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Hi all had a tkr 7-8 months ago after all the hard work I put in and listening to all your gems, my life was showing promise. 2weeks ago I fell over in my lounge. Now I’ve broken new knee to bits and severely fractured my femur had surgery 2days ago haven’t been off bed yet due to low blood pressure. Words of wisdom?

Sandra xx

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    No wisdom just underdtanding and sympathy. So sorry to hear this. I hope you heal well and recover quickly. xx
  • Posted

    No wisdom just understanding and sympathy. So sorry to hear this. I hope you heal well and recover quickly. xx
  • Posted

    This is awful. So sorry this happened to you. I'm only 3 months post tkr and cringe at the thought of what happened to you.Wish you a speedy recovery

  • Posted

    Sandra, it even hurts to read this! I wish you the best and somehow try to focus on "one day at a time". Keep using this site and remember a lot of people are pulling for you.

  • Posted

    I am 10 weeks post op.  Your news makes me almost sick.  I’m so sorry. We all understand what it means to have endured the initial recovery from the TKR.  I am praying that you won’t suffer badly in your recovery now.
  • Posted

    OMG, how terrible!!!!  You are not the only person on this site that has fallen and broke their new knee....it has made me paranoid about falling.  No words of wisdom...just sympathy and hoping you mend quickly.  
  • Posted

    So sorry to hear this, I bet you feel like you've been thrown back into hell!

    This is the one thing that frightens me - falling over.

    Keep taking the pain relief, and wish you a speedy recovery.

    Best wishes,


  • Posted

    Oh I am so sorry for you!  You are going thru my greatest fear! I am 7+ weeks ltkr and worried that something will happen before I even heal all the way!  Godspeed in your recovery!
  • Posted

    So sorry to hear your terrible news. I do hope you start to feel better soon. Hugs x
  • Posted

    So sorry to hear of this! It's scary to think our prosthetics can break that easy. Which leads me to ask, did your surgeon comment as to your progress before the fall? And what was the state of your overall health condition before your surgery? How strong are your bones? DId you and are you taking calcium?  Then there's the age question. Make sure you are doing everything the doctor tells you plus do your own research and eat healthy and take supplements. Take courage; our bodies have an amazing ability to heal if we give it the right things. 

  • Posted

    Sell the lounge...
    • Posted

      That was back in the 60's.  I admit to nothing, I wasn't there, the dog ate my homework... "Honest... I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!" - Joliet Jake Blues

  • Posted

    Chico bit drastic to sell lounge have I got you stumped this time round excuse pun. Joking apart I’ve been lucky not to have lost this leg. Sandra xxx
    • Posted

      Just trying to inject a little levity into an otherwise horrific situation.  Hope I got at least a tiny little chuckle out of you.  Sometimes when things are so bad, you just have to take another path.  When my first wife Susan died of breast cancer back in 1983 at age 34, our daughter Kate was 5, I walked around for a week in a t-shirt that read "Dazed and Confused".  Sometimes, there are no words and there are too many simultaneous feelings to make any sense out of life.  For you...one day at a time.  Don't even look down the road and start playing "what if" games in your head. Focus on the NOW and get a little better every day.  Not easy.  My prayers go out to you...

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