

    • Posted

      I have had a bad night.  I am not sure if its the lowering mirtaz causing the symptoms, or if its the original symptoms coming back.  People say keep trying to lower but its so uncomfortable.  Now i dont know whether im ill again or if its the med causing it.  I was find becore the merry go round of meds started to try to control my anxiety.
    • Posted

      Hi Ann,

      I keep having bad nights too just when I think I'm starting to be fine and taper down to the next lower dose. Anxiety and chest pain and insomnia ugh. Worries me for when I taper next on Monday. Not sure exactly what is causing it but I understand where you're coming from. It has to get easier I hope! 

    • Edited

      Hi, well this taper is not going to,plan.  Three weeks down to about 3.75 and horrendous nausea, anxiety and insomnia.  Together with depression and feel like im going mad.  Brain just not functioning.

      Last night had to resort to the 7.5 as i woke with anxiety attack after a day of nausea.  Dont know what to do next, think i will have to start back nearer 7.5 and drop more slowly, hope that will work for sleep and nausea.  Hips ache too, seems thats also a side effect.

      is benadryl available in uk over the counter, that might help the insomnia, not the anxiety though.

       Any useful tips appreciated.

    • Posted

      Hi karen

      I see from your last post a month ago that you are now off mirtazipine,was wondering what dose you had been on at start? for how long? and how did you taper off? and your experiences of withdrawing from it?

      was wondering why you came off this drug? and how do you feel now you have been off the drug a bit longer,have all side effects gone? and how long have you been off it now?

      really hope you are doing well


    • Posted

      Hi karen

      Hope you continue to do well,how long have you now been completely mirtazipine free? Have been reducing from 45mg since May,and currently at 18.75mg,and looked many suffered the withdrawel nausea,extreme fatigue,tinnitus,sweats and anxiety spikes along the way,but taking it slow and getting there.Had been on 45mg nearly six years which really helped my severe clinical depression at the time,would have been prepared to remain on this drug for ever,even put up with weight gain,but the nightmares have become unbearable.still having them even while reducing,but see this is quite common too.just wanted to ask at what stage did your nightmares completely go away? And what was your dose you started on? And by how much did you drop each time?

      Best wishes that you remain sell.

    • Posted

      When I went off the worst for me was early mornings. It was like pure panic and I never had much anxiety before mirtazapine. I wish you luck and stay off it. 

      I went back on and now I have no idea what to do..help ! 

    • Posted

      I’m sorry you are experiencing this but can we stop with the heroin analogy? Having come off both stopping mirtazapine is nothing like stopping heroin. The former is a thousand times easier and people reading this who might be depressed and needing mirtazapine could be put off by the comparison. 

      My understanding is that mirtazapine is an antidepressant primarily and that if the depression is effectively treated and not chronic or recurrent in nature then when one comes of the drug there should be few problems aside from mild insomnia, which was my experience. But doctors use mirtazapine for anxiety and insomnia but, unlike depression, it only treats the symptoms whilst one is on the drug so if you were anxious and had insomnia before mirtazapine then it is normal that these would come back unless you have done some psychological work (anxiety management, CBT, mindfulness meditation etc.).  

      Everyone’s brain and body are different though, as well as the way we metabolise meds, so obviously I can’t speak specifically to your situation, but ask yourself if anxiety and insomnia were present before mirtazapine and, if so, try stop blaming the drug for ‘withdrawal’ symptoms and try and find non-pharmacological methods to deal with your anxiety, if that’s what you want. 

      I hope this isn’t too unsympathetic - I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years so I understand. Interestingy, I’m free from both for the first time in my life (off meditation) after trying ayahuasca five months ago. It’s a potent 5HT2a (serotonin) receptor agonist so there is a scientific reason why it would work as an antidepressant/anxiolytic but, obviously, it’s a psychedelic drug so it wouldn’t be for everyone and one has to be off all psych meds beforehand as there can be a dangerous interaction between the plant and, in particular, antidepressants. Also, if there is a history of psychosis or bipolar disorder in oneself or one’s family one should avoid it.  Put “Prof. David Nutt, psychedelic drugs and depression” into YouTube and watch his talks on the topic. 

    • Posted

      There is a Facebook page dedicated to the withdrawals of mirtazapine seriously have a look some horrible story’s I was lucky and did suffer to bad but have gone on lovan a antidepressant because of my fibromyalgia I read some pretty horrible stories I went off of the page because sometimes the more you read the more you think about it and the worse it feels I never had any side effects except the slight weight gain but that came of every one is different some people don’t suffer at all and some do really badly you’ll be ok just hang in there it will pass❤️
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      Valiums helped me at night time and if I was having anxiety honestly helped me a lot 
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      You could always try another antidepressant I did and it helped me heaps then cane of that easy I’m taking a low dose antidepressant called lovan but that’s because I have fibromyalgia Valiums helped me heaps while going through the WD ❤️
    • Edited

      Hello Pierre

      I think you might want to do a bit more research on the % of people who do indeed experience very severe acute long lasting withdrawal from mirtazapine. Your experience is one person’s story, and fortunately you’re one of the lucky ones who did not experience its withdrawals. 

      I have been reading and researching mirtazapine for over 3 years, thousands of stories, hundreds of sites. A very large percentage of people do experience crippling long lasting withdrawal rivalring heroin withdrawal from this rogue unstable drug, both physical and psychological, regardless of how long they’ve been on it or for reasons why they were prescribed it. And BTW, many are preschbed it solely for sleep, a widely prescribed off label use. So those folks never had anxiety or depression or any of the horrific w/d symptoms mirtazapine unpacks on them before taking it.

      Maybe try and learn about others stories instead of solely relying on your experince as the one and only sample of what is real world.

      I wish you well.

    • Edited

      keep going. don't give in to the mind. it gets a little better day by day......

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      Its 16 weeks since I had the last pill. My sleeping is still very erratic,nowhere near back to normal but better than it was. Anxiety has diminished over the last 10 days. Sometimes I feel nearly normal It has been a hard 4 months but I am hopeful it will end soon

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      10 weeks off mirt and this has been my first week of far less anxiety and a few nights of normal sleep despite the virus stress and pmt so i am really really happy with that.

      Hoping this continues..... its definitely a big improvement guys! keep with it. interestingly this is the first month when my period date has been back to normal so thats another sign - mirt really does mess with everything.

      stay safe guys xxx

    • Edited

      Excuse me butting in. I have been eating pistachio nuts every day for the natural melatonin they contain also magnesium glycinate. It all helps with sleep I'm down to 1mg of mirt and sleeping well.

    • Posted


      Am going through terrible time with anxiety which is crippling as have it all day. No natural sleep since Christmas night 2019.

      Prescribed Mirt as ten years ago when it didnt help at all. Have reduced to nothing from 30 mg a few weeks ago. Tapered to 15, then half and half again. Why take a drug if not helping but now just have to rely on sleeping tablet for sleep.

      Can Mirt make you more anxious or is it just me?

      Feel very much in despair as had 7 weeks in hospital only to be very drugged but not any better.

    • Posted


      Sorry you are going through this. Mirtazipine can definitely make you more anxious if it doesnt suit you. It did me, and my pharmasicist said this can happen. Coming off fast also makes you very anxious and can give you insomnia. I did a fast taper and have just turned a corner - i thought i woukd never get better - i am 11 weeks off mirt.

      Fast taper was by far the mist difficult thing i have ever experienced but its over now thankfully.

      They say fast taper is brutal and 10% a month is suggested.

      good luck x

    • Posted

      This drug does seem to cause all sorts of problems starting and coming off. BE KIND TO YOURSELF. xx

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply. What your pharmacist told you really encourages me as you don't know which symptom is the illness and which the drug. Great you have made it. Well done and thanks again x

    • Posted

      THANK YOU CHRISTINE, i have stopped my reducing dose so after nearly a month of just cutting down by 7.5mg I seem to be the other side of the withdrawal symptoms. With everything going on I need to think about my sanity. i don't go on F.B very often and only watch the news once a day. My anxiety is mostly under control which is good.

      Pharmacists do seem to know more than Doctors. STAY safe & well. x

    • Posted

      Having said this, my tinitis is horrendous and sleeping is not easy.

      But just getting through each day.

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      hello Christy you posted this 2 years ago can u plz tell me if youre ok and fully off it now? mirtazapine?

    • Posted

      hi, , can you recommend what magnesium supplement you use please? I'm struggling to find one that that will help with withdrawal and sleep thank you xxxx

    • Posted

      HI SOPHIE, linda here, i think she said she was eating pistachio nuts for the magnesium. x

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      Hi Sophie, The magnesium I take is magnesium glycinate. it is gentler on the tummy and doesn't cause diarrhea like other magnesium also I believe citrate is a good one also. I would avoid magnesium oxide. hope this helps.

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      thank you everyone. Can anyone recommend a brand or milligram that they used. Ive just purchased Boots 375 mg.

      Even a brand for the salts?

      do you believe either supplement worked? are you still using them? did it help with the insomnia? thank you in advance xxx

    • Posted

      sorry for butting in...Holland and barret have something very good for insomnia it helped me....they absolutely stink but they did for me...it was only the higher dose that worked for me think it was 337mg or something like that and think.it was called valerian...

    • Posted

      its brutal I tried too come off unfortunately I done it far too quick and wasnt well at all...and I had too go bk on mirtazapine but just the 15mg..I was on 45mg for years...but I would love too be free of antidepressants...😪

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry I never seen this message

      ...unfortunately things didnt go well for me and I ended up very ill....I done the taper far far too quick....I'm now bk on mitrazapine 15mg and 225 of venlafaxine....I've never experienced anything like that in my life I couldn't sleep couldn't eat...never had anxiety before but by doing the taper far too quick my anxiety was thru the roof...anyway as I said I'm bk on 15mg ..I woukd love too be free of mitrazapine so I'm going too try again but very very slowly this time...just dont know how too go about it...only thing I can think of is cutting up my pill I have just now...

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      Just a question, are you in the uk ?. my doctor in the uk is a disbeliever of the side effects of withdrawal as well as the going on effects. They wouldnt help me at all so i have cut my tablets up to taper.

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      Someone said that 10% every 4 weeks is a gentle idea but just go at your own pace and see how you get on, don't go up if you feel wobbly just stay at the same dose until you feel better again.

    • Edited

      hi Linda, unfortunately doctors ARE in denial about the withdrawal effects from mirtazapine. Just be very careful about your cutting, you have to go really slow, I've taken 6 months to cut from 7.5 mg and on day 6 of no tablet with slight withdrawal ie sleep problems. There are excellent support groups on FB, one of which I belong to. I've gained alot of help from them. I'm in the UK too. best wishes.

    • Posted

      Hi Sophie, The Boots one should be ok, you need around 400mg each day, also the magnesium flakes are good for in the bath or foot soak.,they're very cheap. Magnesium is widely deficient so we need it, also vit D as A/D 's deplete it in the body.

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      any epsom salts are fine with me and im super sensitive, the withdrawal for me lasted 12 weeks and i had every symptom going hence why i started the facebook support group to help others, ive completely healed from mirt now but trying to get off an ssri for me is worse grrrrrr x

    • Posted

      hi toria. i hope youre ok. i didnt realise youd set up a FB group. what is it called?

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      Thank you for your reply Vivienne, arent they just, before Christmas i was told to drop from 30mg to 15 in two weeks in order to start Citalopram I was so very poorly and my side effects were unmanagable so they put me up to 30mg again and then on 45 mg. My sleep is so bad at the moment and i feel as if i am going mad with no sleep, i cant sleep or even nap during the day. Its all horrendous. x

      i would be interested in your F.B group as well its a shame that our doctors can join too then they would understand more.

    • Posted

      I feel that my MITRAZAPINE is making me feel hyped up all of the time and its why i cant sleep. I have been given 10 mg of Propanolol to take as and when but when the tablet wears off i feel worse. Do you think i am imagining this.

    • Edited

      Hi Linda, The support group I joined is Mirtazapine Withdrawal & Recovery Support. If you send a friend request they will add you. they have alot of knowledge and support available and always come back quickly with advice. Best wishes

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      yes I'm in Scotland linda thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it...yeah I think 10%... I just wish doctors could give me tables minus 10% would make things easier ..

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      hi karen

      if youre on Facebook put Mirtazapine in as a search and the group will come up. there are a couple but you want the Mirtazapine Withdrawal + Support Group. you ask to join and will be given some questions to answer. its a really good group. the admin team post some useful articles/videos/advice and everyone just shares their experiences of being on Mirt. its comforting to know youre not alone.

    • Posted

      The support group is based in US but has many UK members. if you read Susan's msg to Karen that's the one.

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      i know what you mean, a pill cutter makes it a bit easier but not very accurate. x

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      hello i seen that you said you have read tons of articles on this. and honestly just reading this thread is worrying me. i was on it for a little over a year and it worked better then anything ever has im 33 and was blown away by how much better i felt but my body completely changed i went from always being between 90- 115 lbs to 140 that may sound low but i am only 5'1 and have always been small framed. i have a bone D that really affects my legs so the unhappiness with the weight gain and the need for surgery and my docs concerned about the weight it was a must to come off. i talk to my sub doc who is my psych doc and he said no problem he took me from 30 to 15 in five days and then 15 to zero in the next five. it hasnt been a week and ive already been started on two other anti d. i thought i was having a allergic reaction bc im itching all over my body my hands are red and swollen went to the ER they did nothing and said i was probably having a reaction to new m. so they stopped me on that and now im on celexa. totally confused bc i woke up with some kind of boil under finger, cant sleep, cant eat but most scary i cant stop it itching and is this boil going to get worse? im going to contact my doc. but do i get back on to wing back off slowely? im so confused why are others saying it took them months and very low dose but my doc stopped me at 15 in ten days? its been about a week and the symptoms seem to be increasing.. any advice would be greatly loved! thank you for reading this essay lol

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      hi Linda! hows the tinnitus? mine is crazy loud in both ears!!! started last mar 2! ive been off mirt since nov!!!!!

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      hi Jen how are things now? recovered I hope

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      hi toria in 5 months cold turkey due to it causing prolonged QT and i already have a heart conditin due to covid i was on dosulepin for 20 years then 7.5 months of this awful mirtazapine now back on dosulepin wow its never ending did your ears make the most awful hissing noise which feels like my brain is frying

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