Mirtazapine withdrawal - Ongoing sleep trouble
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I have been off Mirt for 3.5 month now. My sleep never recovered so far. I wake up every night after 3-4 hours and then can't go back to sleep. I have tried all kind of remedies from sleeping teas to 5 HTP, Tryptophan and Seriphos, accupuncture,.... Trying to avoid sleeping pills and Trazodone but running out of options as I am getting to a breaking point. Any suggestions what could help or did somenone had similar experiences
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claire4518 georg85519
Calmer claire4518
Georg seems to have left us !
I used to take Zopiclone and it only enabled me 4 hours sleep also, and then it wasn't proper "Rem" sleep, leaving me megga fatigued. Why don't you try and wean off that now, it is also addictive. I think the advise Rose has given regarding the huge histamine block that Mirt contains, and to try replaceing this with Benadryl or Clarityn half an hour before bed would be your best bet; you can take at the same time as the Magnesium Betsy is advising. Keep going with the magnesium, sometimes it takes a week or so to make a difference.
If Zopiclone is only giving 4 hours [non quality] sleep, and is also as addictive as the Mirt' and hard to come off after long time use, and dangerous also, it's got to be worth a try ??
Wishing you good sleep !
& best wishes x
claire4518 georg85519
betsy0603 claire4518
Some people get the cortisol surges that start them awake, and any amount of light can cause this to happen. A sleep mask is one thing to try, as well as black-out curtains that let absolutely no light in. Making sure anything in your room that makes light is off/blocked is also important. Our computer router is in the bedroom so I have to cover it so those alien ship lights don't bother me!
Just a thought. Also, if you are really fitful, perhaps that would be a good time to take a nice epsom salt bath.
Lastly, did you try the tapping? "Even though I can't sleep, I deeply and completely love and accept myself" followed by "Can't sleep" at each tapping point. I know it sounds corny, but those points have helped me fall asleep.
claire4518 georg85519
iannufc claire4518
Calmer iannufc
Those symptoms sound like protracted withdrawal, even this long down the line after last dose - how did you withdraw, I mean was it quite quickly or lowering the dose over a considerable time?
Wishing you well.
iannufc Calmer
Calmer iannufc
You probably think "yeh but I'm off now" ... but your body is still in wd, bless you.
going from 15 to 7.5 = 50% - which you did for 2 weeks
going from 7.5 to 3.75 = 50% for one week - then jumped off
No wonder you had such a bad wd. It takes 2 weeks for full WD to kick in AND THEN you did another 50% for only a week.
It may sound crazy but if this goes on and on, you may want to reinstate at 3.75 mg, don't chuck that idea aside but have it ready if these symptoms carry on beyond a period of your acceptance. You may be suprised that your symptoms disappear, then you stay at 3.5 for a couple of months, and bit by bit reduce from there slowly - like over 6 weeks or more.
Hope some of this may help. Best wishes.
iannufc Calmer
I think my best bet is waiting it out, I seem to be ultra sensitive to these kind of meds and meds in general. If I went back on I'd be back at square one. I'd say I was about 80% there. At least now I know it's protracted withdrawal. Thanks a lot for putting me onto that.
Calmer iannufc
WOW, it's such a pity your doctor chose an AD for insomnia when in fact you were probably withdrawing from nicotine, which in turned caused your insomnia. The low doses of Mirt' are used for insomnia - off rule I think. Your wd sounds terrifying, I've read of many such stories of folk coming off Mirt - as bad as heroin some say.
There is a guy who used to post of this forum who went cold turky (one of many) and 7 months down the line he has just reinstated after much agony and debilitation. He has gone to 3.75 and like magic all the symptoms have gone, and now he is free from suffering. I think he plans to have a break, get stable again ... and then maybe wd slowly. There are different ways to come off 3.75 - just give me a shout if ever you need more info.
Lots of water, taking another anti histamine would help probably, (Mirt' contains a huge block and replicating this helps some).
Hope waiting it out works for you soon, give yourself a pat on the back, you've survived a rotten experienced.
Sunbird8 Calmer
Very interesting about the guy reinstating,I am so glad to know that he is at last free from suffering.
I wonder if it is David who has indeed suffered so much over a long time.
Who ever it is may they continue to regain their health at last.
I hope your WD is going well too Calmer.
Sunbird8 georg85519
I find 2 paracetamol and 2 Magnesium Citrate 400mg tablets =800mg at bed time really help.
Having WD from mirt I am anxious not to become addicted to another drug so I'm happy this works for me although we are all different.
I hope things soon improve for you George.
Best Wishes,