Mirtazipine dosage increase
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After 8 weeks of hell on sertraline my doctor changed me to 15mg of mirtazipine. This got to work within days and I had a good 3 weeks of feeling almost normal ! I thought this was a miracle drug but this last week I've felt my anxiety creeping back and this morning was feeling quite desperate. I went to see my GP and he said double the dose. I expressed my concern about the fact that lower doses are better for anxiety and sleep and I was worried that a higher dose wouldn't be good for my anxiety but he dismissed this and sent me off with a 30mg prescription. Do I take it ? I can't go back to were I started I feel so scared and desperate
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Calmer jessica50647
Doubling the dose, in my humble opinion, isn't the answer, most people complain their anxiety gets worse on 30mg, not everyone. I think you're wise to ask here.
jessica50647 Calmer
Calmer jessica50647
See what your doctor says, be strong, this phase will pass, just hang on in there.
Baz. jessica50647
jessica50647 Baz.
drew17 jessica50647
pixie22 jessica50647
jessica50647 pixie22
pixie22 jessica50647
jessica50647 pixie22
pixie22 jessica50647
jessica50647 pixie22
Calmer jessica50647
You must try to see that it is not the Mirt' causing the crash down that you mention, but the stopping Sert' so abruptly that has caused a withdrawal/discontinuation anxiety and lowness ... if you search ( g o og le) taking Mirtazapine & Sert together, you will find lots of advice and even other threads from this website. That way you can research and see that it is poss to take a little step back, keep on with the Mirt, and reinstate the Sert at maybe 50 and wait to feel stable again, it will settle you, but you have to be prepared to wait a day or two, or even a little longer.
A quick withdrawal from either Mirt' or Sert brings about nasty symptoms, most people imagine that it is their old symptoms returning, when in fact it is not, just the discontinuation, body craving the med.
Hope this might help. Take a little look, and hang on in there, you will be fine xx
jessica50647 Calmer
Wouldn't I have felt withdrawal side effects from the sertraline sooner ? After finishing sertraline and starting mirtazipine I had 3 good weeks ?
Calmer jessica50647
Hi Jessica
No, not necessarily, I think I answered this above ... take a look. The thing is Mirtazapine can't cover or just 'take over' wd from another AD, only that AD's ISert) reintroduction can restore/alleviate that in your system.
How are you feeling today?
jessica50647 Calmer
I feel rubbish ! I just still can't believe this is happening. I don't want this to be my life forever but it just keeps creeping back. I have an amazing partner and little boy but went into severe anxiety in March and now this is me forever ? Why ? ?? Sertraline really didn't agree with me I don't know what I should do. I've got a pressure feeling in my face today too